Telegram group: [CIT344] The binary equivalent of the decimal number 10 is __________ 1010 [CIT344] The BCD equivalent of 34 in decimal is__________ 7 [CIT344] A bit in a computer terminology means either 0 or 1. TRUE' [CIT344] Convert 52 in hexadecimal into decimal equivalent. 82 [CIT344] What is BCD addition of (23)BCD  and (20)BCD ? 01000011 [CIT344] A combinational circuit does not require _________________ memory [CIT344] The process of division on memory spaces is called ______________ Augmentation [CIT344] Total number of inputs in a half adder is __________ 2 [CIT344] What does the symbol D represent in a hexadecimal number system? 13 [CIT344] What is the function of an enable input on a multiplexer chip? To activate the entire chip