Telegram group: [CIT341] Which of the following sorting algorithm is not in place? Bubble sort [CIT341] Which of the following options is an instance of divide and conquer Bubble sort [CIT341] An array contains five the numbers 12,5,7,-1,2 to be sorted. If after the first iteration, the array is now 5,7,-1, 2, 12. Which algorithm is being used? Bubble sort [CIT341] Given a directed graph G with the set of edges E = { (1, 2), (2, 4), (4, 2) (4, 1)} what will be the set of edge of it transpose? E = { (2, 1), (4,2), (2, 4) (1,4)} [CIT341] An array A[0..n-1] is sorted using the Insertion sort algorithm. The worst case and the best case running time of this computation respectively are O (n2) and O (n) [CIT341] Which of the following algorithms relies on the principle of optimality? Dynamic Programming [CIT341] An array A[0..n-1] is sorted using the merge-sort algorithm. The worst case and the best case running time of this computation respectively are O (n log n) and O (n log n) [CIT341] Consider the problem of searching an element x in an array of size n. which class of algorithm can we use If we want to solve the problem in O(Logn) Divide and Conquer [CIT341] The sorting technique where array to be sorted is partitioned again and again in such a way that all elements less than or equal to partitioning element appear before it and those which are greater appear after it, is called Quicksort [CIT341] Which of the following is true about graph? A graph may contain no edges and many vertices