Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 CHM315 Question: Which of the following is a non-reducing disaccharide; Answer: [B] trehalose Question: Which of the following does not form Osazone crystals? Answer: [A] Sucrose Question: Application of the osazone reaction to ---------------and --------------- demonstrates that these compounds differ in configuration only at C-2. Answer: [A] D-glucose and D-mannose Question: Polydextrose (poly-D-glucose) is a synthetic, highly-branched polymer with many types of ----------------------- linkages Answer: [C] glycosidic Question: Benedict\'s test is positive for; Answer: [A] glucose Question: An alternative chain shortening procedure known as the Wohl degradation is essentially the -------------- of the Kiliani-Fischer synthesis. Answer: [D] reverse Question: An alternative chain shortening procedure known as the Wohl degradation is essentially the -------------- of the Kiliani-Fischer synthesis. Answer: [A] different Question: The diether product in the formation of glycosides is stable to base and alkaline oxidants such as -------------------- Answer: [D] Tollen\'s reagent. Question: During glycoside formation the anomeric methyl glucosides are formed in an equilibrium ratio of 66% alpha to --------------- Answer: [B] 34% beta. Question: Fructose is the carbohydrate of; Answer: [C] Honey Question: Ribose and arabinose (two well known pentoses) both give -------------- on Ruff degradation Answer: [B] erythrose