Telegram group: [CHM314] When \(CO_{2}\) dissolves in water, a hydrated \(CO_{2}\) molecule is producednwhich then forms an equilibrium mixture containing bicarbonaten and carbonate ions [CHM314] Which of the following constitute the permanent gases of the atmosphere? oxygen and nitrogen [CHM314] Which of the following is not part of the basic processes of Nitrogen Cycle? Precipitation [CHM314] In limestone, chalk and coral, carbon exist as calcium carbonate [CHM314] Movement of water in its physical states through and around the planetnis accomplished by the water cycle. [CHM314] The average weather condition in a region over a long period of time is known as climate. [CHM314] Processses that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere include photosynthesis [CHM314] The layer of mixture of gases that extends up to 700 kilometres above the Earth’s surface is known as atmosphere [CHM314] Which of the following is not a natural biogeochemical cycles? Hydrogen Cycle [CHM314] Nitrogen is not readily available for cellular utilisation. This is because the strong triple covalent bonds between the nitrogen atoms in nitrogen molecules make it relativelyn inert