Telegram group: [CHM312] Which of the following is not a feature of enzymes? change as the reaction complete [CHM312] Which of the following is not a step in wine production? solublisation [CHM312] During beer manufacturing, the cracked ….…is transffered to a container called a mash tum, and hot water is added malt [CHM312] Which of the following units operation is applicable in product recovery process during fermentaition? all of the options [CHM312] Which of the following does not apply in cells rapturing during product recovery and prufication in fermentation? low pressure [CHM312] All the following affect enzymes in their action except…….. reaction [CHM312] The process used by ancient people to make wine, cheese and beer is called ……. Fermentation [CHM312] The process of heating and drying malt during brewing is called…….. kilning [CHM312] The following scientist contributed in the exploration and development of fermentation process except……. Beer Lambert [CHM312] During the brewing process, …… are added to the wort to provide a spicy flavor, aroma and bitterness that balances the sweetness of the wort. hops