Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 BUS831 Question: expectancy theory posits that employees’ tendency to behave in a particular way is a function of their expectation of a desired outcome. Answer: Vroom\'s Question: is the grouping together of jobs to aid the coordination of common tasks. Answer: Departmentalisation Question: Specialisation and division of labour maximises Answer: Production Question: The degree of differences between members of a group is called Answer: Diversity Question: ‭ ‬developed the first comprehensive theory of management Answer: Henri Fayol Question: The extent to which members of a group are attracted to each other and are motivated to remain in the group is called Answer: Cohesiveness Question: A situation where people intentionally twist information to be more favourable to the receiver than it actually is called Answer: Filtering Question: refers to situational factors that determine the suitability or otherwise of leadership styles. Answer: Contingency Question: evaluates the degree to which an individual is comfortable with relationships. Answer: Extraversion Question: evaluates the degree to which an individual is reliable. Answer: Concientiouness Question: Organisations are vital parts of their‭ ‬whose actions affect the environment and are, in tum, affected by changes in the environment. Answer: Environment Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008