Telegram group: [BUS424] Harrington Emerson wrote „The Twelve Principles of Efficiency‟ in ___. 1911 [BUS424] _____ meant systematic observation and measurement. Taylor [BUS424] ____ was a major contributor to the administrative approach which was started by Fayol. Urwick [BUS424] ____pioneered the administrative approach of organisation and management. Henri Fayol [BUS424] According to___,all organisations can be classified according to their function or goal. Talcott Parsons [BUS424] Henry L. _____ introduced the concept of task-and-bonus system. Gantt [BUS424] ___ was an engineer and production was his focal point of interest. Taylor [BUS424] ______ and Lilian Gilbreth examined human motions in general. Frank [BUS424] A _____ is a set of ideas which claims to explain how something works. theory [BUS424] ______ contributes to organisational efficiency. Bureaucracy