Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 BUS322 Question: The amount of knowledge is an accelerated path Answer: correct Question: In cohesive group members perceiving things differently from their groups is known as Answer: selfish perceptive Question: conflict that surfaced only when the conflictive situation becomes antagonistic and openly unco-operative Answer: personality clash Question: Social Change a change in social attitudes, behaviours, values and belief and composition of the people Answer: correct Question: The maximum ability of a person of group to induce or influence other individuals or groups Answer: power Question: This is the extent to which members of a society accept that power distributed unequally in organizations is Answer: Power distance Question: In cohesive group, there is the possibility of members perceiving things from their groups’ (selfish) perceptive Answer: correct Question: Culture is used as an analytical device to distinguish one society from another Answer: correct Question: Individuals and groups interact within the structure of the formal Answer: organization Question: Groups exist in all organizations and are essential to their working and Answer: performance Question: is a cause of conflict that surfaced only when the conflictive situation becomes antagonistic and openly unco-operative Answer: personality clashe Question: We see organizations as societies in microcosm Answer: correct Question: the extent to which members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty is Answer: Uncertainty Avoidance Question: Organizations are made up of their individual Answer: members Question: All organizations function as part of the broader external environment of which it is part. Answer: correct Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008