Telegram group: [BIO306] Nervous tissue is composed of two main cell types which are ______ and _______ cells neuron and glial [BIO306] The point where the nerve fibres from all the sensitive cells of the retina converge to form the optic nerve which connects the eye to the brain is called Blind spot [BIO306] Which of the following is a characteristic of motor neuron? All of the options [BIO306] Which of the following is NOT true about sensory neurons? None of the options [BIO306] The system responsible for transporting blood around the body is known as Circulatory system [BIO306] Which of the following substances is function of oxygenated blood to carry? Oxygenated blood [BIO306] Which of the following is part of respiratory system? Bronchiole [BIO306] The part of nervous system that carries the impulse from the cell body towards its terminal branches which may either pass on the impulse to another neuron, or into a muscle or gland to bring about the required action is called _______ Axon [BIO306] The wall of the eyeball is made up of the following layers except _______ eyelid [BIO306] Human beings are osmoregulators and they exhibit _______ condition to their environment hyperosmotic