BIO305 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 A locus is define as Answer: specific place occupies bya gene on chromosomes \nWhat is the advantage of the small genome size of E.coli? Answer: allow for the entire genome to be determined A base pairing rule in DNA is Answer: both a and c The classical principles of genetics were deduced by Answer: gregor mendel AUG is a codon for Answer: methionine Non-sense codons play a role in Answer: terminating message of gene- controlled protein synthesis Phylogenetic classification is based on Answer: common evolutionary descendants Why are experiment in molecular study performed usually with one type of cell and are generalize to other cells. Answer: both a and d The functional unit of heredity which occupies a specific locus on chromosome and direct the formation of enzyme and protein is termed as Answer: gene A locus is define as Answer: specific place occupies bya gene on chromosomes \nWhat is the advantage of the small genome size of E.coli? Answer: allow for the entire genome to be determined A base pairing rule in DNA is Answer: both a and c The classical principles of genetics were deduced by Answer: gregor mendel Phosphodiester bond is the reson behind the Answer: anti-parallel strand of DNA Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008