Telegram group: [BIO215] Bromosilicate glasses were formally known as Pyrex [BIO215] Glass is still used for some appliances instead of plastic for all but one of the following reasons for convenience [BIO215] Which of these reagents should not be stored in glass bottles hydrofluoric acid [BIO215] Which of the following is not classified as a laboratory hazard? room temperature [BIO215] Which of the following is not common to all scientific laboratories? vacuum chamber [BIO215] Which of the following is not a type of flask? Darwin [BIO215] One of these is not a laboratory glassware autoclave [BIO215] One of these is a type of tube used in the laboratory Thistle [BIO215] One of these will not be required in a biochemistry laboratory particle accelerator [BIO215] Why is quartz glass used for some appliances? its ability to withstand high temperature