Telegram group: [BIO210] Which of these plants is not a conifer? Horse tail [BIO210] All these plants have reduced flowers except -------------- Pines [BIO210] The following statements are correct about the Gnetophytes except -------- they produce broad leaves I groups of twos and threes [BIO210] Magnoliophyta is divided into how many classes? 2 [BIO210] In the spermatophytes, the plant discribed as the single living species of tree is Ginkgo [BIO210] The oldest known seed plant is Elkinsia [BIO210] Conifers are sources of the following products except paints [BIO210] Apart from ornamental uses, flowering plants are used for the following except waxes [BIO210] Which of these statements is not true about the pine trees? The phloem contains companion cells [BIO210] Trigonocarpus is from -------- Carboniferous age