BIO192 Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 1) Protists are classified into ----- number of groups 6 5 3✓✓✓ 4 2) The --------- were the earliest land plants and are a transitional group between terrestrial and aquatic plants. Pteridophytes Gymnosperms Angiosperms Bryophytes✓✓✓ 3) The protozoans are classified into ----- numbers of divisions 4✓✓✓ 5 6 3 4) The sheep liver fluke is called Fasciola ------ hepatica✓✓✓ alata cayenensis esculentus 5) Porifera or sponges means ------- bearing Solid Spore Liquid Pore✓✓✓ 6) The fungal kingdom is classified into ------ numbers of phyla 4✓✓✓ 5 6 3 7) The round warm called Ascaris lumbricoides is found in ------ Amphibian Mammals✓✓✓ Pisces Reptiles 8) The body of a round warm is covered by a layered ------ Skin Cuticle✓✓✓ Scales Feathers 9) The division bryophyta is divided into ------ 6 5 3✓✓✓ 4 10) In tapeworm, the hook and suckers on the ------- is used as an attachment device. Skin Scolex✓✓✓ Neck Head. Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008