Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008 BFN779 Question: risk management is needed to check anticipated and unanticipated risks that public entities face while pursuing their objectives. Answer: Fiduciary Question: sees fiscal policy as the application of the measures of instrument of financial control-programmes through taxation, public expenditure and revenue. Answer: Abba Question: Good‭ ‬refers to the best possible processes for making and implementing correct decisions. Answer: governance Question: Public financial management shows how the financial managers of the ‭ ‬discharge their financial management responsibilities. Answer: public sector Question: There are acceptable approaches to monetary policy utilization Answer: two Question: Quantitative instruments are (a) OMO (b) BR (c)LRR and (d) LR Answer: A,B,C,D Question: There are policy types of fiscal Answer: two Question: can be used by government to control the economy Answer: Taxes Question: Monetary policy is how manage liquidity to create economic growth Answer: CBN Question: Taxation is a powerful instrument of‭ ‬policy in the hands of public authorities Answer: fiscal Email: Whatsapp: 08131667008