Telegram group: [BFN310] Which of the following is a common symptom of business failure? all of the options [BFN310] The following are advantages of the group lending method of credit delivery used by micro-credit institutions except …………… improvement in corporate social responsibility [BFN310] …………... is not among benefits accruing to business organizations following their discharge of social responsibility Tax adjustment [BFN310] All of the following are attributes of an entrepreneur except………….. none of the options [BFN310] ………… not a feature of micro finance institutions Provision of long-term finance [BFN310] ………… not a key role of marketing in achieving customer satisfaction Ensuring that tax is not charged purchases [BFN310] The following are components of the Four (4) P’s of marketing except ……………. profitability [BFN310] An organization’s cultural commitment to satisfying customers through the use of an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training is referred to as ….. total quality management [BFN310] An entrepreneur can be defined as the owner of what type of business outfit …………….. all of the options [BFN310] Which of the following is not a common criticism against partnership form of business? lack of expertise and education