Telegram group: [BFN306] Which ownership form of bank ownership is likely to short-circuit market pressures on banks government ownership [BFN306] While commercial banks are retail banks, merchant banks are mainly wholesale banks [BFN306] The financial system contributes to economic growth by all of the above [BFN306] Political economy was developed around the 18th century [BFN306] The interaction of economics, law and politics, and how institutions develop in different social and economic systems refers to political economy [BFN306] An economic system that is charactersised by state ownership of means of production and distribution of goods and services is socialism [BFN306] Lenders will demand compensation for parting with their money and getting it back slowly overtime. This is principle of time [BFN306] Banking and economic crises usually trigger reforms [BFN306] People prefer the known to the unknown all things being equal. This illustrates the principle of stability [BFN306] The first set of known merchant banks in Nigeria began operations in 1960