Telegram group: [BFN203] Diversification of ___________ is required towards reduction of business risks. Portfolio [BFN203] Derivative is an example of ownership______________. Ownership [BFN203] Prevailing Price of Stock less Original price equals ___________ in such undertaking. Earnings [BFN203] Developing ____________plans for the future is a fundament role of the entrepreneur. Strategic [BFN203] A Treasury is normally managed by the __________ bank on behalf of the government. Central [BFN203] Potential entrepreneurs are interested in ___________possible business ideas for creation of ventures. Identifying [BFN203] The entrepreneur constitutes the driving ______________for the recognition of a venture idea. Force [BFN203] __________ is regarded as savings embarked upon as a result of delayed consumption. Investment [BFN203] A popular ___________metric is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization. Valuation [BFN203] All business ventures created must go through _______________ before operations. Startup