Telegram group: [ARD506] ………... is one of the branches sociology sociology of education [ARD506] social change can be measured using …………….. economic indicator [ARD506] Rural sociology is important to the ……….. developing countries [ARD506] change that take place in every part of culture, be it material or non material culture is …………… cultural change [ARD506] ………. Is how people are able to live together happily and organize their systems social structure [ARD506] spreading of cultural traits from one group to another is called ………….. diffusion [ARD506] process by which attraction occurs in the structure and function of a social system is termed …………… social change [ARD506] Sociology is classified as a ………. science in behavioural [ARD506] data collected for measuring social change and used for administrative and management purposes is called………….. intelligence data [ARD506] resistance to change by the people for whom such change is intended can occur due to its ……….. higher cost