Telegram group: [ARA118] means working on using unique language to describe very common, everyday occurrences and experiences. Breaking Language Barriers [ARA118] When a creative writer learns to shape a scene using dialogue throughout, he/she is doing ________ Dialogue destruction [ARA118] Giving unique voices to each character in order to bring them to live is called__________ Voice variation [ARA118] ______means the delivery of information to convey an impression or feeling about a place, person, thing or idea, rather than facts. Description [ARA118] ________ means focusing on interpreting themes through story. Thematic Attic [ARA118] The goal of _________is to help develop writing the senses in ways that not only make sense, but are also imaginative and unique. Single senses [ARA118] Creative writing normally begins with the ________ senses [ARA118] A creative writer must be able to take ______ and crystallize them into words that will deliver a message to the reader. images [ARA118] The aim of _______writing is to persuade the reader to change their viewpoint or attitude about an idea or situation. argumentative [ARA118] _____as a form of writing is an internal process of reviewing and making meaning from one's own experience. Reflection