Telegram group: [AGR503] Principle of quality is based on the following except……….. Quality maintenance [AGR503] All staff, not minding his/her grade, technical skills or employment status should be properly……………. on the subject of safety educated [AGR503] From time to time, reminders of safety regulations should be done to encourage staff……………... with such regulations familiarity [AGR503] The issues of accuracy and precision are vital considerations for the analyst and can be determining factors in any method………….. selection [AGR503] …………… the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability tosatisfy stated or implied needs Quality [AGR503] Safety principles are important consideration in any soil/plant laboratories even though it is frequently………….. overlocked [AGR503] The following categories are where safety is needed except……………. morphological determination [AGR503] As the saying goes……….. safety first [AGR503] One of these is not a general attitude safety measure in the laboratories Monitor instrument operation [AGR503] Laboratory is not a place of playing or carrying out any careless activity therefore, the………….. of safety is key principle