Telegram group: [AEM723] The spacing per pullet should be 0.30m2/pullet [AEM723] Perches are made of Wood [AEM723] Slats in poultry housing can be made with Wood or bamboo [AEM723] One important viral disease of poultry is Newcastle [AEM723] One protozoan disease of poultry is Coccidiosis [AEM723] _____ are necessary in all types of poultry house Feeders [AEM723] Why is light used to increase the performance of laying birds ? It encourages them to eat [AEM723] There should be one nest to _________ birds 5 [AEM723] Laying nest should be placed _______ weeks before the birds start to drop .2-4 [AEM723] In the tropics, stocking density should be ________% lower than the temperate environment 10-20%