Telegram group: [AEM411] Information dissemination should be at the level of comprehension of the farmers as a solution to_____________ Low level education [AEM411] To bring about change in the life of a farmer, the following strategies has to be introduce with the exception of ________ New communication technologies [AEM411] Where more time is saved as while as reducing cost required for reaching severa individuals in communication is done by__________ Group approach [AEM411] The following are methods and tecniques that extension worker can choose to operate among groups except_________ Communication [AEM411] Which of the folowing is not a reason for resistance to change among farmers?______ Government inconsistency [AEM411] The attempts to reduce desired behaiviour through the internalisation, new beliefs or values is known as___________ Educative starategy [AEM411] A factor that affects agricultural change that centre on the farmers farm environmentand not on the farmers themselves as a solution to _________- Economic hinderances [AEM411] The definition of communication as a concious attemts to share information and ideas with others was coined by_____________ William et al. (1984) [AEM411] Communication between a person and others who may not be physicaloy present or seen is called______ Extra-personal communication [AEM411] An idea, practice or product that is percieved as new by the potential users or adopters is known as__________ Innovation