Telegram group: [AEC306] Earned finacial progess is a measure of ----------------- profitability [AEC306] Assets and ------------- are both made up resources. liabilties [AEC306] Which of the following is not part of the three types of farm records? machineries [AEC306] Resources inventories are not a “flow” concept, but a ------------ measurement. stock [AEC306] A measure of a business’ ability to meet current debt obligations as they come due without disrupting normal operations is known as ---------------. current ratio [AEC306] Record keeping system is classified as ------------- and computerized system. hand [AEC306] Farm records can the defined as ----------------- documentation of all activities taking place in a farm enterprise over a given period of time. systematic [AEC306] Tractor could be valued at their original cost minus -------------------. depreciation [AEC306] Farm records are used for the following except to -------------------------------- classify purpose [AEC306] The initial out-of-pocket expense is high for ---------- type of record keeping system computerised