Telegram group: [AEA308] Which of these is not the functions performed by farm manager? Ordering [AEA308] Harmony among all members of the organisation is reffered to as Espirit de Corp [AEA308] Which of these terms involves defining individual responsibilities as well as inter-relationships between sections? Organisation [AEA308] The following are the process of decision making except Sleep over it [AEA308] The substitution of a certain small cost for the possibility of a large but uncertain loss is known as Insurance [AEA308] The following are the function of farm management except Risk aversion [AEA308] Any situation where one cannot predict what can happen is normally regarded as Uncertian situation [AEA308] A good Farm Management is often considered as an -------- rather than a science. Art [AEA308] The following are the basic principles of farm management except Invention [AEA308] Which of these risk is not the type of risks that affect Farm Management decisions? Flexibility