Telegram group: [ACC411] The Objectives of the Financial Reporting Council(Section 11) are the following except to maintain cordial relationship among professional accounting bodies [ACC411] The types of standards issued by Internertional Audit and Assurance Standards Board but not International Standards on Review Management [ACC411] The potential threats to the independence and objectivity of the auditor includes Cultural [ACC411] The criminal offences connected with money laundering prohibition Act 2011 includes the foolowing except failure to incriminate an innocent person to the offence [ACC411] Stages in Money Laundering include but not Placement, Layering and Integration [ACC411] The steps one - four involved in assessing money laudering risk include but not maintaining records of action taken and the reasons for thes actions [ACC411] The main sources of audit practice regulations include these except Cultural [ACC411] In audit independence and objectivity, IFAC Code describes it as Independence in funding of activity [ACC411] Professional Ethical Practice Principlaes Include the these except Uniformity [ACC411] The auditing profession needs audit regulation for all these except to increase profits made by organizations