GST202 Question: A person’s common sense and accumulated ____ and knowledge are the primary basis of how he creates, understand and respond to conflict Answer: Experience Question: Conflict emerges through an ____ process Answer: Interactive Question: Conflict involving religious belief and ideology are classified as ______ based conflict. Answer: Value Question: People who are engaged in conflicts are technically called conflict parties or ___ Answer: Stakeholders Question: Conflict over______________occurs when two or more people members of a religious sect are competing for space Answer: Religion Question: Stereotyping .may lead to conflict over _____ Answer: Misinformation Question: Robert _____ is the author of “A Comparative of Civil Strife” Answer: Gurr Question: Unjust , repressive and oppressive socio-political system leads to ______ conflict Answer: Structural Question: The inter-personal conflict happens between or among two or more _____ Answer: People Question: Conflict between two social entities like association or family is termed _________ conflict. Answer: Inter-group Question: The establishment and persistence of interaction tend to depend on emergence and identification of ______ and alter roles Answer: Ego Question: When a group of people are determined to embark on actions to change their situation they are said to have shown ________ Answer: Willingness Question: Theory of needs is associated with ___ Answer: Maslow Question: The ________ media are central to spreading of public information is the mass audience who are dispersed in time and space Answer: Media Question: The first phase of conflict when it is dormant is called ________ phase Answer: Latent Question: _________ suggests that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generates inherent conflicts of interest. Answer: Karl Marx Question: The physical environment of a conflict is the same as the ___________ Answer: Context Question: Conflict may have either positive or ___ outcome depending on how it is handled. Answer: Negative Question: When an intervener tries to clarify which issue is most important in a conflict he is said to have embarked on conflict .___________ Answer: Analysis Question: Conflict transformation is geared towards positive peace and restorative _________ Answer: Justice Question: The size of the circle in conflict mapping indicates power relations of the ________. Answer: Parties Question: style="text-align:left">____ championed the course of structural-functional theory after the World War II. Answer: Talcott Question: The word “ethnic” was derived via Latin from the Greek word ____ Answer: Ethos Question: ________ is a method by which an individual, a state or an international organ, acting as a third party, may assist in ensuring an amicable settlement of a dispute. Answer: Good offices Question: _____ argues the assumption “ethnicity and nationalism are not ‘givens’, but are social and politically constructed Answer: Bamass Question: style="text-align:left">Other means of peaceful settlement of disputes recognised by international law, as stipulated in Article ___ of the UN Charter, Answer: 33 Question: . Judge Manly O. _____ in 1944 defines ‘conciliation’ thus:


Conciliation…is a process of formulating proposals of settlement after an investigation of the facts and an effort to reconcile opposing contentions, the parties to the dispute being left free to accept or reject the proposals formulated. Answer: Hudson Question: The scholar well known for conflict transformation theory is ____ Answer: Lederach Question: Miller (2002:23) sees _________ as the voluntary, informal, non-binding process undertaken by an external party that fosters the settlement of differences or demands between directly invested parties Answer: Mediation Question: A procedure for the settlement of disputes between states by a binding award on the basis of law and as a result of an undertaking voluntarily accepted is called international _____ Answer: Arbitration Question: ____________ stage is the stage in which parties in conflict begin to experience gradual cessation of hostility arising from conflict weariness, hunger, sanctions or external intervention. Answer: De-escalation Question: Judicial or legal settlement of dispute is usually carried out by the ____ duly established and assigned in this manner both at the state (local) level and international level. Answer: Court Question: Article ________ of the United Nations charter says that states reserved the right to use force when there is periculum in mora, that is when they believe their very lives and vital interests are endangered beyond the possibility of redress if immediate action is not taken, Answer: 51 Question: A former Secretary General of the United Nations, Boutros Boutros ______ said, “the purpose of sanctions is to modify the behaviour of a party that is threatening international peace and security and not to punish or otherwise exact retribution” Answer: Ghali Question: ________is made up of acts relating to seizure of goods or persons to retaliate the action of a belligerent satate Answer: Reprisal Question: To ensure that the needs and experiences of women, and men, girls and boys are taken into account in all activities of the United Nations it embarks on Answer: Feminism Question: Religious conflict in the Niger Delta is a conflict over Answer: resources Question: You use what type of style when you attack the other party? Answer: Confrontation Question: When correct information is tampered with it leads to conflict over Answer: information Question: A critical review, interpretation and explanation of what is observed and recorded about the conflict situation is Answer: Conflict analysis Question: People have hidden interest in a conflict are called Answer: Shadow parties Question: Verbal immediacy identifies and projects the speaker’s feelings and makes the message more relevant to the Answer: Listener Question: A critical monitoring of events or episodes as they occur in conflict situation. is Answer: Conflict tracking Question: style="text-align:left">Who wrote the popular book titled “Mindset”? Answer: Glen Fisher Question: The third stage of conflict is described as Answer: Crisis stage Question: At which phase of conflict has escalation comes to a halt? Answer: Contained phase Question: What is very important in pre-intervention conflict analysis especially to ascertain the actual and right time of intervention? Answer: Ripening Question: When one is unassertive and cooperative he is said to be Answer: accommodating Question: Monitoring, observing and recording the trend of militants attack in the Niger Delta is technically called. Answer: Conflict tracking Question: The collection, analysis and communication of the relevant evidence and conclusions to the policy-makers to enable them make choices is technically called Answer: Early warning Question: Leadership requires ability to control or influence events or people through Answer: persuasion Question: Who states that the more the rate of inequality in the distribution of resources in the society, the greater the conflict of interest between its dominant and subordinate segments? Answer: Karl Marx Question: When people using the style or approach to conflict handling are less concerned about who is right or wrong they are said to have adopted Answer: Joint-problem solving Question: What has to do with people’s actions, emotions, feelings and thought process? Answer: Perception Question: In the triangle methods of conflict analysis, background information about a conflict

Is technically called Answer: context Question: Bypassing is a situation whereby a speaker assumes that a word has what number of meaning(s) Answer: one Question: In the onion or doughnut method of analysis the first layer indicates Answer: Position Question: The difference forces influencing a conflict can be known through Answer: Force- field analysis Question: The conflict in Southern Kaduna state can be categorised as what type of conflict? Answer: Ethno-religious conflict Question: Cold war came to an end in the Answer: 1990s Question: ECOMOG is the military organisation set up by which regional body to engage in peace operations Answer: ECOWAS Question: Traditional distinctions in peace education are couched in terms of positive peace and Answer: Negative peace Question: style="text-align:left">The establishment of the present state of success and where it could be in future in the DPT model indicates Answer: Progress Question: style="text-align:left">Empowering people with knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to build a nation is called Answer: Peace education Question: The Security Council of the United Nations consists of how many members? Answer: fifteen Question: Targeting both micro and macro levels of economic opportunities of a population in a post conflict society is Answer: Economic peacebuilding Question: Conflict suppression by powerful nations led to failure to intervene in the conflicts in Rwanda and Burundi and eventually led to Answer: genocide Question: style="text-align:left">European Union was earlier named as Answer: European Economic Community Question: Peace enforcement requires parties in conflict to embrace Answer: Ceasefire Question: Who was the leader of Uganda In 1976 the Air France aircraft was hijacked in Entebbe Airport Answer: Idi Amin