FBQ1: Public administration has been and still continues to be a part of brand of the study of ___ Answer: *Political Science* FBQ2: The fact that meticulous practice of keeping records in the archives of the governments make _____ very important to public administration. Answer: *History* FBQ3: The fact that public administration deals with the administrative aspects of the society makes it to be closely related to ___ Answer: *Sociology* FBQ4: The approach that may also be called efficiency oriented approach or scientific management approach is called ___. Answer: *Mechanical approach* FBQ5: An attempt to study the public administration of the past within a particular time span and interpret the organisation and information on chronological order is called the __________. Answer: *Historical approach* FBQ6: One of the principles of public administration is that it is _____ to the political executive which is the supreme organisation. Answer: *Subordinate* FBQ7: In order to ensure efficiency in public administration, neither religion nor sex but ___ of the person should be the sole criteria for making all appointments. Answer: *Ability* FBQ8: The legislature control of the administration is through ___ Answer: *Power of the purse* FBQ9: The president of Nigeria and USA are elected directly by the ___. Answer: *People* FBQ10: Pressure groups normally bring pressure to bear upon the legislature through ___ Answer: *Lobbying* FBQ11: The most effective means of community control over administration is a vigorous and informed ___ Answer: *Public Opinion* FBQ12: The ___ of administration provides for clear lines of responsibility. Answer: *Hierarchical structure* FBQ13: The group of people who render the clerical service, which forms the operative part of an organisation are called ___. Answer: *Rank and file* FBQ14: It is impossible for leaders not to have ___ Answer: *Power* FBQ15: According to Allen, management leadership must be ___ Answer: *Learnt* FBQ16: A daily policy which is concerned with the systematic analysis of the administrative policy is called ___ Answer: *Technical policy* FBQ17: The process of choosing one course of action rather than another, finding a suitable solution to a new problem posed by a changing world is called ___ Answer: *Decision making* FBQ18: The swaying influences or undue leaning to one side refers to ____ Answer: *Bias* FBQ19: The mental preference of a favourable predisposition towards a particular issue or matter or person is called ___ Answer: *Predilection* FBQ20: Prior to our independence, the relationship between Nigerians and the colonial administrators was______ Answer: *Not healthy at all* FBQ21: Each ministerial organisation of civil servants is headed by a ____. Answer: *Permanent secretary* FBQ22: The political head of the ministry charged with policy matters is _____. Answer: *Minister/Commissioner* FBQ23: In military form of government_______ Answer: *Political powers are always centralised* FBQ24: In public administration, ____ is always a two-way traffic Answer: *Communication* FBQ25: ______ means making all parts of an organisation work harmoniously, without conflicts and without cross-purposes, to achieve the defined goal of an organisation. Answer: *Coordination* FBQ26: The process where functional unit is independent and the central authority coordinates them is known as _______ Answer: *Decentralisation of Activities* FBQ27: Coordination should start at the early possible stage, that is, at the stage of ___ and policy making. Answer: *Planning* FBQ28: The principle that states that all factors in a situation are reciprocally related is called _____ Answer: *Reciprocal relations* FBQ29: The lack of knowledge, experience, wisdom and character among leaders and their confused and conflicting ideas and objectives can be a major hindrance to _____ Answer: *Coordination* FBQ30: ____ of authority is a feature common to all types of large scale organisations. Answer: *Delegation* FBQ31: A principle of administration that helps the chief executive to devote his/her time and energy to more important decisions of the organisation is called ____ Answer: *Delegation* FBQ32: Public administration is political whereas private administration is non-political. True OR False_____ Answer: *True* FBQ33: The authority to be delegated should be within the competence of ___ to exercise safely. Answer: *Subordinates* FBQ34: Delegation should be written and specific. True OR False ____ Answer: *True* FBQ35: For the successful achievement of agency objectives, effective ___ is really of vital importance. Answer: *Communication* FBQ36: External communication is concerned with the relations of the agency with the public and is called ________ Answer: *Public relations* FBQ37: Interpersonal communication means the relationships between the agency and the surrounding community. True OR False ____ Answer: *False* FBQ38: Interpersonal contacts and relationship constitute the media of informal communication. True OR False ____ Answer: *True* FBQ39: Communication suffers a setback due to tyranny of words which at best constitute poor means for the expression of ideas. True OR False ____ Answer: *True* FBQ40: Differences in background, education and expectation result in different social and political views constitute the greatest handicaps to effective communication in an organisation. True OR False ____ Answer: *True* FBQ41: The bigger an organisation and the larger the number of its employees, the easier the difficulty of communication. True OR False ____ Answer: *False* FBQ42: Supervision is one of the most important tasks of the rank and file. True or false Answer: *False* FBQ43: Everybody that goes to school can be a good supervisor. True or false ____ Answer: *False* FBQ44: Co-operative spirit, evenness of temper, honesty, ability to attract, to motive, to enthuse and unite others are critical personal qualifications of a good ______ Answer: *Supervisor* FBQ45: It is the duty of a _____ divide the work among the subordinate. Answer: *Supervisor* FBQ46: It is the duty of a ____ to be cooperative with colleagues and seek advice and assistance when needed. Answer: *Supervisor* FBQ47: The importance of Public Administration has tremendously increased with increase in church activities. True or false ____ Answer: *False* FBQ48: The process of recruiting suitable persons to the various posts in an organisation is called ____ Answer: *Staffing* FBQ49: Psychology has developed the staff training techniques as well as public relation and publicity systems of the government. Ture or false _____ Answer: *True* FBQ50: A body of principles the purpose of which is the adjustment and ordering of human relations in the society is called ____ Answer: *Law* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: The assertion that as soon as primitive men began to act jointly with their fellows, they started to plan, organise and coordinate makes what the oldest profession? Answer: Administration MCQ2: Who first defined Public Administration? Answer: David Easton MCQ3: What is the view on public administration that sees public administration as a sum total of all the activities undertaken in pursuit of and in fulfilment of public policy called? Answer: Internal view MCQ4: The principle of public administration that means the working out in broad outline the things that need to be done, the methods to be adopted to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise is called Answer: Coordinating MCQ5: How is public administration viewed? Answer: A science or an Art MCQ6: Which of the following involves the establishment of machinery for planning economic growth and mobilising and allocating resources to expand national income? Answer: Political administration MCQ7: Since the government is the principal planner, financier, promoter and director of national development, which of the following did it depend on for its functioning? Answer: Bureaucracy MCQ8: Which of the following is the first world organisation formed to enforce international law and improve the living conditions of the weaker sections like labour? Answer: The African Union MCQ9: What is the name of a system where the government at lower levels enjoys certain amount of autonomy as given by the constitution or statute? Answer: Centralised system MCQ10: Since organisations and systems are not the same all over the world, which of the following is very crucial in the study of public administration? Answer: Bureaucracy MCQ11: Which of the following set up greatly influences the Public Administration of any country? Answer: Environmental and institutional MCQ12: The cultural factor that helps in producing a good number of trained administrators in every society is called? Answer: Communication system MCQ13: The right establishment of public relations is cardinal in order for a democratic system of WHAT to be effective? Answer: Civil service MCQ14: Which of the principle of public administration includes the systematic study and recording of new methods? Answer: Principle of research MCQ15: What is the right acronym of Administrative Staff College of Nigeria? Answer: ASCON MCQ16: Who is a bureaucrat? Answer: A civil service leader MCQ17: Who was the person that first coined the term bureaucracy in 1712? Answer: Vincent De Gournay MCQ18: Who defined bureaucracy in terms of its structural characteristics? Answer: Max Weber MCQ19: Which of the following is not used to describe the violation of administrative responsibility in Nigeria? Answer: Bribery and Corruption MCQ20: In which of the following is administrative inefficiency manifested in Nigeria? Answer: Average productivity MCQ21: Which of the following is not an importance of bureaucracy? Answer: Instruments for unification and centralisation MCQ22: What is the position of the chief executive in public administration? Answer: Chief accounting officer MCQ23: What is the person who occupies the apex of the administrative pyramid is called? Answer: Chief Bureaucrat MCQ24: What determine the forms and power of the chief executive of a country? Answer: Type of constitution adopted MCQ25: How is the form of government in which the executive powers lie with the Prime Minister called? Answer: Theocratic form of government MCQ26: Who coined the word POSDCORB for the administrative functions of the chief executive? Answer: Max Weber MCQ27: Which of the following is not an administration function according to L.D. White’s categorisation? Answer: Deciding Administrative Policy MCQ28: What determines the total financial and personnel resources which no department may exceed? Answer: Statement of account MCQ29: Which of the following is responsible for recruitment in the civil service in Nigeria? Answer: Public Complaint Commission MCQ30: What is the power of legislation exercised by the executive called? Answer: Delegated legislation MCQ31: In parliamentary democracies, what is the opening hour of the parliament meetings called? Answer: Question hour MCQ32: Which of the following agency of the government does the legislature control public expenditure through? Answer: Public Accounts Committee MCQ33: What is the important occasion where the parliament examines and scrutinizes the activities and efficiency of various governmental agencies? Answer: Initiating and discussing MCQ34: Which of the following does not warrant judicial intervention in administrative process? Answer: Whenever there is grave error of law and facts MCQ35: What is the process where the electorate can call for the dismissal of an official before the expiry of his/her term called? Answer: Re-election MCQ36: What is the implication of too many hierarchical levels to an organisation? Answer: It makes decision to be very fast MCQ37: What are those controls which operate from within the administrative machinery called? Answer: Integrated controls MCQ38: Which of the following is a strategy that has always been of great importance in the control of Public business? Answer: Instruction MCQ39: Which of the following is not a professional code of ethics for a public servant? Answer: They should be non-partisan MCQ40: Which of the organs of the administration is responsible for the collective utilisation of human resources and material in an effort to reach the known goal? Answer: Management MCQ41: What is the best way to achieve organisational goal since no single person can achieve it? Answer: Teamwork MCQ42: What is the principal concern of management in the operation of an enterprise? Answer: Efficiency MCQ43: Which of the following is not an acceptable zone in which the organisation of a large-scale body falls? Answer: Top management MCQ44: Which of the zones of management is mainly concerned with direction and control? Answer: Top management MCQ45: Which of the following is not a function of middle management? Answer: Advice MCQ46: Which of the following may not be means of the attaining leadership? Answer: Superior strength MCQ47: In order for an organisation to run smoothly and achieve its goal; where must the authority be vested? Answer: In the leader MCQ48: Which of the following is not a function of a leader according to Bernard? Answer: The determination of objectives, MCQ49: Which of the following is a quality of a good leadership? Answer: Intelligence MCQ50: Which of the following is not among the four leadership styles? Answer: Theocratic