FBQ1: Answer: *Pre-conflict* FBQ2: Answer: *Kofi Annan* FBQ3: ‘Sweep under the carpet’ peace philosophy means ______________ Answer: *hot peace* FBQ4: The deployment of ECOMOG was for ______________ in Liberia. Answer: *Peace* FBQ5: Reconciliation entails ______________ Answer: *justice* FBQ6: Those factors that could be said to be responsible for the outburst of a given conflict is called ______________ Answer: *proximate causes* FBQ7: The first task of post conflict peace-building is to disarm the old ______________ Answer: *Combatants* FBQ8: Ford is an example of ______________ donor to peace-building projects. Answer: *private* FBQ9: The Camp David Accords of September 17, 1978 represents ______________ Answer: *Peacemaking* FBQ10: DFID is an example of ______________ donor to peace-building programmes. Answer: *Government agency* FBQ11: Answer: *Northern Nigeria* FBQ12: Answer: *Personal* FBQ13: Early warning mechanism is a ______________ type of peace-building. Answer: *Pre-conflict* FBQ14: The dimension of peace-building that focuses on the social conditions that promote violent conflict is ______________ Answer: *Structural dimension* FBQ15: The process of standing down armed combatant group is known as ______________ Answer: *Demobilization* FBQ16: Peace building as a concept was made popular by ______________ Answer: *Brouros-Ghali* FBQ17: UNITA was a rebel group that fought in ______________ country. Answer: *Angola* FBQ18: DDR stands for ______________ Answer: *Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration* FBQ19: In Mozambique, DDR involved a rebel group known by the acronym ______________ Answer: *RENAMO* FBQ20: In Rwanda, the traditional courts that had trial for war crimes was ______________ Answer: *Gacaca* FBQ21: The ex-president of ______________ was sentenced by the ICC for his war criminal activities in Sierra Leone. Answer: *Liberia* FBQ22: Government derives its powers of operation from the ______________ Answer: *Constitution* FBQ23: Unicameralism and ______________ are the two types of legislature that exist. Answer: *Bi-cameralism* FBQ24: The 1960 constitutions of Malawi had ______________ articles. Answer: *100* FBQ25: A written constitution was first practiced in Africa by ______________ Answer: *Liberia* FBQ26: A constitution that is codified is also called ______________ Answer: *Written constitution* FBQ27: ______________ country made unwritten constitution popular. Answer: *England* FBQ28: nolle creminen sine lege means ______________ Answer: *No crime without law* FBQ29: IDP stands for  ______________ Answer: *Internally displaced person* FBQ30: People displaced across national boundaries are known as ______________ Answer: *Refugees* FBQ31: People displaced within national boundaries are known as ______________ Answer: *Internally displaced persons* FBQ32: UNHCR stands for ______________ Answer: *United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees* FBQ33: The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) was a rebel group in ______________ Answer: *Sierra Leone* FBQ34: Dissatisfied refugees in Liberia under Taylor’s regime formed a rebel group known as ______________ Answer: *Liberians United for Reconstruction and Democracy* FBQ35: Ex Liberian President Charles Taylor was granted an asylum in ______________ Answer: *Nigeria* FBQ36: A major trust-building commission established by Olusegun Obasanjo’s civilian administration was ______________ Answer: *Oputa Panel* FBQ37: The practice of restorative justice became a peace movement in ______________ Answer: *1974* FBQ38: The restorative justice movement gave birth to the first ______________ Answer: *Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program* FBQ39: A popular concept in peace-building that emphasises the principles of truth, rightness and equitableness in the relationship between parties is called ______________ Answer: *Restorative justice* FBQ40: Empowerment is one of the principles of ______________ Answer: *Restorative justice* FBQ41: ADR stands for ______________ Answer: *Alternative Dispute Resolution* FBQ42: The underlying fact about any conflict is that there must be victor and a ______________ Answer: *Vanquished* FBQ43: The underlying fact about any conflict is that there must an offender and a ______________ Answer: *victim* FBQ44: In restorative justice, truth-telling is a basic need of ______________ Answer: *victim* FBQ45: In restorative justice, restitution is a basic need of ______________ Answer: *victim* FBQ46: ______________ is the United National Security Council landmark resolution on gender mainstreaming in peace processes. Answer: *1325* FBQ47: ______________ justice involves integrating gender mainstreaming in peace processes and operations. Answer: *Gender* FBQ48: UNTAG was a UN mission in ______________ Answer: *Namibia* FBQ49: Janjaweed militia operated in ______________ Answer: *Sudan* FBQ50: National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) was led by ______________ Answer: *Charles Taylor* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Peace building as a concept was popularised by _______ Answer: Boutros Brouros-Ghali MCQ2: “Agenda for Peace” was authored by ______ Answer: Boutros Brouros-Ghali MCQ3: There are ___ types of legislature. Answer: 1 MCQ4: Nigeria practices _______ Answer: Bicameralism MCQ5: Great Britain is an example of _____ Answer: Bi-cameralism MCQ6: _______ is not a function of a constitution. Answer: Job provision MCQ7: Unwritten constitution was made popular by England following the Glorious Revolution of __ Answer: 1688 MCQ8: a form of constitution that is not codified is known as _____ Answer: Unwritten constitution MCQ9: The United States adopted a written constitution in ____ Answer: 1787 MCQ10: The first African state to adopt a written constitution is ______ Answer: Liberia MCQ11: The 1960 constitutions of Morocco had _____ articles. Answer: 100 MCQ12: There are ______ basic forms of constitution. Answer: 2 MCQ13: Government derives its spirit of operation from the ____ Answer: Constitution MCQ14: During the colonial era, constitution making only considered _______ Answer: three classes of people MCQ15: The Vienna Declaration and programme of Action was adopted at the 1993 conference of ______ Answer: Human Rights MCQ16: Any serious violation of law applicable to both intra state and international armed conflicts is called _____ Answer: War crimes MCQ17: The expression nolle creminen sine lege means ____ Answer: No crime without law MCQ18: IDP means ___ Answer: Internally displaced person MCQ19: The Pan-African Conference on Refugees held in Arusha, Tanzania was sponsored by the ___ Answer: UN MCQ20: In 1982, ____carried out forceful repatriation of thousands of Rwandan refugees that had already settled in that country. Answer: Ugandan Government MCQ21: ___have become one of the major features of African Continent Answer: Rural Refugees MCQ22: Megistu Haite- Mariam reigned over ___ Answer: Ethiopia MCQ23: The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights came into existence in ______ Answer: 1948 MCQ24: ECOMOG was a (an)_______ peacekeeping force. Answer: ECOWAS MCQ25: ______ is not one of the basic properties of reconciliation. Answer: Kindness MCQ26: Apology and _____ are very important elements of reconciliation and peace building. Answer: forgiveness MCQ27: ___dimension of peace-building centres its focus on social condition. Answer: Structural MCQ28: Designing strategies to address social-economic and political injustice and inequality that pervaded the landscape of the conflict state is part of ___ Answer: Structural MCQ29: Trauma healing techniques is a _____ dimension of peace-building. Answer: Structural MCQ30: Revolutionary United Front (RUF) operated in _____ Answer: Sierra Leone MCQ31: The Liberian Network for Peace and Development was made of ______ NGOs. Answer: 20 MCQ32: The Liberian Network for Peace and Development was sponsored by ____ Answer: Carter Centre MCQ33: CRESNET was an NGO that participated in conflict resolution in _____ Answer: Northern Nigeria MCQ34: The UN deployed UNTAG in _____ Answer: Namibia MCQ35: Department of Peacekeeping Operations belongs to ___ Answer: UN MCQ36: 1325 resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations focused on______ Answer: Women MCQ37: MONUC was by deployed in ____ Answer: Congo MCQ38: The convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was in the year _____ Answer: 1981 MCQ39: ICTR was established for humanitarian crisis in _____ Answer: Rwanda MCQ40: Gacaca jurisdiction was established to prosecute the offenders of crimes against humanity and genocide in _____ Answer: Rwanda MCQ41: _____ is not a challenge faced by women in peace-building. Answer: Education MCQ42: ______ authored the letter that gave birth to the American Manhattan Project in September 1942. Answer: Albert Einstein MCQ43: H-bomb means _____ Answer: Hydrogen Bomb MCQ44: The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) was adopted by the UN in _____ Answer: September 1996 MCQ45: RENAMO was demobilized in ______ Answer: Mozambique MCQ46: DDR means _____ Answer: Disarmament, demobilisation, and reintegration MCQ47: UNITA was a rebel group in ______ Answer: Angola MCQ48: EPLF fought for the independence of ______ Answer: Eritrea MCQ49: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy is a_____ perspective of psychotherapy. Answer: humanistic MCQ50: MEND operated in the _____ Answer: Niger Delta