FBQ1: All languages use the air from the lungs for the production of __________ during speech Answer: *Sounds* FBQ2: ________ refers to the vibration or non-vibration of the vocal cords during speech production Answer: *Voiceless* FBQ3: English words that have the same spelling but different pronunciation and meaning are called ________ Answer: *Homographs* FBQ4: It is generally known that English ________ are not a reliable guide to pronunciation Answer: *Spellings* FBQ5: English sounds which are made with ________ of the vocal cords are said to be voiced Answer: *Vibration* FBQ6: When transcribing spoken English it is very important to pay attention to ________ Answer: *Sounds* FBQ7: An Affricate is a ________ sound composed of a stop portion and a fricative portion Answer: *Single* FBQ8: Pronunciation is an act of speech which involves the ________ of a sound or word Answer: *Articulation* FBQ9: The basic characteristic of a nasal consonant is that the ________ from the lungs escapes through the nose Answer: *Air* FBQ10: An English monophthong is a single sound made with the ________ flow of air from the lungs Answer: *Free* FBQ11: In ________, contraction, slang obscenities and meaningless vocabulary are much more tolerated Answer: *Speech* FBQ12: Pronunciation is defined as the way a word or a language is usually spoken the manner in which someone ________ a sound or word Answer: *Articulates* FBQ13: Speech is time-bound because ________ participants are usually present Answer: *Both* FBQ14: A single sound made with the free flow of air from the lungs out of the mouth is called a ________ Answer: *Vowel* FBQ15: In sign language the hands are adapted instead of ________ and digestive organs in order to communicate Answer: *Respiratory* FBQ16: No two people ________ exactly alike and this phenomenon is known as idiolectal differences Answer: *Speak* FBQ17: Writing is a ________ of human Intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks Answer: *System* FBQ18: Stuttering, lisping, cleft palate and ________ are all articulatory problems that can affect the quality of a person’s speech Answer: ataxia FBQ19: It is believed that ________ language evolved from hieroglyphs which were cave wall art Answer: written FBQ20: English sounds which are made with a complete closure of the lips but later released are said to be ________ Answer: plosives FBQ21: The success of any ________ communication event is based on the process of listening, understanding and speaking Answer: spoken FBQ22: Received Pronunciation is sometimes referred to as the Queen’s English because it is spoken by the ________ Answer: monarch FBQ23: The consonant sounds are the ________ to learn, because most of them have the same form as a letter of the alphabet Answer: easiest FBQ24: In terms of place of articulation, the “t” and “d” consonants are called ________ Answer: *Alveolar stops* FBQ25: It has been observed by linguists that language change takes place far more rapidly in ________ Answer: *speech FBQ26: The system for writing all the sounds of English is called the International ________ Association system Answer: *Phonetic* FBQ27: There is no ________ relationship between the way an English word is spelt and the way it is pronounced Answer: *Regular* FBQ28: Linguists believe that humans acquire speech due to their ________ programming Answer: *Innate* FBQ29: Writing has been described as a system of human ________ by means of conventional visible marks Answer: *Intercommunication* FBQ30: The concept of transcription is really meant to expose you to one of the simplest ways to improve your ________ skill Answer: *Pronunciation* FBQ31: The central vowels do not occur in Nigerian languages and sometimes pose problems to Nigerian speakers of ________ Answer: *English* FBQ32: English Triphthongs are formed by the addition of the ________ sound to some diphthongs Answer: *Schwa* FBQ33: ________ simply refers to the graphic representations of our utterance on paper, using the phonetic alphabet recommended by the International Phonetic Association Answer: *Transcription* FBQ34: ________ transcription will enable you to use your eyes to aid your ears Answer: *Phonetic* FBQ35: The various speech organs are all encapsulated in three cavities: the oral cavity, the nasal cavity, and the ________ cavity Answer: *Pharyngeal* FBQ36: ________ Triphthongs are formed by the addition of the schwa sound to some diphthongs Answer: *English* FBQ37: Idiolectal ________ explain why no two people speak exactly alike Answer: *Differences* FBQ38: English sounds which are made with a complete closure of the ________ but later released are said to be plosives Answer: *Lips* FBQ39: English sounds which are made with vibration of the vocal cords are said to be________ Answer: *Voiced* FBQ40: All languages use the air from the lungs for the ________ of sounds during speech Answer: *Production* FBQ41: Pronunciation is an act of ________ which involves the articulation of a sound or word Answer: *Speech* FBQ42: Writing has been described as a ________ of human intercommunication by means of conventional visible marks Answer: *System* FBQ43: What English vowel does the capital letters in the following words: “About” “watER” “hER" represent? Answer: *the schwa* FBQ44: The ________ contained in the word “spoil” is a diphthong Answer: *vowel sound* FBQ45: The central vowels do not occur in Nigerian languages and sometimes pose problems to Nigerian ________ of English Answer: *Speakers* FBQ46: The ________ front vowels are articulated towards the front part of the oral cavity Answer: *Simple* FBQ47: The various speech organs are all encapsulated in three cavities: the oral cavity, the ________ cavity, and the pharyngeal cavity Answer: *Nasal* FBQ48: The ________ sounds are the easiest to learn, because most of them have the same form as a letter of the alphabet Answer: *Consonant* FBQ49: Transcription simply refers to the graphic representations of our utterance on paper, using the phonetic alphabet recommended by the International ________ Association Answer: *Phonetic* FBQ50: Pronunciation is defined as the way a word or a language is usually ________ the manner in which someone articulates a sound or word Answer: *Spoken* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Writing has been described as a system of human ________ by means of conventional visible marks Answer: input MCQ2: English ______ are formed by the addition of the schwa sound to some diphthongs Answer: triphthongs MCQ3: The small differences in the movement of the _____ and tongue may make all the difference between a sound which sounds English and one which does not Answer: eyes MCQ4: _________ are those organs in the vocal tract that can move freely Answer: Passive articulators MCQ5: The air that produces the voiceless bilabial stop is usually released like an(a) __________ Answer: Collusive sound MCQ6: English sounds which are made with vibration of the vocal cords are said to be ________ Answer: voiced MCQ7: When a ________ consonant is produced, the body of the tongue touches the soft palate or velum Answer: Labio-dental MCQ8: The ‘l’ consonant is known as a ________ sound Answer: Stop MCQ9: The basic characteristic of a ________ consonant is that the air from the lungs escapes through the nose Answer: alveolar MCQ10: There are ________ phonemes whose main sound all have friction as their most important feature Answer: eight consonant MCQ11: The process where the computer can recognise spoken words and transform them into digitised commands is called ________ Answer: computer systems MCQ12: In English, /l/, /r/, /w/ and /j/ are _______ Answer: plosives MCQ13: An affricate is a single sound composed of a _______ portion and a fricative portion Answer: start MCQ14: The first sound of the word ‘church’ is ____________ Answer: A bilabial MCQ15: It is a known fact that no two people speak exactly alike, this phenomenon is called ________differences Answer: Phonetic MCQ16: _________ Pronunciation is actually an accent not a dialect Answer: Responsive MCQ17: These consonants /p/ and /b/ are known as the ________ Answer: Velar stops MCQ18: Place of _________ refers to where in the vocal tract a particular sound is produced Answer: imitation MCQ19: The success of any spoken ________ event is based on the process of listening, understanding and speaking. Answer: inductive MCQ20: The English triphthongs are examples of _________ Answer: vowel sequences MCQ21: _________ believe that humans acquire speech due to their innate programming Answer: Biologists MCQ22: The International _______ Association system is used for writing all the sounds of English Answer: Phonotactics MCQ23: Unlike vowels, the consonants of English are usually ______ with an audible friction Answer: posted MCQ24: Fricatives form the largest class of ________ in English Answer: consonants MCQ25: The sound _____ is often described as the voiced labiodental fricative Answer: /m/ MCQ26: There are nine consonant phonemes whose main sound all have ______ as their most important feature Answer: laterals MCQ27: When a velar consonant is produced, the body of the tongue touches the soft palate or _______ Answer: alveolar ridge MCQ28: The most effective way to overcome _______ in articulating problem sounds is by careful listening and regular practice Answer: comprehension MCQ29: Stuttering, lisping, cleft palate, and _______ are all articulatory problems that can affect the quality of a person’s speech Answer: muteness MCQ30: In _____ language, the hands are adapted in order to communicate Answer: dumb MCQ31: It has been observed by ______ that language change takes place far more rapidly in speech Answer: Biologists MCQ32: When ______ spoken English it is very important to pay attention to sounds Answer: typing MCQ33: All languages use the _____ from the lungs for the production of sounds during speech Answer: air MCQ34: Voicing refers to the vibration or non-vibration of the vocal ________ during the sound production Answer: prods MCQ35: An act of speech which involves the ___________ of a sound or word is called pronunciation Answer: imputation MCQ36: The parameters for classifying English vowels are ___________, vowel length and Quality Lip rounding, and Tongue position Answer: Tongue Height MCQ37: The last sound in ‘song’ is a ______________ sound Answer: bilabial MCQ38: _________ is a bilabial nasal consonant Answer: /n / MCQ39: In sound articulation, when the blade of the tongue placed behind the alveolar ridge, the ____________ sounds are produced Answer: Fricative MCQ40: The organs of speech that cannot move freely are called ___________ Answer: Sleeping articulatros MCQ41: The sound /f / is often described as the voiceless ________ fricative Answer: labiodental MCQ42: Stuttering, lisping, cleft palate and ataxia are all _______ problems that can affect the quality of a person’s speech Answer: auditory MCQ43: /F/ and /v/ are _________ sounds Answer: Lateral MCQ44: Words that have the same spelling but different pronunciation and meaning are called ________ Answer: homographs MCQ45: The two sounds contrasted in the words simple and symbol are ________ Answer: m and p MCQ46: The ‘p’ consonant is known as a ________ sound Answer: labio-dental MCQ47: The process where the computer can recognise spoken words and transform them into digitised commands is called________ Answer: computer linguistics MCQ48: The ___________ may not be used in human speech Answer: tongue MCQ49: ____________ is an act of speech which involves the articulation of a sound or word Answer: Segmentation MCQ50: The success of any __________ communication event is based on the process of listen, understand and speak Answer: telling