FBQ1: The cell was discovered by __________ in 1665 year while examining a thin slice of cork under the microscope Answer: *Robert Hooke* FBQ2: The cell organelle that is involved in the degradation of worn-out cells and macromolecules is __________ Answer: *Lysosome* FBQ3: The lipid component that forms the hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions of the plasma membrane is __________ Answer: *Phospholipids* FBQ4: The transportation of materials across the plasma membrane is by __________ and ____ transport Answer: *Passive and Active* FBQ5: A solution whose pH is above 7 is said to be __________ solution Answer: *Basic* FBQ6: A solution that resist changes in pH of a solution when an acid or a base is added to it is __________ Answer: *Buffer* FBQ7: Simple sugar also known as monosaccharide having six (6) carbon atoms are classified as __________ Answer: *Hexoses* FBQ8: An example of epimer of glucose is __________ Answer: *D-Mannose* FBQ9: An amino acid is linked to another amino acid in proteins by __________ Answer: *Peptide bond* FBQ10: __________are the amino acids that are not synthesized in the body but are required and must be provided to meet the body’s need Answer: *Essential amino acids* FBQ11: Arachidic acid is an example of __________fatty acids Answer: *Unsaturated* FBQ12: Omega 3 and Omega 6 are examples of __________fatty acids Answer: *Polyunsaturated* FBQ13: The nucleic acid that lacks ribose sugar is the __________ Answer: *DNA* FBQ14: The double helical structure of the DNA (Deoxyribonucleuc acid was proposed by __________and ______ Answer: *Watson and Crick* FBQ15: The enzyme that initiates the breakdown of carbohydrates in form of starch in the month is ____ Answer: *Ptylin* FBQ16: The first reaction stage in the glycolysis which involves the phosphorylation of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate is catalyzed by __________enzyme Answer: *Glucokinase* FBQ17: In a state where oxygen is not lacking, glucose is broken down into __________in a series of enzyme catalyzed reactions Answer: *Pyruvate* FBQ18: The Krebs cycle takes place in the __________of eukaryotic organisms Answer: *Mitochondrion matrix* FBQ19: __________total number of ATP is generated in the form of energy from the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle Answer: *10* FBQ20: The product formed in the first step reaction of the critic acid cycle is __________ Answer: *Citrate* FBQ21: The breakdown of protein molecules by proteolytic digestive enzymes is called __________ Answer: *Proteolysis* FBQ22: The urea cycle occurs first in __________ and then further occurs in cytosol of the liver Answer: *Mitochondria* FBQ23: The enzymes that digest lipids are generally called __________ Answer: *Lipase* FBQ24: Beta (β) oxidation of fatty acids is the oxidation of fatty acids to ____ Answer: *Acetyl-Co A* FBQ25: Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C are classes of __________Vitamin Answer: *Water soluble* FBQ26: Beriberi is a deficiency associated with __________ Answer: *Vitamin B* FBQ27: The class of vitamins that act also act as co-enzymes are __________ Answer: *Water-soluble vitamins* FBQ28: Vitamins A, D, E and K are all examples of __________vitamins. Answer: *Fat-soluble* FBQ29: Vitamin E exists in the diet as compounds called __________ Answer: *Tocopherol* FBQ30: Trace minerals are minerals that are required in the body in less than ______ mg Answer: *100* FBQ31: Sodium, magnesium and calcium are examples of __________minerals Answer: *Macro* FBQ32: Apart from the liver, the kidney and the __________are the other organs involved in detoxification process of harmful compounds in the body Answer: *Intestines* FBQ33: Oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis belongs to __________phase of detoxification Answer: *Phase 1* FBQ34: In detoxification process, the reaction that involves the coupling of foreign substances after undergoing oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis is called __________ reaction Answer: *Conjugation* FBQ35: The purpose of detoxification is to convert toxic harmful substances to __________ harmful substances Answer: *Less* FBQ36: The cell organelle that contains antioxidant enzymes which are involved in detoxification of radicals is _____ Answer: *Peroxisomes* FBQ37: The vitamin that promotes bone mineralization is __________ Answer: *Vitamin D* FBQ38: Nucleic acid are located in the __________ of living organisms Answer: *Nucleus* FBQ39: The transfer of amino group from one amino acid to another is called __________ Answer: *Transamination* FBQ40: There are _____number of carbon atoms in Myristic fatty acid Answer: *Fourteen* FBQ41: The principal informational macromolecule that translates and transfer genetic information is the __________ Answer: *Deoxyribonucleic acid* FBQ42: Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex enzyme is made up of __________number of enzymes Answer: *Three* FBQ43: One of the toxicity associated with Iron (Fe) is Diabetes mellitus. True or False? Answer: *False* FBQ44: There are _____number of carbon atoms in Arachidic fatty acid Answer: *Twenty* FBQ45: One of the symptoms of deficiency of essential amino acid is Growth retardation? True or False Answer: *True* FBQ46: During β-oxidation of fatty acid, the first reaction which involves the activation of fatty acids takes place in __________organelle of the cell Answer: *Cytosol* FBQ47: Transamination reaction is a reversible reaction True or False? Answer: *True* FBQ48: There are __________number of carbon atoms in Palmitic fatty acid Answer: *Sixteen* FBQ49: The position of the double bond in palmitoleic acid is at _____ carbon position Answer: *Nine* FBQ50: The pH of a solution with hydrogen ion (H+) concentration of 4.2 x 10-3 is _____ Answer: *2.38* Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): MCQ1: Eukaryotes are different from prokaryotes because they are organisms with _____ Answer: Distinct nucleus and but no nuclear membrane MCQ2: The end product of glycolytic pathway in aerobic state is ______ Answer: Pyruvate MCQ3: ______ hydrogen bonds pair the adenine and thymine bases in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) structure Answer: One MCQ4: which among these represent amino acids is a glucogenic amino acid ______ Answer: Tryptophan MCQ5: Maltose on condensation produces _____ and _____ monosaccharide sugars Answer: Glucose and glucose MCQ6: ________ cell organelle is referred to as the power house of the cell Answer: Nucleus MCQ7: A high pH value is an indication of _____ hydrogen ion Answer: High MCQ8: Omega 3 and Omega 6 are also known as ____ fatty acids Answer: Essential MCQ9: Which of these enzymes hydrolyzes the breakage of α-1, 4 linkage in starch_______ Answer: Lipase MCQ10: The minerals that are needed in large amount in the body are called _____ minerals Answer: Trace MCQ11: The process of detoxification which involves conversion of hydrocarbons to their corresponding alcohol is called _____ Answer: Oxidation MCQ12: _______ is the deficiency associated with Vitamin C Answer: Beriberi MCQ13: Reactions of the urea cycle takes place in ______ and ______ of the liver Answer: Mitochondria and cytosol MCQ14: Vitamins that are easily absorbed in the body are ___ vitamins Answer: Fat soluble MCQ15: One of the things that makes plant cell different from animal cell is the present of _____ which is present in plant cell but absent in animal cell Answer: Chloroplast MCQ16: Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in _____? Answer: Nucleus MCQ17: The digestive enzymes that hydrolyzes protein are called _____ Answer: Tryrosinase MCQ18: The urea cycle shows the complete degradation of______ Answer: Uric acid MCQ19: Acidosis is a condition in which the blood plasma pH is ______ Answer: Fast MCQ20: ____ vitamins also act as a co-enzyme Answer: A MCQ21: DNA differs from RNA because of ______ Answer: It produces protein MCQ22: The branch of biochemistry that involves manipulation of DNA to improve drug research and solve health problem is ______ Answer: Toxicology MCQ23: _____ is an example of epimer of glucose Answer: Mannose MCQ24: Which of these proteins is more water soluble____ Answer: Albumin MCQ25: Which of these makes lipids different from carbohydrates ______ Answer: Lipids digestion begins in the mouth MCQ26: Which of these are esters of fatty acids _______ Answer: Triglycerides MCQ27: _____ are substances that resist changes in pH Answer: Enzymes MCQ28: The breakdown of large molecules to smaller molecules in the living system of organisms is called ______ Answer: Amphibolism MCQ29: Biochemistry is the study of ______ Answer: Living cell MCQ30: An aggregation of cell forms _____ Answer: Tissue MCQ31: One major function of the plasma membrane is ______ Answer: it control the activity of the cell MCQ32: The branch of biochemistry that studies the adverse effects of foreign substances on living organisms is ______ Answer: Toxicology MCQ33: _____ is the end product of beta (β) oxidation Answer: Carbon (iv) oxide MCQ34: The replacement of depleted intermediates of the Krebs cycle is called ________ Answer: Anaplerosis MCQ35: The major site for the breakdown of harmful substances is ________ Answer: Liver MCQ36: Water is referred to as a weak electrolytes because it can undergo partial dissociation into ________ and ________ Answer: Hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion MCQ37: Water is referred to as a weak electrolytes because it can undergo partial dissociation into ________ and ________ Answer: Hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion MCQ38: In preparing a buffer, ________ equation is used to calculate the concentrations of acid and base components of the buffer Answer: Equilibrium equation MCQ39: ________ is also known as animal starch Answer: Glucose MCQ40: ________ and ________ linkages are present in linear and branching points of glycogen Answer: α-1,4 and α-1,6 MCQ41: Isomers differing as a result of variations in the configurations of OH and H on carbon atoms 2, 3 and 4 of glucose are called ________ Answer: Epimers MCQ42: Amino acids in solution at neutral pH which are dipolar ions are also called ________ Answer: Radicals MCQ43: The abbreviation GlN represents ________ amino acids Answer: Glycine MCQ44: Proteins that yield only amino acids with no other major organic or inorganic hydrolysis products are called ________ proteins Answer: Simple MCQ45: The position of double bond in oleic acid is at carbon position number ________ Answer: 12 MCQ46: ________ are hydrolytic products of simple and compound lipids Answer: Simple MCQ47: During digestion of carbohydrates in the mouth, amylase requires________ ion for its activation Answer: Chloride MCQ48: The Krebs’s cycle produces ________ number of NADH and ________ number of FADH Answer: 3 and 1 MCQ49: The required daily allowance of Vitamin C is ________ per day Answer: 120 mg MCQ50: The required daily allowance of Zinc for men and women respectively is ________ Answer: 11 and 8 mg