MCQ1: Nutrition is defined as Answer: All the options MCQ2: Our ancestors’ diet are different from our own in the following ways except Answer: None of the options MCQ3: Over the past 100 years, the dietary behaviour of Homo sapiens have changed tremendously due to agricultural and industrial revolutions Answer: True MCQ4: The high increase of domestic animals and refined grains may lead to higher increase of omega 6 than omega-3 fatty acids which may lead to increase in cardiovascular diseases and cancer.  Answer: True MCQ5:  The long term effects of agricultural and industrial revolution can results in-----------   Answer: All the options MCQ6: Who prepared the first food composition tables? Answer: Atwater, W.D MCQ7:  ------------------known as father of nutrition demonstrated that the food that was eaten was like a fuel in the body and that the more a man worked, Answer: Lavoisier, AL MCQ8: -------------------was the first to conduct controlled clinical trials on the reason for fresh fruits and vegetables would cure scurvy. Answer: liquid MCQ9: Nutrition research is useful in the following ways except  Answer: None of the options MCQ10:  Examples of simple carbohydrates are  Answer: monosaccarides and diasassacharids MCQ11:  The Diasaccharides are three molecules of sugar, such as sucrose, maltose and lactose Answer: False MCQ12:  These are all functions of glucose except  Answer: It helps in the formation of genetic materials MCQ13:  Digestion of carbohydrates ------------------------  Answer: begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine MCQ14:  Animal protein sources are usually referred to as ---------------protein because it contains all the essential amino acids Answer: Intermediate MCQ15:  Essential amino acids (Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine Answer: True MCQ16:  Daily dietary requirement of protein for an adult is---------------------- Answer: Two gram per kilogram of body weight MCQ17:  The patterns of PEM are Answer: All of the options MCQ18: Complementary proteins are the combinations of three important plant protein sources. Answer: False MCQ19: Complementary proteins are the combinations of ------------- important plant protein sources. Answer: Two MCQ20:  The following are examples of complementary proteins, except  Answer: None of the options MCQ21:  Animal fats contain more of ----------------fatty acids. Answer: Poly-unsaturated MCQ22: Functions of Fats include the following, except Answer: None of the options MCQ23: The digestion of fats begin in the -------------- Answer: small intestine MCQ24: Micro minerals or trace minerals are those that the body needs in large quantities more than 5 grams  Answer: False MCQ25:  These macro minerals are iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, selenium. Answer: False MCQ26: Minerals build the following body parts except  Answer: Mucus MCQ27:  Sources of calcium are :Milk, snail, fish with bones, greens and legumes Answer: True MCQ28: Retinol is another name for---------  Answer: Vitamin A MCQ29: Deficiency of vitamin A gives  Answer: Night blindness, leads to xerophthalmia MCQ30:  Vitamin C Deficiency leads to ---- Answer: Night blindness, leads to xerophthalmia MCQ31: Nutrition is defined as Answer: All the options MCQ32: Our ancestors’ diet are different from our own in the following ways except Answer: None of the options MCQ33: Over the past 100 years, the dietary behaviour of Homo sapiens have changed tremendously due to agricultural and industrial revolutions Answer: True MCQ34: The high increase of domestic animals and refined grains may lead to higher increase of omega 6 than omega-3 fatty acids which may lead to increase in cardiovascular diseases and cancer.  Answer: True MCQ35:  The long term effects of agricultural and industrial revolution can results in-----------   Answer: All the options MCQ36: Who prepared the first food composition tables? Answer: Atwater, W.D MCQ37:  ------------------known as father of nutrition demonstrated that the food that was eaten was like a fuel in the body and that the more a man worked, Answer: Lavoisier, AL MCQ38: -------------------was the first to conduct controlled clinical trials on the reason for fresh fruits and vegetables would cure scurvy. Answer: liquid MCQ39: Nutrition research is useful in the following ways except  Answer: None of the options MCQ40:  Examples of simple carbohydrates are  Answer: monosaccarides and diasassacharids MCQ41:  The Diasaccharides are three molecules of sugar, such as sucrose, maltose and lactose Answer: False MCQ42:  These are all functions of glucose except  Answer: It helps in the formation of genetic materials MCQ43:  Digestion of carbohydrates ------------------------  Answer: begins in the mouth and ends in the small intestine MCQ44:  Animal protein sources are usually referred to as ---------------protein because it contains all the essential amino acids Answer: Intermediate MCQ45:  Essential amino acids (Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine Answer: True MCQ46:  Daily dietary requirement of protein for an adult is---------------------- Answer: Two gram per kilogram of body weight MCQ47:  The patterns of PEM are Answer: All of the options MCQ48: Complementary proteins are the combinations of three important plant protein sources. Answer: False MCQ49: Complementary proteins are the combinations of ------------- important plant protein sources. Answer: Two MCQ50:  The following are examples of complementary proteins, except  Answer: None of the options FBQ1: Deficiency of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) leads to ------------------- Answer: angular stomatitis FBQ2: Nutrition is defined as the study of ------ composition and its effects on the body.  Answer: Food FBQ3: The main difference between our nutritional behaviours and that of our ancestor’s is their consumption of ----- was very high due to eating different fruits and vegetables  Answer: Fiber FBQ4: Over the past 100 years, the dietary behaviour of Homo sapiens have changed tremendously due to agricultural and ----- revolutions Answer: Industrial FBQ5: Higher increase of omega 6 than omega-3 fatty acids in the body may lead to increase in cardiovascular diseases and………….. Answer: Cancer FBQ6: _--------------- prepared the first food composition tables is a graphic image, or object that represents a file, programme, web page or command  Answer: Atwater FBQ7: -------- is known as the father of medicine Answer: Hippocrates FBQ8: --------------- identified certain food substances that when absent could lead to certain diseases such as rickets and scurvy. Answer: Hopkins FBQ9: ---------------- known as father of nutrition demonstrated that the food that was eaten was like a fuel in the body. Answer: Lavoisier FBQ10: Who was the first to conduct controlled clinical trials on the reason for fresh fruits and vegetables would cure scurvy? Answer: Liquid FBQ11: The basic food which is the main regular constituent of a meal of a group of people, a tribe, a region or a community is known as ----food  Answer: Staple FBQ12: Simple and --------------carbohydrates are the two types of carbohydrates Answer: Complex FBQ13: The Disaccharides are two molecules of sugar, such as ----, maltose and lactose Answer: Sucrose FBQ14: In the mouth, the food is chewed and broken down into small pieces and mixed with --------------- which contains salivary amylase ptyalin Answer: Saliva FBQ15: Energy requirement is ------------ during pregnancy, lactation and infancy Answer: Increased FBQ16: Energy requirement is ------------ during pregnancy, lactation and infancy Answer: Increased FBQ17: -------------- is the most indispensable nutrient that supply essential and non-essential amino acid  Answer: Protein FBQ18: ------------------ protein sources are usually referred to as complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids  Answer: Animal FBQ19: The ------------ essential amino acids are for adults. Answer: Eight FBQ20: For infants, the 9th essential amino acid is ------------- Answer: Histidine FBQ21: Daily dietary allowance of protein is------------ per kilogram of body weight   Answer: One gram FBQ22: Deficiency disease of protein is called protein energy ------ Answer: Malnutrition FBQ23: Rice and beans are examples of ------------------ protein Answer: Complementary FBQ24: Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins A, ---, E, and K Answer: D FBQ25: ------------------ serves as emulsifying agents for fat Answer: Bile salts FBQ26: Minerals can be classified into --- and micro minerals  Answer: Macro   FBQ27: Sea foods, -------, onions, fruits are the sources of selenium Answer: Meat   FBQ28: Vitamin ---------------- is also known as Retinol   Answer: A FBQ29: Answer:   FBQ30: Calciferol is also known as Vitamin ----------- Answer: D FBQ31: Vitamin ----- deficiency results in night blindness, poor tooth formation and severe deficiency leads to xerophthalmia  Answer: A FBQ32: Vitamin --------- is an antioxidant  Answer: E FBQ33: Vitamin -------------------------- Influences absorption and metabolism of phosphorus and calcium. Answer: d FBQ34: Water is defined as tasteless, colourless, odourless and clear fluid that is made up of --------------- and oxygen Answer: Hydrogen FBQ35: Daily requirement of water is at least----- litres  Answer: 2 FBQ36: Adequate intake of dietary ----- can protect against Cancer, CVD, DM, Obesity Answer: Fibre FBQ37: Dietary ----- can be defined as components of the plant cell wall that resist digestion by secretions of the human eliminatory tract Answer: Fiber FBQ38: human body stores glucose as ------------- Answer: Glycogen FBQ39: Plants store glucose as-------------  Answer: Starch FBQ40: Dietary--------------- is the nutrient that increases fecal weight Answer: Fibre FBQ41: Foods are classified into-------------- different ways Answer: 5 FBQ42: The 7 Food Groups: This 7 food groups plan was introduced during the war time. True or false? Answer: True FBQ43: Basic Four Groups are Milk and milk products (milk, ice cream, cheese). True or false? Answer: True FBQ44: In the middle of food pyramid fruits and vegetables are encouraged to be consumed at least ----to four servings every day. Answer: 2 FBQ45: Examples of ---- giving food group are yam, bread, cassava, beans Answer: Energy FBQ46: ------------ are body building food Answer: Proteins FBQ47: Vitamins and -------------- are protective Answer: Minerals FBQ48: Vitamins and -------------- are protective Answer: Minerals FBQ49: Food ------------is an attempt to add colour or flavour to make the dish appealing and tasty.  Answer: Garnishing FBQ50: ------------------is the addition of other foods or liquid to the infants foods while the mother is still breastfeeding Answer: Complementary feeding