MCQ1: The following are the main goals of teaching mathematics at the primary school level except _________ Answer: To help students to memorise mathematical formula MCQ2: The revised National Mathematics Curriculum for Basic Education in Nigeria is focused on giving children the opportunity to do the following except: Answer: Acquire the ability for rote learning MCQ3: The following is one of the six (6) themes in the revised curriculum Answer: Everyday Statistics MCQ4: Each of the following is a theme in the revised mathematics curriculum except: ____________ Answer: Directed Numbers MCQ5: The curriculum aids the teacher by prescribing the following except: Answer: Disciplinary measures to take when students misbehave MCQ6: The following recommendations would help in ensuring that the curriculum achieve the objectives for which it is made except :______ Answer: Only first class graduates must teach at that level MCQ7: The following are manipulatives for teaching Counting/Basic Addition & Subtraction Pictures except: ______________ Answer: One 35 cl bottle of water MCQ8: The following are manipulatives for teaching Positive and Negative Integers Picture______________ Answer: All of the above options MCQ9: If a pupil is unable to solve abstract problem after teaching him using concrete object, as a teacher what would you do ___________ Answer: re-teach the concept/skill at the concrete level using appropriate concrete objects MCQ10: For a student with learning difficulty the following approach would help to improve his/her performance Answer: All of the options MCQ11: According to Graham et al (1992), ____________ refers to a variety of self-regulation strategies that students can use to manage themselves as learners and direct their own behavior, including their attention? Answer: Self-instruction MCQ12: ___________ is a term used to describe a wide array of tutoring arrangements, that involved students working in pairs to help one another learn or practice an academic task Answer: Peer tutoring MCQ13: CRA stands for _________ Answer: Concrete Representational Abstract MCQ14: According to Access Centre (2004) CRA works well with the following groups of people: Answer: All of the options MCQ15: Before Piaget moved into the study of the development of children's understanding, who was he? Answer: Biologist MCQ16: In what ways was Jean Piaget studying the development of children understanding? Answer: All of the options MCQ17: According to Piaget’s theory, the first period of cognitive development is called _______ stage Answer: sensorimotor MCQ18: According to Piaget’s theory, the second period of cognitive development is called _______ stage Answer: Preoperational MCQ19: According to Piaget’s theory, the fourth period of cognitive development is called _______ stage Answer: Formal operational MCQ20: According to Piaget’s theory, the third period of cognitive development is called _______ stage Answer: concrete operational MCQ21: In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, recall or recognition of terms, ideas, , procedures, theories etc describes the ________ level Answer: Knowledge MCQ22: In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, breaking down information into component parts describes the __________ level Answer: Analysis MCQ23: In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, understanding what the facts mean describes the __________ level Answer: Comprehension MCQ24: In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, judging or forming an opinion about the information or situation describes the ________ level Answer: Evaluation MCQ25: In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, combination of facts, ideas, or information to make a new whole describes the ________ level Answer: Synthesis MCQ26: ____________ is a style of the presentation of content in classroom Answer: Method MCQ27: The following are factors that affect the teaching and learning of mathematics Answer: All of the options MCQ28: The following are advantages of the lecture method except: Answer: it promotes interest by giving the students a share in the responsibility for the course and in search for knowledge. MCQ29: The following is a disadvantage of the Discussion method of teaching Answer: It makes more demands on the instructor as a group leader than as a lecturer. MCQ30: The following is an advantage of the discussion method Answer: All of the options MCQ31: __________ allows students to work through mathematics equations in a small group setting. Answer: Cooperative Group Learning MCQ32: The following are fundamental educational principles which form the foundation of all assessment that supports effective education except: Answer: Golden Principle MCQ33: 3a-5b+7a = 3a+7a-5b is possible because of ______ Property Answer: Commutative MCQ34: (a+b) +c = a+(b+c) is possible because of ______ Property Answer: Associative MCQ35: a(b+c) = (ab) + (ac) is possible because of ______ Property Answer: Distributive FBQ1: One of the main goals of Primary mathematics is to help students acquire basic skills in ___________ Answer: Numeracy FBQ2: Teaching mathematics at the Primary level is to help students to acquire the ability to interpret graphs and arrangements of numerical data. TRUE or FALSE? Answer: TRUE   FBQ3: The revised National Mathematics Curriculum for Basic Education in Nigeria is focused on giving children the opportunity to acquire communication skill necessary to function in an information age. TRUE or FALSE. Answer: FALSE FBQ4: The six (6) themes in the revised mathematics curriculum are: Number and Numeration, Basic Operations, Measurement, Algebraic Process, Geometry and Mensuration and Statics and Dynamics. TRUE or FALSE. Answer: FALSE   FBQ5: The concrete level of understanding is the most basic level of mathematical understanding. TRUE or FALSE? Answer: TRUE   FBQ6: The general types of mathematics manipulatives are Discrete and ____________ Answer: Continuous FBQ7: Continuous manipulatives are those materials that can be counted. TRUE or FALSE  Answer: FALSE FBQ8: Base 10 cubes/blocks can be used to teach Place value Pictures. TRUE or FALSE? Answer: TRUE   FBQ9: systematic and explicit instruction, self instruction, peer tutoring and visual representations have been found suitable for teaching students with learning difficulties. TRUE or FALSE.   Answer: TRUE FBQ10: ______________________ instruction, often called direct instruction, refers to an instructional practice that carefully constructs interactions between students and their teacher. Answer: Explicit   FBQ11: CAST is the acronym for Center for ________ Special Technology Answer: Applied FBQ12: ______________________ refers to a variety of self-regulation strategies that students can use to manage themselves as learners and direct their own behavior, including their attention Answer: Self-instruction FBQ13: __________ refers to students working in pairs to help one another learn or practice an academic task. Answer: Peer-tutoring FBQ14: According to Kunsch, Jitendra, and Sood (2007), Peer -tutoring works best when students of different ability levels work together. TRUE or FALSE. Answer: TRUE FBQ15: CRA is the acronym for _______________ Answer: Concrete-Representational-Abstract FBQ16: According to Piaget, in ____________ stage, Infants gain knowledge of the world from the physical actions they perform on it Answer: sensorimotor FBQ17: According to Piaget, the _____________ operational stage commences at around 11 years of age (puberty) and continues into adulthood Answer: Formal FBQ18:  rote memorization, recognition, or recall of facts describes the __________ level of Bloom’s taxonomy Answer: Knowledge FBQ19:  ___________ is judging or forming an opinion about the information or situation  Answer: Evaluation FBQ20: Analysis is the combination of facts, ideas, or information to make a new whole. TRUE or FALSE   Answer: FALSE FBQ21:  correct use of the facts, rules, or ideas is _______  Answer: Application FBQ22: ____________ is the understanding of what the facts mean   Answer: Comprehension FBQ23: What is the first day of spring is an example of a question testing which cognitive level? Answer: Knowledge FBQ24: Innovations in teaching of mathematics can be diversified in terms of _________, Pedagogic Resources and Mastery Learning Strategy used in teaching-learning process. Answer: Methods FBQ25: For a science student, ___________ is the most fundamental subject beside the English Language Answer: Mathematics FBQ26: Mathematics trains students in the use of __________ power rather than memory work and rote learning Answer: Reasoning FBQ27: As the main goal in English Language is Literacy, ___________ is the main goal in Mathematics Answer: Numeracy FBQ28: The National Mathematics Curriculum for Basic Education Programme span for a period of _____________ years  Answer: nine FBQ29: The Bill that mandated UBE was passed in the year _____________ Answer: 2004 FBQ30:  The first Mathematics Curriculum was developed in the year ________________ Answer: 1977 FBQ31:  A good example of spatial mathematics is ______________ Answer: Geometry FBQ32: In selecting the curriculum contents and learning experience, ____________ approach was used in the current curriculum Answer: Thematic FBQ33: The contents and learning experience selected in Mathematics curriculum can be grouped into __________ theme Answer: six FBQ34: ___________ is the minimum qualification required to teach Basic 1 - 9 Answer: National Certificate of Education FBQ35: Computational Algorithm such as those used in long division and multiplication requires regular __________ Answer: practice