The teacher must provide enabling environment so as to lay in children the foundation…………… *kinetic ability* ……………is the result of Boredom, lack of interest, non-participation *ineffective learning* Generally, questions are divided into …………. main types *2* ………… is also referred to as questioning method *Socratic* ……………… is regarded as independent study *project* discovery of hidden talents is a……………of the discussion method *advantage* The believe of discussion method is that many people’s knowledge is better than that of an individual. Therefore, it requires…………… *teamwork* In lecture method, the sequence by which teacher presents his lesson should not be…………… *above pupil level* The reason learners look down/disrespect their teachers is lack of …………… *subject mastery* Learning, achieved by learner is not based on………… *teacher’s pay* In using the activity method, it is not important that teacher understands pupils’…………… *social class* Field work is an important part of any effective instruction because children see, do and… ……… *touch* Demonstration method is effective in teaching primary school children especially subjects in the…………… *social sciences* The National Policy on Education specifies that a class should take between…………… *35-40* For effective communicate, a teacher should use…………… *variety of media* Ways a teacher employs to tell pupils stories will not include…………… *exposition* For effective discovery method, it should not be…………… *teacher centered* The participatory process which helps pupils investigate and validate knowledge/information is…………… *discovery method* The game method can be used to teach Maths, English and ……………subjects *Physical education* As pupils interact while playing with each other’s they do not learn…………… *anti-social skills* The teacher should not……………during the planning and pre-demonstration activities? *drink alcohol* Demonstration method provide forum for students to be let …………… and watch the teacher in the class *loose* Discussion group could be led by teacher or student. Whatever type of group is adopted, certain …………… is expected from the students? *conduct* As a primary school teacher, it is important to consider certain criteria before choosing teaching aids. Colour and …………… are not part of the criterion for the choice *beauty* For the play way method to achieve its objectives, the …………… must be knowledgeable. *teacher* The specified teacher/pupil ratio by the National Policy on Education (2004) is …….. *1:40* In a two-way communication system, …………… selects the message for communication *The source* Assignments are not given mainly to …………… *punish* The method in which the sense of sight is a major means of communication and is useful in………… *demonstration method* Children learn by …………… *doing* ……………is not a form of grouping using group teaching method *Inter-school grouping* The major difference between class teaching and group teaching is that class teaching is ……… *teacher centered* As a primary school teacher, it is important to consider certain criteria before choosing teaching aids. ……………and……………are not part of the criterion for the choice *Colour, beauty* The major difference between class teaching and group teaching is that class teaching is…………… *teacher centered* Of all the following factors, …………… would not lead to effective communication? *Physical and psychological discomfort* …………… can render charts useless. when the chart is not large enough for every pupil in the class to view The role of a teacher in the classroom is not that of …………… tax collector therefore the pupils should pay their dues to him Learning material should not …………… be too easy to avoid pupils getting bored A teacher asks two major types of questions in the classroom. They are …………… and …………… lower order cognitive questions and higher order cognitive questions …………… is not a disadvantage of discussion method? It is an interactive process …………… is predominantly an interactive process involving a multiple-flow of communication between the teacher and pupils and from one pupil to another discussion method ……………is not a disadvantage of lecture method It is less expensive since no special apparatus is needed Lecture method could also be referred to as ……… didactic method Discussion method is not ______ Large group teaching Values of lecture method include all but one of these ……… it is very expensive A method of teaching that is teacher-centred, involving largely a one-way form of communication from teacher to pupils is known as ……. lecture method A good teacher should develop or equip himself with certain abilities to discharge his duties. Which of these is not one of such abilities? Ability to mobilize students for rallies and demonstrations Which of these is not a principle for proper guidance in choosing teaching methods? The method must involve the pupils' five senses - sight, hearing, touching, feeling and tasting Who among the following takes decision on the type of method for teaching-learning process in the classroom? The teacher In the concept of teaching, method may be defined as …... a systematic approach adopted by the teacher to make teaching activities more result oriented Set induction in the classroom means ……… Using systematic approach to make pupils pick interest in the lesson Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good primary school teacher? He displays and sells his wares to the pupils in the classroom Effective teaching by teacher leads to learning. Learning can therefore be defined as …….. a modification on the existing behaviour patterns in a way that affects future performance or attitudes Which of these is not a factor to be considered in the selection of teaching methods for primary science teaching? The height and weight of the learners Meaningful classroom communication cannot be carried out through …………… ambiguous language For the play way method to achieve its objectives, the teacher must be knowledgeable in child psychology Discovery method is controversial because it does not teach pupils to be impolite Assignments are not given mainly to punish For first hand experiences, pupils must embark on field trips Performing an act or illustrating a principle in pupils’ presence is demonstrating For teaching/learning to be productive, we should …………… motivate teacher/pupils The questioning method serve numerous useful purposes which does not include …………. x raying pupil ignorance Role play method is not…………… modelling Using the method of games to teach entails pupils learning …………… passively ……………is not a way by which children learn repressive activities ……………. Is not a situation in which discussion method is used group/round table discussion Pupils discuss with the teacher asking questions to elicit more information in ……….. approach discussion The specified teacher/pupil ratio by the National Policy on Education (2004) is …………… 1:40 Children learn more by imitation than by listening to lesson. This means that children ……….. observe Teachers obtain best results when they use …………… combination of methods