Because of the pervasiveness of industries and organisations, industrial/ organisational psychology as a scientific discipline seeks to study the impact of _____ on the man and vice versa *Organisation* There are many _______ as well as several rightly or wrongly held myth and believes about human behaviour *Puzzles* __________as a scientific field of study is aimed at interrogating believes and assumption making meaning out of human thinking, dreams puzzles and projectile by means of empirically verifiable method and logical proofs *Psychology* The term psychology is a combination of two words _______ and ________ *Pyche and logos* Sigmund Freud (1934) proposed a method for the study of human mind called _______ *Psychoanalysis* ______ according to Kosylin and Rosenberg (2001) is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes *Modern psychology* Industrial/organisational psychology is for the overall benefit of man entrepreneur and _____ in general *Society* Industrial/ organisational psychology is also known as ________ *Work place psychology* Industrial/organisational psychology is a systematised and a specialised body of knowledge about human behaviour in ____ and ______ *Industries and organisations* Understanding human behaviour, from a scientific point of view is the overall goal of _____ *Psychology* Clinical psychology are doctors who diagnose psychological disorders and treat them using _____ *Psychotherapy* The psychologist who is primarily engaged in research using experimental methods is known as ________ *Experimental psychologist* The psychologist who applies psychological principles, procedures, theories and insight to tackle industrial/ organisational problems is referred to as *Organisational/industrial psychologist* The psychologist who through insight gain confession to crime without resort to torture and abuse of human right is known as ____________ *Forensic psychologist* The approach used in controlling labour surplus is known as ___ *Recruitment* Sources of recruitment is broadly divided into two _______ and _______ *Internal and external (labour market)* _____ is a key and most used tool for individual growth and organisation development *Learning* ______ can be defined as any relative changes in behaviour occurring as a result of practice or experience *Learning* The two basic way in which learning occurs are ______ and _______ *Formally and informally* There are two types of inhibitions to learning _____ and _______ *Retroactive and proactive* The act of temporary or total loss of material previously learnt is regarded as what______ *Forgetting* What is the full meaning of the abbreviation IQ? *Intelligent Quotient* Information processing theory uses the computer metamorphosis to explain the basic functions of human memory system by conceiving human learning as composing of two fundamental important mechanisms known as ____ and ______ *Information storage and information processing* _______ is an internal record representation of some prior event or experience *Human memory* The two basic types/system of memory are____ and _____ *The declarative and none declarative memory* The process of determining the raining needs of specific populations of workers is known as __________ *Demographic analysis* The attempt of organisation in evolving criteria for training that reflect daily and recurrent issues in different areas of operations is known as *Operation analysis* The effort of an organisation to identify the gaps between a person’s current competencies and the skills necessary to acquire is known as *Person analysis* ______ analysis is a micro perspective involving a review of job description in which the task duties responsibilities and condition under which the job is done is highlighted *Organisational Analysis* The focus on identifying where training is needed within an organisation is referred to as *Organisational analysis* Since organisations are run by people, the performance of organisations therefore is dependent on the sum total performance of ______________ *Individual members* _______ is the systematic evaluation of individual employee with respect to job performance. *Performance appraisal* Performance is carried out in two basic ways _____ *Formal and informal* According to Pattanayak (2012) change is inevitable for every organization to be healthy and to be *Productive* Organizational development programmes are packaged to drive organizational *Change* Organization change is a radical transformation in the functioning of the organisational ____ *Processes* Specifically in the 1970s Nigeria witnessed radical organisation change in form of ______decree *Indigenization* The relationship between organisational changes and organisation development is _____ *Efficiency* Organisational climate is viewed as people’s perception and attitude about the organisation that are easy to ________ *Change* Organisational culture is deep seated assumptions, values and beliefs that are enduring conscious and difficult to ______ *Change* The two leadership styles emphasised by Burk-Litwins Model of organisational change are _____ and ______ *Transactional and transformational leadership style* Organisational change can be traced to factors _____ to the organisation. *Internal* Resistance to changes or the thought of the implication of the changes appears common because it brings with it what may be described as _______ *Psychological shock* In 2014 the recurrent terrorist attacks by boko haram in north eastern Nigeria, Kidnaping and general insecurity led to rousing resistance against the government of that time, successfully brought about _______ *Change* Resistance of change is basically in two dimensions that is _______ *Individual and organisational resistance* According to Eze (2004) ______ is central and essential part of life *Work* ______ can be defined as an enduring organisation of motivational, emotional, perceptual and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the environment *Work* Engineering psychology or human factor engineering is another name for the sub- field of psychology called *Ergonomics* The overall goal of the equipment and machine design is to facilitate as well as complement _____efforts at work *Human* Because of the conflicting nature of needs and interest, conflict has been viewed by Dunlop (1965) as *Inevitable* The bargaining process whereby both parties choose to adjust their demands in order to reach certain or minimal objectives on either side is known as ___________ Compromise As indicateed in the module for this course, you were made to know that negotiators are not borne as such they require Basic _________ Skills The two basic types of Collective Bargaining are _________ and _________ Integritive and Distributive The type of bargaining approach in which the interested parties confront the issues and cooperate to identify the problem, generate and weigh alternatives solutions is known as _________ Integrative bargaining The type of bargaining approach that is mainly concerned with how to share the industrial pie is known as ____________ Collective bargaining The bargaining approach that is based on use of force or exercise power to dominate one party in the negotiation is referred to as Conjuctive bargaining The bargaining process that is usually between union and managemnet whereby both parties in their demands focuses the survival of the organisation is known as ____________ Concession bargaining The basic sources of organisational conflict are ___________ and _________ environment. Internal and external The highest organ in Nigerian saddled with responsibilities of settling industrial disputes is known as ___________ National Industrial Court The trending dispute resolution mechanism that encourage disputants (parties) to settle out-of-court is known as ___________ Alternative Dispute Resolution The sum total of values, both materials and non-materials attained by worker throughout his life is known as ___________ Quality of work life Work offers more than activities, tasks, responsibilities and duties, therefore, work serves the following except: All of the above Workers wellbeing are also indexed in the following issues except: Job lose In agrarian society like Nigerian, hard work by individuals is always seen as the key to ____________ Success In this industrial age as against agrarian society, individuals now gain success through efforts within the structure of ____________ Organisation In this industrialisation era, success in work life within the organisation will depend on individuals to discover and develop their personal abilities known as _____________ Career _________ is known as ones particular area of work within a series of jobs Career In Nigeria most often, successful development of one’s carrier does not translate to quality work life due to ___________ Tribalism The traditional concern of Human resources managers in this industrial era is how to match individual abilities of the employees to specific __________ Job The proper knowledge of psychology is strategic for any public administrator because psychology essentially address issues in __________ Human behaviour The bargaining process whereby both parties disagree on everything is referred to as _____ No deal Another bargaining process whereby neither of the parties in the negotiation could not achieve any set goal or objective is referred to as______ Lose-lose The bargaining process whereby one party in the bargaining dominate and get their demand while the other do not is known as Win-lose The bargaining process where both parties reaches a common ground on settling each other’s demand is referred to as Win-win Which one among the following is not a type of negotiation Disengagement _______ means concurrence of option between two disputing parties Agreement ________ is a give and take, life long process between conflicting interdependent parties. Negotiation According to the analysis Jayeoba (2013) conflict is generated in the organisation because of its perception as need-fulfilling agent baking industrial ________ that many seek to partake in one form or the other Pie One of the major duties of the managers is to Harness diversity of workers and increase productivity Conflicts are bound in organisation life basically due to____ Diversity of interests __________as a scientific field of study is aimed at interrogating believes and assumption making meaning out of human thinking, dreams puzzles and projectile by means of empirically verifiable method and logical proofs Psychology Sigmund Freud (1934) proposed a method for the study of human mind called _______ Psychoanalysis Industrial and organisational psychology is for the overall benefit of man entrepreneur and _____ in general Society Industrial and organisational psychology is also known as ________ Work place psychology Industrial/ organisational psychology is a systematised and a specialised body of knowledge about human behaviour in ____ and ______ Industries and organisations Understanding human behaviour, from a scientific point of view is the overall goal of _____ Psychology The psychologist who is primarily engaged in research using experimental methods is known as ________ Experimental psychologist The approach used in controlling labour surplus is known as ___ Recruitment _____ is a key and most used tool for individual growth and organisation development Learning The act of temporary or total loss of material previously learnt is regarded as what______ Forgetting What is the full meaning of the abbreviation IQ? Intelligent Quotient _______ is an internal record representation of some prior event or experience Human memory The process of determining the raining needs of specific populations of workers is known as __________ Demographic analysis The attempt of organisation in evolving criteria for training that reflect daily and recurrent issues in different areas of operations is known as Operation analysis The effort of an organisation to identify the gaps between a person’s current competencies and the skills necessary to acquire is known as Person analysis ______ analysis is a micro perspective involving a review of job description in which the task duties responsibilities and condition under which the job is done is highlighted Organisational Analysis Since organisations are run by people, the performance of organisations therefore is dependent on the sum total performance of ______________ Individual members _______ is the systematic evaluation of individual employee with respect to job performance. Performance appraisal According to Pattanayak (2012) change is inevitable for every organization to be healthy and to be Productive The relationship between organisational changes and organisation development is _____ Efficiency