The ozone layer protects the earth from excessive_____________ radiation Ultraviolet The largest portion of atmospheric gases by weight is_____________ *Nitrogen* _________ cleanses itself of some air pollutants in a few hours or days *Troposphere* Safe water should be located within a distance of ____________meters from the household residence. *100* A UN Conference on Climate Change was held in_______ in 1997 *Japan* On sanitation, Nigeria is________ highest in hierarchy in Open Defecation practice. *5th* The vector for loasis disease is the ____________. *Chrysops* The Culex sp. mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of_________ *Lymphatic filariasis* World Health Organization in the year_________ classified waste substances as comprising of solid waste, liquid waste and, gaseous waste *1990* ______________include refuse from households, non-hazardous solid waste from industrial, commercial and institutional establishments (including hospitals), market waste, yard waste, and street sweepings. *Municipal solid waste* Plague disease is transmitted by__________ *Flea* __________can be defined as useless, unwanted or discarded materials that arise from mans’ activities. *Solid waste* Mites belong to the order _________. *Arachnida* In addition to spreading epidemic typhus, Tick also causes _________. *relapsing fever* Cyclops belongs to the order _________. *Crustacea* Malaria disease is transmitted by__________ *Anopheles mosquito* Yellow fever disease is transmitted by____________ *Aedes mosquito* Trypanosomiasis disease is transmitted by_____________ *Glossina* Leishmaniasis disease is transmitted by_____________________ *Phlebotomus* The vector for Drancontiasis disease is the __________ *Cyclops* The vector for scabies disease is the ____________. *Mite* The vector for Enteric infections is the ____________. *House fly* ____________has classified Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) as a Class A carcinogen. *The Environmental Protection Agency* Cross ventilation allows for free flow of_____________ *Oxygen* Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly referred to as mad cow disease s caused by pathogenic agents known as_________ *Prions* More than_______ people worldwide continue to depend on solid fuel including biomass fuels for cooking *2 billion* Combustion is a major human source of ____________________, which is poisonous to air-breathing animals. *carbon monoxide* In 1992,________ signed a treaty on global warming at the UN-sponsored summit on the environment in Rio de Janeiro *150 nations* The ________declared 1981 to 1990 as “The International Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade”, with the goal of full access to water supply and sanitation to all people *UN* Every_________ seconds, a child dies of water-related disease. *8* _______________ is renewable water source. *Fresh water* The Nuclear power accident that occurred in Fukushima (Japan) took place in___________ *March 11* ____can be defined in terms of the family of types *Typeface* The 2002 World Health Report indicated that __________% of global disease burden is due to inadequate water and sanitation. *5.5* In most African cities, between _____________ % of the population live in grossly inadequate housing conditions *50-75* The ozone layer protects the earth from excessive_____________ radiation Ultraviolet The largest portion of atmospheric gases by weight is_____________ *Nitrogen* _________ cleanses itself of some air pollutants in a few hours or days *Troposphere* Safe water should be located within a distance of ____________meters from the household residence. *100* A UN Conference on Climate Change was held in_______ in 1997 *Japan* On sanitation, Nigeria is________ highest in hierarchy in Open Defecation practice. *5th* The vector for loasis disease is the ____________. *Chrysops* The Culex sp. mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of_________ *Lymphatic filariasis* World Health Organization in the year_________ classified waste substances as comprising of solid waste, liquid waste and, gaseous waste *1990* ______________include refuse from households, non-hazardous solid waste from industrial, commercial and institutional establishments (including hospitals), market waste, yard waste, and street sweepings. *Municipal solid waste* Plague disease is transmitted by__________ *Flea* __________can be defined as useless, unwanted or discarded materials that arise from mans’ activities. *Solid waste* Mites belong to the order _________. *Arachnida* In addition to spreading epidemic typhus, Tick also causes _________. *relapsing fever* Cyclops belongs to the order _________. *Crustacea* Malaria disease is transmitted by__________ *Anopheles mosquito* Yellow fever disease is transmitted by____________ *Aedes mosquito* Trypanosomiasis disease is transmitted by_____________ *Glossina* Leishmaniasis disease is transmitted by_____________________ *Phlebotomus* The vector for Drancontiasis disease is the __________ *Cyclops* The vector for scabies disease is the ____________. *Mite* The vector for Enteric infections is the ____________. *House fly* ____________has classified Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) as a Class A carcinogen. *The Environmental Protection Agency* Cross ventilation allows for free flow of_____________ *Oxygen* Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly referred to as mad cow disease s caused by pathogenic agents known as_________ *Prions* More than_______ people worldwide continue to depend on solid fuel including biomass fuels for cooking *2 billion* Combustion is a major human source of ____________________, which is poisonous to air-breathing animals. *carbon monoxide* In 1992,________ signed a treaty on global warming at the UN-sponsored summit on the environment in Rio de Janeiro *150 nations* The ________declared 1981 to 1990 as “The International Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade”, with the goal of full access to water supply and sanitation to all people *UN* Every_________ seconds, a child dies of water-related disease. *8* _______________ is renewable water source. *Fresh water* The Nuclear power accident that occurred in Fukushima (Japan) took place in___________ *March 11* ____can be defined in terms of the family of types *Typeface* The 2002 World Health Report indicated that __________% of global disease burden is due to inadequate water and sanitation. *5.5* In most African cities, between _____________ % of the population live in grossly inadequate housing conditions *50-75* Which of the following is involved in environmental health? All of the options Environmental tobacco smoke contains 4,000 substances All are disadvantages of open dumping except Source of manure All are the roles of environmental health professionals except Composting When drinking water with Cyclops, one can be infected with Fish Tape worm Culex mosquito’s flight range is 1.5-2km Mites’ life span is 1-2 months All are true of Culex mosquito except Larva has roundish siphon tube Aedes mosquito is a vector for Yellow fever Louse/ tick is a vector for Typhus Vectors transmit or cause diseases by Indirect Culex mosquito is a vector for Lyphatic filariasis Cyclops is a vector for Drancontiasis Water treatment at the household level can be done by all except Sedimentation All are true of surface water except They are springs All are consequences of greenhouse effect except Smog Normal air contains 0.003% of carbon dioxide All is true about arthropods except Classified into 5 classes All are true about Arachnida except Has 2 antennae All are true about insect except No antennae Glossina is a vector for Trypanosomiasis All are characteristics of anopheles mosquitoes except Passes through 3 stages of egg, pupa, adult Sources of pathogenic microbial agents are all except Viruses Foreign object contaminant could come from all except Preservatives Contaminants from chemically related food borne hazards could be from all except Plastics Miscellaneous contaminants could be from all except Hormones Advantages of physical straining of water include all except Removes all bacteria and viruses Advantages of coagulation and flocculation are all except asy All are stages of food processing which can expose food to contamination except Eating All are sociological hazards except Hysteria All are natural disasters except Radiation All are biological hazards except Typhoon All are occupational diseases except Shigella When fossils fuels are burnt, all are released except Oxygen Contributions of industrialization to health are all except Decrease lung performance Which of the following is involved in environmental health? All of the options Environmental tobacco smoke contains 4,000 substances All are disadvantages of open dumping except Source of manure All are the roles of environmental health professionals except Composting When drinking water with Cyclops, one can be infected with Fish Tape worm Culex mosquito’s flight range is 1.5-2km Mites’ life span is 1-2 months All are true of Culex mosquito except Larva has roundish siphon tube Aedes mosquito is a vector for Yellow fever Louse/ tick is a vector for Typhus Vectors transmit or cause diseases by Indirect Culex mosquito is a vector for Lyphatic filariasis Cyclops is a vector for Drancontiasis Water treatment at the household level can be done by all except Sedimentation All are true of surface water except They are springs All are consequences of greenhouse effect except Smog Normal air contains 0.003% of carbon dioxide All is true about arthropods except Classified into 5 classes All are true about Arachnida except Has 2 antennae All are true about insect except No antennae Glossina is a vector for Trypanosomiasis All are characteristics of anopheles mosquitoes except Passes through 3 stages of egg, pupa, adult Sources of pathogenic microbial agents are all except Viruses Foreign object contaminant could come from all except Preservatives Contaminants from chemically related food borne hazards could be from all except Plastics Miscellaneous contaminants could be from all except Hormones Advantages of physical straining of water include all except Removes all bacteria and viruses Advantages of coagulation and flocculation are all except asy All are stages of food processing which can expose food to contamination except Eating All are sociological hazards except Hysteria All are natural disasters except Radiation All are biological hazards except Typhoon All are occupational diseases except Shigella When fossils fuels are burnt, all are released except Oxygen Contributions of industrialization to health are all except Decrease lung performance