FBQ1: The minimal sound unit that makes a difference in meaning is a _____ Answer: phoneme FBQ2: Ability to process nonverbal information is located in the _____ hemisphere of the brain Answer: right FBQ3: In English, the sentence, ‘I has arrived’ is said to be _____ Answer: ungrammatical FBQ4: Sociolinguists study the interaction between language and _____ Answer: society FBQ5: _____ is the part of grammar which represents a speaker’s ability to produce grammatical sentences. Answer: Syntax FBQ6: A speakers' knowledge of his/her language is called _____ Answer: competence FBQ7: In English, the sentence, ‘I has arrived’ is said to be _____ Answer: ungrammatical FBQ8: Grammar is a system of _____structures Answer: infinite FBQ9: _____ is the presence in a language of two varieties used for distinct functions. Answer: diglossia FBQ10: "He passed on yesterday night" is an example of a _____ Answer: euphemism FBQ11: _____ phonetics is the branch of linguistics that is concerned with perception of sounds Answer: acoustic FBQ12: A patient who has experienced a serious head injury but is able to respond to instructions is indication that the _____ side of the brain is still functioning. Answer: left FBQ13: "Sons of the soil” instead of “tons of the soil” is an example of a speech error called _____ Answer: spoonerism FBQ14: The focus of Linguistics is to study and _____ how language is used Answer: describe FBQ15: _____ is otherwise called a “slip of tongue" Answer: Spoonerism FBQ16: _____ defined grammar as a native speakers’ competence of his/her language. Answer: Noam Chomsky FBQ17: A sufficient corpus of description of words in a language can constitute a _____ Answer: dictionary FBQQ18: Every language has a set of _____ that determine word order Answer: rules FBQ19: A morpheme that can stand on its own is called a _____ morpheme Answer: free FBQ20: Another name for traditional grammar is _____linguistics. Answer: classical FBQ21: The function word in the sentence, "My sister and I are close" is _____ Answer: And FBQ22: A_____is a reduced language that results from extended contact between groups of people with no language in common. Answer: Pidgin FBQ23: When the language variety of speakers differs only in pronunciation or phonetic distinctions, they are called___ Answer: Accents FBQ24: Individual speakers sometimes use language forms that are unique to them; such varieties are referred to as_________  Answer: Idiolects FBQ25: ____are varieties of language used by groups defined according to class, education, age, sex, and other social parameters. Answer: Social dialects FBQ26: The postulation that specific functions of language ability are linked to specific locations in the brain is called___ of the brain. Answer: localisation FBQ27: __in human language represent the smallest unit of description. Answer: sounds FBQ28: The head of the capitalised part of the sentence 'The hunter hid IN THE BUSHES' is a _____ Answer: preposition FBQ29: _____ is the father of structural linguistics Answer: Saussure FBQ30: American and British English are examples of _____ of English Answer: varieties FBQ31: The word, "impracticable" has _____ morphemes Answer: 3 FBQ32: The root morpheme of the word "impracticable" is _____ Answer: practical FBQ33: English in the United Kingdom and French in France are examples of _____ languages Answer: national FBQ34: The statement, "I am coming" instead of "I'll be back" is an example of language _____ Answer: interference FBQ35: _____ is a result of difficulty in understanding and in producing speech forms. Answer: aphasia MCQ1: Sound segments that make for a differences in the meaning of pairs of words are called ________ Answer: syntax MCQ2: The branch of linguistics that is concerned with the internal structure of words and how words are formed in a language is called __________. Answer: morphology MCQ3: Phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics are aspects of _______________ Answer: microlinguistics MCQ4: What a medical doctor is to the human body is what a linguist is to human ____________ Answer: language MCQ5: Linguistics is the _______________study of language. Answer: scientific MCQ6: Language is non-instinctive, meaning it is ____ Answer: Scientific MCQ7: ______ is the study of the effect of useage and context on language. Answer: sociolinguistics MCQ8: The tendency to generalize by using grammatical forms which are acceptable in one language to prescribe for another language is often associated with___ Answer: Prescriptive Grammar MCQ9: The______ theory focuses on the biological basis in the formation and development of human language. Answer: Glossogenetic MCQ10: The sentence ‘The tree ate my food’ can be described as because the verb ‘eat’ requires an animate subject to be true. Answer: semantically false MCQ11: According to Chomsky, the actual use of language in concrete situations is called_____ Answer: performance MCQ12: In the area of intelligence, humans are superior to animals, and this puts humans in a superior class known as________ Answer: homo loquens MCQ13: /b/, /d/, /g/are examples of _____ in the English language Answer: phonemes MCQ14: The complusory components in the phrase 'burgled the house' are____________ Answer: verb+determiner+noun MCQ15: In the word 'philantropist' 'ist' is a _________ Answer: bound morpheme MCQ16: The sentence, 'Elizabeth has used his wits to climb to where he is today' is ungrammatical because of Answer: Subject-gender agreement MCQ17: The orthographic representation of /sait/ is ________ Answer: cite site sight MCQ18: A damage to the______ of the brain will cause speech comprehension difficulties. Answer: Wernicke’s Area MCQ19: Wherever communities of deaf people exist,________ develop. Answer: sign languages MCQ20: ‘John work gone’ is an example of _______ Answer: broca’s aphasia MCQ21: _______theory focuses on the biological basis in the formation and development of human language. Answer: Glossogenetic MCQ22: An impairment of language function due to damage to localised cerebral cortex is called_______________ Answer: Aphasia MCQ23: To say “consult” instead of “insult” is an example of ________ Answer: Malapropism MCQ24: Damage to the__________of the brain can result in problems with speech production. Answer: broca’s area MCQ25: ____________ refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations. Answer: Performance MCQ26: In language study, competence means_________ Answer: Knowledge MCQ27: _______________was able to combine some forms to produce sentences. Answer: Sarah MCQ28: _______________is concerned with the mental mechanism underlying speech acquisition. Answer: Psycholinguistics MCQ29: ______ is the study of the effect of usage and context on language. Answer: Sociolinguistics MCQ30: _______grammar is characterised by the use of the terms of parts of speech to identify words in sentences. Answer: Traditiona MCQ31: Research findings have shown that damage to the____ of the brain can result to difficulty in speech production. Answer: Broca’s Area MCQ32: ____refers to native speaker knowledge of words and word formation processes of the speaker's language., Answer: Morphological knowledge MCQ33: ______postulated that language is an innate ability and is specie-specific. Answer: Noam Chomsky MCQ34: The label homo sapiens was first used to refer to humans by______ in his classification of the animal kingdom. Answer: Linnaeus MCQ35: The English statement 'He's a fair weather friend' can be only be understood in ________ Answer: pragmatic terms