PHYSICS METHODS I (EDU 256): Science teacher must not present new materials during teaching unless the learner is ready. This is the implication of _______ theory of learning Answer: Ausubel MCQ1: Science teacher must not present new materials during teaching unless the learner is ready. This is the implication of _______ theory of learning Answer: Ausubel MCQ2: Which singular effort of the Russia plunged the world into re-evaluation of their science curriculum in the 1950s Answer: The launching of Satellite Sputnik I MCQ3: ___________ is not a process of science Answer: philosophising MCQ4: All the following described the scientific enterprise except ______________ Answer: Passing judgement with little data to avoid error MCQ5: _________ is the part of the learner’s cognitive structure which can provide for the interaction necessary for meaningful learning. Answer: Subsumer MCQ6: Which of the following statements best describes science? Answer: science is both a body of knowledge and the process of acquiring and refining knowledge MCQ7: At what stage will a child carryout some logical processes like observing, describing, classifying and measuring real objects? Answer: concrete – operational stage MCQ8: Which of these is not a curriculum project in the western world? Answer: Ford-Cliff Biology Project MCQ9: What stage is characterized by freedom from reality?  Answer: formal – operational stage MCQ10: The first to conceive the atomic theory and use the word atom was _____ Answer: Democritus (470 - 380 BC) MCQ11: The science that was majorly regarded as conceptual science because it was not based on sound data was the _____ Answer: Greeks science MCQ12: Science as an enterprise as practised today was greatly influenced by the early ideas of _____ Answer: Greeks philosophers MCQ13: The philosophers who initiated speculation and later logic as tools for systematic reasoning and the explanation of events and phenomenon in nature are from _____ Answer: Greeks philosophers MCQ14: The development of science education in Nigeria was tied to the work of the colonial masters’ twofold agenda namely: _____ and _____ Answer: trade and evangelism MCQ15: The first secondary school in Nigeria was established by the _____ in the year _____D Answer: CMS, 1859 MCQ16: The _____________ of science include knowledge in the form of concept, facts, generalizations, principle, rules and laws Answer: Product MCQ17: Which of these components is not inclusive in the definition of science? ______________ Answer: context MCQ18: Which philosopher of science criticised hypothetico-deductive interpretation of the growth of science? Answer: Thomas Kuhn MCQ19: Which of these is not necessarily an assumptions and basic principles, which a science teacher would hold in bringing up activities of the students Answer: Previous knowledge MCQ20: A preparation room in the physics laboratory should be provided with the following EXCEPT _______________ Answer: baton MCQ21: A principal characteristic of science is that ________________ Answer: It is dynamic MCQ22: Which of the following is not true about philosophy of science? Answer: knowing how knowledge is fabricated MCQ23: The concept of pre-test in teaching-learning process can be best linked to ________ theory of learning Answer: Gagne MCQ24: _________ proposed a hierarchy of learning where problem-solving is the highest level while the lower levels involved facts, concepts and generalization. Answer: Gagne MCQ25: The cognitive psychologist that emphasized previous knowledge of learners is _______ Answer: Robert Gagne MCQ26: The stage at which the child uses language to express the object is called Answer: Symbolic stage MCQ27: At _____________ the child will be able to deal with mental changes of objects but would not be able to manipulate the object directly Answer: Ionic stage MCQ28: The child's ability to manipulate the training materials directly by neuro-muscular effect activities is possible at ________ stage  Answer: Enactive stage MCQ29: Brunner (1960) proposed two forms of discovery process. They are Answer: Assimilation and accommodation MCQ30: According to Brunner, all these are human activities for learning except Answer: Platonic representation MCQ31: In 1967, The Harvard Project Physics developed the followings units of physics concept except____ Answer: Quanta MCQ32: Which of these is not correct about science? Answer: Science is about Conjectures MCQ33: The science manpower project (1960) provides a definition of science that is most credible because:  Answer: Its main focus is about the dual nature of science MCQ34: Processes of science entails; Answer: Stating problems, hypothesizing, designing experiments, interpreting data and synthesizing theories MCQ35: _________ is the foreign curriculum body that supported the Biological Science Curriculum Project Answer: National Science Foundation FBQ1: According to a renowned psychologist who propounded theory on stages of intellectual development, age 0 – 2 years stands for ___________ Answer: Sensory-motor stage FBQ2: Considering the stages of intellectual development of a renowned educational psychologist, age 2 – 7 years stands for ______________ Answer: Pre-operational stage FBQ3: In the Piagetian theory of intellectual development, age 11 - 15 years stands for _________________ Answer: Formal operational stage FBQ4: A pre-verbal stage where the entire child’s learning activities are based on seeing, sucking, tasting, touching and pushing can be simply called ______ Answer: Sensory Motor Stage FBQ5: At what stage of Piaget intellectual development will a child speak clearly and use symbolic representation by drawing, writing and perform complex manipulation Answer: Pre-occupational stage FBQ6: At what stage of intellectual development will a child develop the idea of conservation of matter, length, weight, volume and concept of time and space Answer: Concrete operational stage FBQ7: According to Piaget theory of learning, at what stage will the child be able to engage in logical argument? Answer: Formal operational stage FBQ8: _________ is a general term that entails curriculum planning, instruction, measurement and evaluation Answer: Teaching FBQ9: Which of this list is not a method of teaching physics (demonstration, discussion, indoctrination, discovery, project and field trip) Answer: Indoctrination FBQ10: _______ is the most popular teaching method that can be used for large class where students are passive and merely take notes. Answer: Lecture method FBQ11: In the absence of adequate laboratory facilities to aid physics practical in a large class, the teacher can result to _________ method Answer: Demonstration method FBQ12: _____ is the teaching method that emphasizes the scientific skills of observing, measuring, classifying, hypothesizing etc. in the physics laboratory Answer: Discovery method FBQ13: The teaching method where the learner construct his knowledge among his peers while the teacher moderates and guide is best described as _______ method. Answer: Discussion method FBQ14: The teaching method that adopt excursion outside the classroom can be described as____________ Answer: Field trip method FBQ15: In your study of resources for teaching physics, _____________ refers to those resources which appeal to sense of hearing. Answer: Aural aids FBQ16: The teaching resources which appeal to sense of sight, touch, and smell can be best described as ___________ resources Answer: Visual FBQ17: In the classification of teaching resources in physics, sound film projector, television, computer are example of __________ Answer: Audio-Visual aids FBQ18: Consider these criteria: Relevance, appropriateness, cost, availability, validity. Which of these is not relevant when selecting teaching resources in physics Answer: validity FBQ19: The uniqueness of a child depends on these factors (socio-economic background, physiological structure, intelligence, interest, need) except one. Which of these? Answer: Physiological structure FBQ20: A place where a wide range of educational materials, equipment and information are stored is called_____________ Answer: Resources Centre FBQ21: _________ is a systematic arrangement of a number of physics topics into a unit for a particular level of physics students Answer: Curriculum FBQ22: In a teaching-learning enterprise, what word will you use to describe the end product of physics instruction. Answer: objective FBQ23: The common concepts in the definition of curriculum are objectives, subject matter, methodology and evaluation. Which of these concepts best describe the results of physics instruction? Answer: Evaluation FBQ24: Which concept describe the “How” physics instruction is delivered in the classroom Answer: Methodology FBQ25: _________ is the condensed outline or statement of the main topics of a course of study in physics which are drawn from broad curriculum. Answer: Syllabus FBQ26: ___________ is the weekly arrangement of physics topics to cover a defined academic year. Answer: Scheme of work FBQ27: _______________ is the daily guide to physics instruction. Answer: Lesson plan FBQ28: The stated objective that focus on what the physics teacher is going to do during the lesson is called _____________ objective Answer: Instructional FBQ29: The objective that focus on what the learners should achieve at the end of the lesson is called ______________ Answer: Behavioural objective FBQ30: __________ can be defined as the product of force and displacement in the direction of the force. Answer: Work done FBQ31: A spring is stretched by 5cm by a force of 20N. Compute the work done on the spring. Answer: 100J FBQ32: __________ is the philosopher that succeeded Plato Answer: Aristotle FBQ33: In what year was WAEC established? Answer: 1950 FBQ34: The credit for the popularization of science teaching in Nigeria in the year 1957 will be given to an association called ____________ Answer: STAN FBQ35: In which state was the first Northern Government College situated? Answer: Kaduna