FBQ1: Programme of ____, is a programme of care for the wellbeing of the learner. Answer: Guidance FBQ2: Programme of activities includes getting students to join various ____and societies in the schools Answer: Clubs FBQ3: Programme of ______, these are planned and organized out-of classroom teaching activities Answer: Activities FBQ4: Programme of ______, these are the subjects which must be taught in schools such as History, Geography, Economics and Physics. Answer: Studies FBQ5: This programme which the schools must follow or use has been carefully divided into ____ Answer: Three FBQ6: There is a programme which schools must run in order to properly ______ the citizens. Answer: Educate FBQ7: What the school teaches must be ______ planned and arranged in a particular way to bring about the desired outcome of changing the citizen’s behaviour. Answer: Deliberately FBQ8: _______ is a “deliberate, systematic and planned attempt undertaken by the school to modify or change the behaviour of the citizens of a particular society”. Answer: Curriculum FBQ9: There is also a principle that what is ______ should be taught first before teaching complex material. Answer: Simple FBQ10: There is a principle which says that what is ___ should be taught first before proceeding to what is not known. Answer: Known FBQ11: ______ is “an organized set of formal educational or training intentions”. Answer: Curriculum FBQ12: _____ is a “structured series of learning outcomes”. Answer: Curriculum FBQ13: Curriculum is a ____ of study, which contains a body of subject matter approved for teaching by society in schools. Answer: Course FBQ14: The word “curriculum” comes from the Latin word “_____”, which means to run or to run a course Answer: Currere FBQ15: Vocational Guidance is a service in which students are assisted to select ____ which are appropriate with respect to their individual interest. Answer: Vocations FBQ16: Sensor Motor Stage (0-2 years) Piaget postulated that a child at this stage of life relies more on ____ physical senses. Answer: FIVE FBQ17: Before a child can learn appropriately, he must adequately develop _____ and mentally. Answer: Physically FBQ18: The major contribution of Taba (1962), model is the attempt to bridge the gap between _____ and practice. Answer: Theory FBQ19: Wheeler’s model consists of five steps, instead of _______ proposed by Tyler: Answer: Four FBQ20: Wheeler’s emphasis was on learning _______ Answer: Experience FBQ21: Tyler’s emphasis was on learning _______ Answer: Outcome FBQ22: One of the earliest and well-known curriculum experts is Ralph______ Answer: Tyler FBQ23: The 1969 Curriculum Conference, led to the publication of a National Policy on Education in _______ Answer: 1977 FBQ24: In Nigeria, the research findings are usually incorporated into the ______in the schools. Answer: Curriculum FBQ25: Educationists and scholars conduct _______ in education and their findings influence curriculum development to a great extent. Answer: Research FBQ26: Studying the history of curriculum development is important as it help curriculum ______ to make appropriate changes as the need arises. Answer: Planners FBQ27: Curriculum development during the pre-colonial era depended largely on the needs of the different communities and there were no _____ objectives. Answer: Uniform FBQ28: The major reason for unemployment in Nigeria could be traced to the kind of education offered before the introduction of the _______ system in 1977. Answer: 6-3-3-4 FBQ29: Currently, there is a vision 2010, conceived in all sincerity by the Nigerian Government (FGN, 1997) with the ______ major objectives: Answer: Four FBQ30: After the 1981-1985 Development Plan, another Government came and changed the nomenclature of Development plans, to a “_______ Plan” Answer: Rolling FBQ31: The second National Development plan (1970-1974) was published with ____ principal National Objectives upon which the education, and the curriculum rested. Answer: Five FBQ32: The totality of the learning experience in schools is what is called _______ Answer: Curriculum FBQ33: Members of the society do come together to take _____ on what schools teach to the learners. Answer: Charge FBQ34: The Phelps Stoke’s Commission came out with a blueprint stressing the need to make _____ relevant to the needs of the society. Answer: Education FBQ35: Schools exist in society for the main purpose of transmitting ______ of the society to her learners Answer: Knowledge MCQ1: There can be no ____ if there is no curriculum. Answer: School MCQ2: A major objective of Nigerian Education as contained in the National Policy of Education is to build a self-reliant ________ Answer: Nation MCQ3: Schools provide _________, as well as training in character and the virtues which society holds dear. Answer: manners MCQ4: Studying the history of curriculum development can assist planners to produce new ______ Answer: Materials MCQ5: Traditional or indigenous education (i.e. the educational system in operation before the advent of Europeans) had no ______ curriculum. Answer: Written MCQ6: During the pre-colonial era, appropriate curricula development depended largely on the _____ of the different communities Answer: Needs MCQ7: Songs and music usually accompany the stories and help to fulfil the _______Components of the educational objectives. Answer: Affective MCQ8: Moral training was given both at home (by the parents) as well as other adult members of the family and ________ Answer: Community MCQ9: The school is therefore both an agent of stability and _______ in society. Answer: Change MCQ10: The informal methods included word of _____ instruction, story-telling and dramatizations. Answer: Mouth MCQ11: During the pre-_____ period, learning was not structured. There were no classrooms and designated professionally trained teachers as we have today. Answer: Colonial MCQ12: Different societies/communities ______ to the younger generation, what was best for them to become an integrated citizenry Answer: Transmit MCQ13: The educated citizenry produced by _____ are expected to go back to the society and contribute to its growth and development. Answer: School MCQ14: In ___ Lagos colony was ceded to the British. Answer: 1861 MCQ15: In 1914, the Northern and the Southern Protectorates were merged and administered as one entity by the _____ government. Answer: British MCQ16: During the colonial period, the Christian missionaries identified very early that _____ would be essential and indispensable. Answer: Schools MCQ17: ______ and society should both be involved in the curriculum planning process. Answer: School MCQ18: The curriculum consisted mainly of reading and ______ Answer: Writing MCQ19: _______ was introduced into the curriculum to ease the problems of calculation and trade. Answer: Arithmetic MCQ20: By ____, the Phelps Stoke’s Commission was set up precisely in 1920 to critically examine the process of education in Africa. Answer: 1920 MCQ21: An expert in curriculum called ______ (1949) suggested four fundamental questions which must be answered about the nature of curriculum in schools: Answer: Tyler MCQ22: Nigeria became an independent country on October 1___, and a full Republic in 1963. Answer: 1960 MCQ23: Curriculum development is therefore not static, but ______ in nature Answer: Dynamic MCQ24: _______ is the totality of the learning experiences organized for students (learners) under the auspices of the school. Answer: Curriculum MCQ25: National Policy on Education first published in 1977, and being revised from time to time, brought about the ______ system Answer: 6-3-3-4 MCQ26: History is the recording of ______ events that happen in a community, or nation Answer: Past MCQ27: During the colonial period the subjects taught only encouraged ____ learning and did not emphasize science subjects; Answer: Rote MCQ28: There was clamouring for change in post-colonial era, this resulted in the invitation of experts from ______ University (USA) Answer: Harvard MCQ29: _____ tries to present the events recorded concerning people and places in their unbiased form Answer: Historians MCQ30: The inherited ______ from the colonial masters was found to be deficient Answer: Curriculum MCQ31: Sokoto caliphate had an educational system which met the needs of the ______ life style of the cattle rearers, Answer: Nomadic MCQ32: The South had as the cornerstone of their education, the development of good character and teaching of ___ Answer: 3Rs MCQ33: During the pre-colonial era, appropriate curricular development depended largely on the needs of the different _______ Answer: Communities MCQ34: A major objective of Nigerian Education as contained in the National Policy of Education is to build a self- ____ nation Answer: Reliant MCQ35: History of curriculum development in Nigeria helps curriculum planners to see what type of ________ the society had in the past and the purpose it served then. Answer: Planners