FBQ1: The skills that teach you how to write mechanically is known as ------------skill? Answer: Mental FBQ2: "Highly needed courses are available in Business Education Curriculum". This implied there is ---------- in Business Education Curriculum Content. Answer: Adequacy FBQ3: In business education, commerce is one of the-------- subjects Answer: General FBQ4: To develop the skills for human relation-------- subject is required Answer: Secretarial duties FBQ5: How many skills are developed in shorthand?------------- Answer: Two FBQ6: Unplugging the equipment from the power source is a way of---------- equipment Answer: Maintaining FBQ7: Dike's report suggested the ________ type of training in business education Answer: Right FBQ8: Curriculum development, methodology, research techniques, Fundamentals of Business Education are not Professional Education Courses. True or False______? Answer: False FBQ9: The basic requirements for the study of Business Education are_______ Answer: English language Mathematics and Economics FBQ10: The major traditional subjects of business education are Shorthand and ______ Answer: Typewriting FBQ11: Business education should include practical and theoretical orientation because it involves__________ and __________ subjects Answer: Skilled/Non-skilled FBQ12: Convergers are usually authoritarians while the divergers are_______ Answer: Liberal FBQ13: The equipment for a business education programme must be modern and a replica of what is used in the business world. True or False_____? Answer: True FBQ14: If the equipment were to be used for a short time, purchasing the equipment would be advisable. True or False______? Answer: False FBQ15: Record player, radio, cassette recorder are examples of Audio. True or False______? Answer: True FBQ16: Small group instruction gives the learner a better opportunity for interaction with other members. True or False________? Answer: True FBQ17: School activities must be organised from ______ to complex Answer: Simple FBQ18: With implementation of the Ashby commission report. The college that offered a one-year programme leading to the award of NCE in Business Studies is _______ College? Answer: Olunloyo FBQ19: The training arrangements for business education teachers in Nigeria is done in _______ Answer: Colleges of Education, Polytechnics FBQ20: The curriculum for teacher preparation by NCCE prepares business teachers for the teaching of ______ subjects at the junior secondary Answer: Pre-vocation FBQ21: The acronyms SIWES stands for ______ Answer: Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme FBQ22: The teacher has to be competent in the teaching area to avoid lack of _______ on the part of the learners Answer: Confidence FBQ23: The Activists learns best form new ______ Answer: Experiences FBQ24: Demonstration Method may be used when teaching______ skills Answer: Psychomotor FBQ25: Large Group Instructions enables the teacher to avoid duplication of_______. Answer: Effort FBQ26: Business education institutions were previously known as ______ Institutes. Answer: Commercial FBQ27: Learning is more Effective when the Learner knows the________ goal to be achieved Answer: Immediate FBQ28: Business education programme provides for the handicaps in the society. True or False_____? Answer: True FBQ29: Reflectors participate less in a_______ discussion but believe in getting things done through past or from experience. Answer: Group FBQ30: A business education teacher must hold certificate in __________ education Answer: Business FBQ31: Who select business education equipment for teaching and learning? Answer: Teachers FBQ32: The activists learn best from new experiences/problems, survives in teamwork that is highly ________. Answer: Competitive FBQ33: The importance of anything done should be explained and understood by the______ Answer: Learner FBQ34: Law of_______ says that learning takes place only when an individual is ready to learn Answer: Readiness FBQ35: Question method of teaching can be divided into_________ Answer: Three MCQ1: General education enables you to develop basic skills in reading and_______ Answer: Computation MCQ2: Those with Bach. Ed in Principles and Methods can teach _______ and business studies Answer: commerce MCQ3: Everyone needs general education irrespective of the person’s age, sex, ability or background. Answer: Agree MCQ4: Which of the following statements is most correct_________? Answer: That those who studied business education at NCE and HND levels are qualified to teach business education MCQ5: Period of training depends on how fast the apprentice could learn the skill._____ Answer: Agree MCQ6: Which of the report brought business education to its present recognition_______? Answer: Ashby and Atkinson of 1960 MCQ7: They enjoy being leaders and believe in tackling problems by brainstorming, survives in teamwork that is highly competitive, the statement represents the good qualities of an ________ Answer: Activists MCQ8: Theorists Believe strongly that a good ________ must be given before they accept a thing Answer: reason MCQ9: The content is not adequate to meet the requirement or fully sufficient for what it has been stated to achieve; this means ________ of Curriculum Content Answer: Inadequacy MCQ10: As an entrepreneur, business education is important to you in the following areas except________ Answer: dealing with stubborn staff and customer MCQ11: _____ should be considered before acquiring equipment for business education Answer: Cost and durability MCQ12: To provide technical knowledge and vocational skills necessary for industrial and commercial development, we consider one of the objectives of vocational school. Answer: Agree MCQ13: The _______ learns best from new experiences/problems, survives in teamwork that is highly competitive. Answer: Activists MCQ14: Which of the following is correct about business education at tertiary level_____? Answer: To empower you with desirable skills, knowledge and value to perform specific functions so as to become self- reliant. MCQ15: All are objectives of Technical and Vocational Education as stated in the UNESCO and ILO Document Except_____ Answer: To enable students acquire functional skills in their chosen field. MCQ16: Which of the following does not belong to General Business Courses_______? Answer: Humanities MCQ17: Which of the following is not objective of Business Mathematics_______? Answer: Able to analyse situations MCQ18: Which of the following is objective of Book keeping_________? Answer: Improving arithmetical skill/developbasic skills in arithmetic MCQ19: Business Education is important to the nation because more people would have skills that can make them ready employers of labour. Answer: Agree MCQ20: Which of the following is objective of Business Communication_________? Answer: Able to deal with customers by using the appropriate word MCQ21: The colonial masters used typewriters as their major office tool. Answer: Agree MCQ22: With the understanding of business education you can make informed decisions as a consumer of _____and_________ Answer: Goods, services MCQ23: Which of the following does not belong to Business Education Courses/Vocational? _______ Answer: Human relations MCQ24: _____ defined business education as the ideal training for a student with a career objective Answer: Popham et al 1971 MCQ25: _____ defined business education as the ideal training for a student with a career objective Answer: Popham et al 1971 MCQ26: Which of the following does not belong to General Education Courses_______? Answer: Commerce MCQ27: The following include the components of business studies Except________ Answer: Fine & Applied Art MCQ28: Record player, radio, cassette recorder are examples of _______ Answer: Audio Aids MCQ29: Pragmatists develop _______ and believe in getting things done without waste of time Answer: Proposition MCQ30: They like to keep quiet in a group discussion, work from the past or from experience and from there move forward. Who are they________? Answer: Reflectors MCQ31: Those questions that are based on information-presented in a text book, reports, journals or periodicals is known as _______ Answer: Facts MCQ32: Television and Radio could be used to vary teaching methods in order to stimulate students‟ ________ Answer: Interest. MCQ33:  Textbooks, chalkboard, class bulletin board, mounted pictures, graphic materials are examples of ________ Answer: Visual Aids MCQ34: Which of the following does not belong to the group__________? Answer: Medical Science MCQ35: Work Adjustment subjects includes the following EXCEPT_________  Answer: Economics