MCQ1: Peacebuilding consists of a wide range of activities associated with the following except Answer: Monitoring MCQ2: Peacebuilding is a long-term process, which occurs after violent conflict has ___________ Answer: Subsided MCQ3: Peacemaking is thus the process of forging a settlement between the__________parties Answer: Disputing MCQ4: The concept of peacekeeping became fully entrenched in the globalpeace processes and institutions in the year________ Answer: 1940s MCQ5: ___________is a third-party intervention Answer: Peacekeeping MCQ6: Reconciliation consists of at least four basic properties, which include the following except Answer: Ideas MCQ7: The theatre of war was often far away from _______of settlement in order to protect or prevent assault or attack on the non-belligerents. Answer: Village MCQ8: Wars cannot be fought without______________ readiness. Answer: Pre-war MCQ9: All the following are the prominent implements or weapons of war except   Answer: Space MCQ10: Negotiation took place either on a neutral ground (at the third party’s place) or at the boundary of the warring or disputing ___________ Answer: Communities MCQ11: In traditional African societies, there was nothing like _____________ cleansing Answer: Genocide or ethnic MCQ12: modern day war comprises the combination of all the following except Answer: Coercion MCQ13: __________ opines that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generates inherent conflicts of interest.  Answer: Karl Marx MCQ14: Naval force or sea power comprises the following except Answer: Rocket MCQ15: In ________________Africa, conflict prevention management and resolution was the duty of local authorities Answer: pre-colonial MCQ16: __________ involves monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process  Answer: Conflict Tracking MCQ17: The great development of international law witnessed between the ________ was a by product of growing interdependence of states Answer: 18th/19th century MCQ18: The International Law Commission was established by the United Nation General Assembly in ______________ Answer: 1947 MCQ19: According to Midgley, in ancient Greece, the natural law conception of self-defence was used interchangeably with private ____________  Answer: vengeance MCQ20: As a basic social process, ___________ is the means by which people relate to each other. It is a human process.  Answer: Communication MCQ21: _____________is a state of open and declared hostile armed conflict between states or nations, or a period of such conflict. Answer: War MCQ22: Which among the following create enemy status and trading with the enemy and internment of enemy subjects?  Answer: State of war MCQ23: Conflict also means contradiction arising from differences in ___________________  Answer: Interest MCQ24: A particular theory which has reigned is that international law is nothing but a ____________  Answer: code of rules MCQ25: Conflict is an inevitable _________________ in any interactive situation of human life. Answer: Phenomenon MCQ26: Quicy Wright (1990:19) defines conflict as _______________ among social entities directed against one another Answer: Opposition MCQ27: ______________theories centre upon man’s innate drives of which the analogies are drawn from animal behaviour Answer: Biological MCQ28: __focused on autocratic governments, which were pressumed to wage war against the wishes of peacefully inclined people.  Answer: Liberal MCQ29: The __________ Convention relates to the treatment of prisoners-of-war (Geneva, 12 August 1949).  Answer: Third MCQ30: International law makes no use of the common law system of________________  Answer: stare decisis MCQ31: A specific group of people with whom we wish to communicate with or pass information about something to Answer: Audience MCQ32: Opinio juris sive necessitatis, MEANS Answer: opinion as to law or necessity MCQ33: Conflicts over______ needs of individuals are conflict which cannot be seen but affect the psyche of the individual  Answer: Psychological MCQ34: Competition may assume__________ dimension when the available resources is not evenly and judiciously distributed. Answer: Destructive MCQ35: ___________________ occurs when two or more people are competing for inadequate resources Answer: conflict MCQ36: __________________ is a Conflict between two or more individuals over an issue. Answer: Inter-personal MCQ37: ____ is use to attack opponents, and “spread disinformation or misinformation” and “rally external and internal support.” Answer: Media MCQ38: Treaty is the first major contemporary of source of international ___________ Answer: law MCQ39: Among the following are inexhaustible things that cause conflicts, except Answer: Individual MCQ40: The word ‘______’ covers a multitude of international agreements and contracts between states.  Answer: Treaty MCQ41: Hoivik and Meijer (1994) see conflict as ______________behaviour between parties Answer: Incompatible MCQ42: The word Conflict is derived from the Latin word “________________” meaning to “strike together” Answer: confligere MCQ43: Conflict also means contradiction arising from differences in ___________________  Answer: Interest MCQ44: The following can be seen as necessary for achieving an end in the society or for realization of social goals.  Answer: conflict MCQ45: In_________, a disarmed enemy was not to be killed, but to be captured. Answer: Mali MCQ46: In the _______________ war making several unsophisticated, less destructive arms and ammunitions were used  Answer: African traditional MCQ47: Conflict involving ____ are the most difficult to understand and resolve because people could die for what they believe in  Answer: Values MCQ48: International law and laws essentially came into existence either through __________  Answer: Treaties MCQ49: When the _____________________ system in a society is tampered with there is bound to be conflict.  Answer: Information MCQ50: conflict is ________________ and it keeps occurring in every individual life, either at home, at work, at social outings Answer: Inevitable FBQ1: _______is one of the United Nations cardinal models of peace process. Answer: Peace building FBQ2: __________peace-building is a kind of early warning mechanism tomonitor conflict triggers. Answer: Pre-conflict FBQ3: _______does not only take care of the triggers, but also addresses the root causes of the conflict. Answer:   peace building FBQ4: pre-conflict peace building is a _______process that requires identification of conflict incidences; analysis of conflict structure, Answer: Proactive FBQ5: Peacebuilding is an art of _________relationships, institutions and social facilities and putting in place schemes that can help the disputing communities to be united once again Answer: Repairing FBQ6: Sustainable _________ is characterized by a notion, which denounces any attempt or action Answer: Peace FBQ7: The _______________ is currently the principal agency that is saddled with the responsibility for maintaining peace all over the world.  Answer: United Nation FBQ8: ______________consists of a wide range of activities associated withcapacity building, reconciliation, and societal transformation. Answer: Peace building FBQ9: Peacemaking is thus the process of forging a settlement between the__________parties. Answer: Disputing FBQ10: When was the concept of peacekeeping became fully entrenched and developed globally_________  Answer: 1940s FBQ11: Peacekeeping is a _________intervention Answer: Third party FBQ12: Peacekeeping is very essential for conflict __________. Answer: de-escalation FBQ13: Post-conflict peacebuilding is more associated with________ Answer: Peacekeeping FBQ14: Reconciliation creates an avenue for the old combatants and displacedpopulation to express their pains and agony Answer: Pains FBQ15: The structural dimension of peacebuilding centers its focus on the social conditions, which promote _____________ Answer:   FBQ16: The first task of post conflict peace building is to _________ the old combatants. Answer: Disarm FBQ17: ___________ is defined as organised mass murder and crimes against humanity characterised by the intention to exterminate individuals because they belong to a particular national, ethnic, racial or religious group.  Answer: Genocide FBQ18: ___________look to ancient Greece as the birthplace of Western formal education.  Answer: Historians FBQ19: The Athenians believed a___________ should have a liberal education in order to perform his civic duties and for his own personal development.  Answer: Free man FBQ20: ____________, like conflict, is an amorphous term  Answer: Peace FBQ21: _________asserted that since true knowledge is the same in every place at every time, education, like truth, should be unchanging.  Answer: Plato FBQ22: ______________ involves opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes or gaining political, social or cultural advantage.  Answer: Pacificism FBQ23: Which Words signify peace in”, the Arabic word “,  Answer: Salaam FBQ24: ____________________ is often described as a series of “teaching encounters” that draw from people their desire for peace  Answer: Peace Education FBQ25: Traditional distinctions in peace education are couched in terms of negative and ________ peace Answer: Positive FBQ26: _______________entails the collection of arms and ammunition  Answer: Disarmament FBQ27: __________________ is the process that separates combatants from military service or armed troops  Answer: Demobilization FBQ28: The _________________century was a hundred years that is marked by extreme forms of violence. Answer: 20th FBQ29: _____________ peacebuilding has to do with activities that lead to the creation of structures, systems of behavior and institutions Answer: Structural FBQ30: _________________ diplomacy seeks to resolve disputes before violence breaks out Answer: Preventive FBQ31: ________________ is a way of life that is deeply rooted in spiritual tradition that could be active or passive.  Answer: Non-violence FBQ32: For many Africans, ______________ has a strong religious significance  Answer: Ubuntu FBQ33: The central concept of _____________ philosophy is satyagraha, which means “following the Truth in a non-violent way  Answer: Gandhis   FBQ34: _______occurs where individuals or groups subjectively see themselves as unfairly disadvantaged over others Answer: Relative deprivation FBQ35: A group of wandering teachers who were known as ‘Sophists’, began to teach in ___________  Answer: Athens FBQ36: Historians look to ancient ____________ as the birthplace of Western formal education  Answer: Greece FBQ37: In 2008, Africa hosted 78,________________ peace operation personnel.  Answer: 975 FBQ38: Peace’ is a necessary condition for the emergence or attainment of ‘’ in any modern society. True or False  Answer: True FBQ39: Peacemaking and peace-keeping are required to halt conflicts and preserve peace once it is attained. True or False  Answer: True FBQ40: ______________ peacemaking practices usually involve some form of direct or indirect compensation for victims Answer: Traditional FBQ41: _____________telling is an integral part of local dispute resolution practices in many African countries. Answer: Truth FBQ42: After the end of violent conflicts, local reconciliation activities are often focused on the return of _____and their resettlement.  Answer: Ex-combatants FBQ43: __________not only protects, but also empowers people and societies as a means of security.  Answer: Human security FBQ44: Peacebuilding is not a process that assists societies to establish durable peace and prevent the recurrence of violence. True or False?  Answer: False FBQ45: ___________ based peacebuilding assumes that people and culture are the best resources for building and sustaining peace.  Answer: Community FBQ46: _____ position is that the innate conflicts between men and later between states make humanity to seek peace and federation Answer: Kant’s FBQ47: _______________entails the collection of arms and ammunition Answer: Disarmament FBQ48: Czech education reformer Jan Komensky created a new educational philosophy called ____________ means (universal knowledge)  Answer: Pansophisism FBQ49: During the Cold War, ________ claimed they were trying to secure the peace in the world by stockpiling sophisticated weapons  Answer: Big powers FBQ50: ___________ who was a student of Plato also concluded that educated people who used reason to make decisions would lead a life of moderation which will make them to avoid dangerous and extreme decisions. Answer: Aristotle