PCR271 Conflict between two or more individuals over an issue is referred to as ____ conflict *Inter-personal* ____ opines that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generates inherent conflicts of interest *Karl Marx* ____ is another way of expressing contradictions arising from differences in interests, ideas, ideologies, orientations, beliefs, perceptions and tendencies *Conflict* ____ is the sum-total of all human existence which comprises norms, values, traditions, beliefs, customs, languages, patterns of behaviours, art music, food, mode of dressing and so on *Culture* ____ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organization, which include potential behaviours in that position, and not only those of the incumbent in question *Role* According to Maslow, the starting point for motivation theory is the so called ____ needs *Psychological* ____ is defined as those men and women, group or parties who are directly or indirectly involved in the conflict and have a significant stake in the outcome *Stakeholder* ____ is a process by which the root causes, dynamics, issues, and other fundamentals of conflict are examined, reviewed and unraveled through the use of various mechanisms for proper and better understanding of the conflict from several perspectives *Conflict Analysis* A graphical representation of conflict in which the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is known as Conflict ____ *Mapping* DPT conflict analytical tool Model stands for diagnosis, progress and ____ *Therapy* ____ is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a state of open and declared hostile armed conflict between states or nations, or a period of such conflict *War* Sociologist Mark Juergensmeyer coined the phrase ____ to describe the world view of religious adherents who have resorted to violence in defence of their faith *Cosmic War* Karl Von Clause Witz opines that ____ is a continuation of polities by other means *War* Who defines ethnic group as a community of people who have the conviction that they have a common fate based on issues of origin, kinship ties, traditions, cultural uniqueness, a shared history and possibly a shared language *Thompson* The ____ theories of war center upon man’s innate drives of which the analogies are drawn from animal behaviour *Biological* ____ is the belief that war is not inherently bad but can be a beneficial aspect of society *Militarism* The belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable and/or pragmatically not worth the cost is known as ____ *Pacifism* The spirit of give and take and vice-visa that was encouraged in order to promote peaceful co-existence in our immediate environment in traditional African society is called ____ *Reciprocity* ____ analysis theories on war claim that war ultimately result from the allegiance of men to nations and from intimate link between the nation and the state *Nationalist* Jus ad bellum and just in bello are two sets of criteria in explaining ____ theory *Just War* The principle of ____ requires tempering the extent and violence of warfare to minimise destruction and casualties *Proportionality* The two major sources creating legally binding rules of international law are treaty and ____ *Custom* Aerial raid on Libya cities of Tripoli and Benghazi on April 15, 1986 successfully carried out by ____ *United States of America* ____ is a set of international rules, established by treaty or custom, which are specifically intended to solve humanitarian problems directly arising from international and non- international armed conflicts *International Humanitarian Law* What is the acronym for International Committee of the Red Cross ____ ? *ICRC* A violation of the rules as to the means and manner by which war is to be conducted once begun is referred to as ____ *Crime Against Humanity* The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established by the Security Council in the year ____ *1993* ____ Peace building is defined as post conflict "action to identify and support structures which tend to strengthen and solidify peace to avoid a relapse into conflict" *Post Conflict* The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the year ____ *1948* Contradicting religious beliefs, ideological positions, and general worldview are the examples of conflict involving ____ *Values* Liberal political philosophy asserts that war could be eliminated by introducing universal ____ because people would surely vote out of office any belligerently inclined government *Suffrage* What is the decode message that helps the sender to know if the message has been received and how it has been understood? _____________________________ *Feedback* A form of propaganda or other related activities embarked upon by one state for the purpose of causing revolt or civil strive in another state is called ____ intervention. *Subversive* ____ is an offensive actions made by an individual, group, nations or state to prompt another nation to change their ways or behavior *Force* The dropping of leaflets, periodic broadcast hours on radio and television targeted at causing in action among the opposing military forces and help to expedite surrenders is regarded as ____ warfare *Psychological* The Force Field Analysis was developed by an American Social Psychologist ____ in 1951 *Kurt Lewin* War brings about termination of ____ relations and recognition of some treaties between the belligerent states. *Diplomatic* It is evident that in a situation where peaceful resolution to a conflict or hostilities is unachievable war or violent confrontation becomes ____ *Inevitable* The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of ____ in 1948 *Genocide* The expression ______ imply the legitimacy of the killing of an attacker where this is absolutely necessary for self-defense. *Amynes nomon* The phrase parta sunt servanda implies ______. *Promises must be kept* What missile did the United States of America deployed in Israel during the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq to neutralize the potency or destroy the Iraqi scud missiles fired against Israel? *Patriot missile* What organization did the United Nations replaced? The *League of Nations* In which year did the International Law Commission established by the United Nations General Assembly? *1947* Which former president of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia was handed over to International Criminal Court (ICC) for trial over multiple counts of murder, detention, deportation and other atrocities? *Slobadan Milosevic* The Hague Conference of 1899 on the pacific settlement of International disputes led to the creation of an institution known as ____ *Permanent Court of Arbitration* Who propounded that war is not attributed to the behaviour of states but to the structure of society? *Karl Marx* Military rule is usually facilitated or came into existence via _____ *Coup de-tat* The people that are affected directly by the outcome of the conflict but who do not themselves feel to be directly involved are referred to as _______ stakeholders *Secondary* Among the Romans, the concept reprisal was known as ______ *Represaglia* The period during which the basic causes of conflict remain in place, but the conflict behaviour and attitude has been significantly changed with reduced or less violence but with more political mobilization and negotiation is called ------ Mitigated stage The people that are affected directly by the outcome of the conflict but who do not themselves feel to be directly involved are ------ Secondary stakeholders What is the process which involves monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process called? Conflict tracking A graphical representation of the conflict in which the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is known as ------ Conflict Mapping ______ is one of the best known theorists and practitioners in the field of conflict transformation that posits that "social conflict emerges and develops on the basis of the meaning and interpretation people involved attach to the actions and events John Paul Lederach Which of the following options is not part of the contradicting value systems responsible for social conflict among the interacting parties? Fulfilment progression Military rule is usually facilitated or came into existence via _____ Coup de – tat Karl Marx attributed war not to the behaviour of states but to the ______ of society Structure Between 1950 – 1996 period, ______ conflict was believed to have constituted between 33 and 47 percent of all global conflicts Religious The concept reprisal was known as ______ among the Roman Represaglia The Hague Conference of 1899 on the pacific settlement of International disputes led to the creation of an institution known as ____ Permanent Court of Arbitration _______ was the former president of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trial over multiple counts of murder, detention, deportation and other atrocities Slobadan Milosevic Libya cities of Tripoli and Benghazi were attacked by the United States of America bombers Air Craft) on _____ April 15,1986 The International Law Commission was established by the United Nations General Assembly in the year _____ 1947 The acronym USSR stands for ________ Union of States Socialist Republic The legitimacy of the killing of an attacker where this is absolutely necessary for self-defence is also known in another expression as ____ Amynes nomon The United Nations Organization replaced the former ____ League of Nations During the Gulf war in 1991, United States of America deployed ______ missile to Israel to neutralize the potency or destroy the Iraqi scud missiles fired against Israel. Patriot missile The phrase parta sunt servanda implies ______. Promises or agreement must be kept Which of the following options is not part of sources of international law? Limited liability The ability to influence or control other events which could be in form of physical strength, states, control of resources, persuasive ability, support of allies, and so on is referred to as ______ Power relation ______ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organization, which include potential behaviours in that position and not only those of the incumbent in question Role All human existence which comprises norms, values, traditions, beliefs, patterns of behaviours and so on is simply described as______ Culture The theory that deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought, which can either be theoretical or historical in nature is known as ______. Just War ______ is the belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable and pragmatically not worth the cost. Pacifism Cold War era can also be referred to as the period of ideological differences __ and __ between U.S.A. and former U.S.S.R. Capitalism and Communism The introduction of western ______ and foreign _____ have eroded the African rich cultural heritage and made a caricature of it. Education and Religions Dropping of leaflets, periodic broadcast hours on radio and television and several propaganda during hostility or violent conflict are typical examples of ______. Psychological warfare Identify among the below options, the one that is not part of the causes of conflict in any society National/International conflicts The structural functional theory was championed by ______ after the World War II. Talcott Person Which of the following is not among the physiological needs identified by Abraham Maslow? Affection The decoded message that helps the sender to know if the message had been received and how it has been understood is known as _____ Feedback The two key propelling variables in conflict (escalation) cycle are _____ and _____. Opportunity and Willingness Identify the option not part of criteria for determining primary ____ stake holders. History of the conflict Which of the following is not among the types of intervention discussed in this course? Intervention by consent The "Spymania Scandal" between Russia and the United States of America in 2001 and Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 are typical examples of ______. Retorsion ______ of the United Nations Charter says that states reserved the right to use force when there is periculum in mora. Article 51 The conflict between Britain and Argentina in the early eighties of nineteenth century was over the ______. Falkland or Malvines Island ______ is an examination of issues in order to establish facts that may be in dispute. Enquiry Saddam Hussein was convicted of crime against humanity by a Baghdad court and sentenced to death by hanging on ______. 05/11/2006 The word genocide is a compound word or a hybrid consisting of ______ and ______ origin. Greek and Latin words ______ is defined as violations by a country, her citizens or military personnel of the international laws of war. War crime The body of laws which greater part is composed of the principles and rules of conduct bounding states to observe, and do commonly observe in their relationship with each other or one another is referred to as _______. International Law The word conflict is derived from the ______ word "confligere" meaning to "strike together". Latin The phrase ‘‘it is the end that justifies the means’’ was propounded by ----- Nicollo Machiavelli The Nigerian first military coup took place in the year _______. 1966 The term “United Nations” was first introduced into the vocabulary of international litics by who? President Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ is a war action undertaken by a party or a group of parties to contain the activities of an aggression or a group of aggressors Just war Peace building plays all the following roles except ___ Acquisition of arms and ammunitions To ensure the rights and freedom of citizens, the power of the arms of government must be________ Separated The period during which the basic causes of conflict remain in place, but the conflict behaviour and attitude has been significantly changed with reduced or less violence but with more political mobilization and negotiation is called ------ Mitigated stage The people that are affected directly by the outcome of the conflict but who do not themselves feel to be directly involved are ------ Secondary stakeholders What is the process which involves monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process called? Conflict tracking A graphical representation of the conflict in which the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is known as ------ Conflict Mapping ______ is one of the best known theorists and practitioners in the field of conflict transformation that posits that "social conflict emerges and develops on the basis of the meaning and interpretation people involved attach to the actions and events John Paul Lederach Which of the following options is not part of the contradicting value systems responsible for social conflict among the interacting parties? Fulfilment progression Military rule is usually facilitated or came into existence via _____ Coup de – tat Karl Marx attributed war not to the behaviour of states but to the ______ of society Structure Between 1950 – 1996 period, ______ conflict was believed to have constituted between 33 and 47 percent of all global conflicts Religious The concept reprisal was known as ______ among the Roman Represaglia The Hague Conference of 1899 on the pacific settlement of International disputes led to the creation of an institution known as ____ Permanent Court of Arbitration _______ was the former president of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trial over multiple counts of murder, detention, deportation and other atrocities Slobadan Milosevic Libya cities of Tripoli and Benghazi were attacked by the United States of America bombers Air Craft) on _____ April 15,1986 The International Law Commission was established by the United Nations General Assembly in the year _____ 1947 The acronym USSR stands for ________ Union of States Socialist Republic The legitimacy of the killing of an attacker where this is absolutely necessary for self-defence is also known in another expression as ____ Amynes nomon The United Nations Organization replaced the former ____ League of Nations During the Gulf war in 1991, United States of America deployed ______ missile to Israel to neutralize the potency or destroy the Iraqi scud missiles fired against Israel. Patriot missile The phrase parta sunt servanda implies ______. Promises or agreement must be kept Which of the following options is not part of sources of international law? Limited liability The ability to influence or control other events which could be in form of physical strength, states, control of resources, persuasive ability, support of allies, and so on is referred to as ______ Power relation ______ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organization, which include potential behaviours in that position and not only those of the incumbent in question Role All human existence which comprises norms, values, traditions, beliefs, patterns of behaviours and so on is simply described as______ Culture The theory that deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought, which can either be theoretical or historical in nature is known as ______. Just War ______ is the belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable and pragmatically not worth the cost. Pacifism Cold War era can also be referred to as the period of ideological differences __ and __ between U.S.A. and former U.S.S.R. Capitalism and Communism The introduction of western ______ and foreign _____ have eroded the African rich cultural heritage and made a caricature of it. Education and Religions Dropping of leaflets, periodic broadcast hours on radio and television and several propaganda during hostility or violent conflict are typical examples of ______. Psychological warfare Identify among the below options, the one that is not part of the causes of conflict in any society National/International conflicts The structural functional theory was championed by ______ after the World War II. Talcott Person Which of the following is not among the physiological needs identified by Abraham Maslow? Affection The decoded message that helps the sender to know if the message had been received and how it has been understood is known as _____ Feedback The two key propelling variables in conflict (escalation) cycle are _____ and _____. Opportunity and Willingness Identify the option not part of criteria for determining primary ____ stake holders. History of the conflict Which of the following is not among the types of intervention discussed in this course? Intervention by consent The "Spymania Scandal" between Russia and the United States of America in 2001 and Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 are typical examples of ______. Retorsion ______ of the United Nations Charter says that states reserved the right to use force when there is periculum in mora. Article 51 The conflict between Britain and Argentina in the early eighties of nineteenth century was over the ______. Falkland or Malvines Island ______ is an examination of issues in order to establish facts that may be in dispute. Enquiry Saddam Hussein was convicted of crime against humanity by a Baghdad court and sentenced to death by hanging on ______. 05/11/2006 The word genocide is a compound word or a hybrid consisting of ______ and ______ origin. Greek and Latin words ______ is defined as violations by a country, her citizens or military personnel of the international laws of war. War crime The body of laws which greater part is composed of the principles and rules of conduct bounding states to observe, and do commonly observe in their relationship with each other or one another is referred to as _______. International Law The word conflict is derived from the ______ word "confligere" meaning to "strike together". Latin The phrase ‘‘it is the end that justifies the means’’ was propounded by ----- Nicollo Machiavelli The Nigerian first military coup took place in the year _______. 1966 The term “United Nations” was first introduced into the vocabulary of international politics by who? President Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ is a war action undertaken by a party or a group of parties to contain the activities of an aggression or a group of aggressors Just war Peace building plays all the following roles except ___ Acquisition of arms and ammunitions To ensure the rights and freedom of citizens, the power of the arms of government must be________ Separatedpcr271Conflict between two or more individuals over an issue is referred to as ____ conflict *Inter-personal* ____ opines that the degree of inequality in the distribution of resources generates inherent conflicts of interest *Karl Marx* ____ is another way of expressing contradictions arising from differences in interests, ideas, ideologies, orientations, beliefs, perceptions and tendencies *Conflict* ____ is the sum-total of all human existence which comprises norms, values, traditions, beliefs, customs, languages, patterns of behaviours, art music, food, mode of dressing and so on *Culture* ____ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organization, which include potential behaviours in that position, and not only those of the incumbent in question *Role* According to Maslow, the starting point for motivation theory is the so called ____ needs *Psychological* ____ is defined as those men and women, group or parties who are directly or indirectly involved in the conflict and have a significant stake in the outcome *Stakeholder* ____ is a process by which the root causes, dynamics, issues, and other fundamentals of conflict are examined, reviewed and unraveled through the use of various mechanisms for proper and better understanding of the conflict from several perspectives *Conflict Analysis* A graphical representation of conflict in which the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is known as Conflict ____ *Mapping* DPT conflict analytical tool Model stands for diagnosis, progress and ____ *Therapy* ____ is defined by Webster’s Dictionary as a state of open and declared hostile armed conflict between states or nations, or a period of such conflict *War* Sociologist Mark Juergensmeyer coined the phrase ____ to describe the world view of religious adherents who have resorted to violence in defence of their faith *Cosmic War* Karl Von Clause Witz opines that ____ is a continuation of polities by other means *War* Who defines ethnic group as a community of people who have the conviction that they have a common fate based on issues of origin, kinship ties, traditions, cultural uniqueness, a shared history and possibly a shared language *Thompson* The ____ theories of war center upon man’s innate drives of which the analogies are drawn from animal behaviour *Biological* ____ is the belief that war is not inherently bad but can be a beneficial aspect of society *Militarism* The belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable and/or pragmatically not worth the cost is known as ____ *Pacifism* The spirit of give and take and vice-visa that was encouraged in order to promote peaceful co-existence in our immediate environment in traditional African society is called ____ *Reciprocity* ____ analysis theories on war claim that war ultimately result from the allegiance of men to nations and from intimate link between the nation and the state *Nationalist* Jus ad bellum and just in bello are two sets of criteria in explaining ____ theory *Just War* The principle of ____ requires tempering the extent and violence of warfare to minimise destruction and casualties *Proportionality* The two major sources creating legally binding rules of international law are treaty and ____ *Custom* Aerial raid on Libya cities of Tripoli and Benghazi on April 15, 1986 successfully carried out by ____ *United States of America* ____ is a set of international rules, established by treaty or custom, which are specifically intended to solve humanitarian problems directly arising from international and non- international armed conflicts *International Humanitarian Law* What is the acronym for International Committee of the Red Cross ____ ? *ICRC* A violation of the rules as to the means and manner by which war is to be conducted once begun is referred to as ____ *Crime Against Humanity* The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) was established by the Security Council in the year ____ *1993* ____ Peace building is defined as post conflict "action to identify and support structures which tend to strengthen and solidify peace to avoid a relapse into conflict" *Post Conflict* The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the year ____ *1948* Contradicting religious beliefs, ideological positions, and general worldview are the examples of conflict involving ____ *Values* Liberal political philosophy asserts that war could be eliminated by introducing universal ____ because people would surely vote out of office any belligerently inclined government *Suffrage* What is the decode message that helps the sender to know if the message has been received and how it has been understood? _____________________________ *Feedback* A form of propaganda or other related activities embarked upon by one state for the purpose of causing revolt or civil strive in another state is called ____ intervention. *Subversive* ____ is an offensive actions made by an individual, group, nations or state to prompt another nation to change their ways or behavior *Force* The dropping of leaflets, periodic broadcast hours on radio and television targeted at causing in action among the opposing military forces and help to expedite surrenders is regarded as ____ warfare *Psychological* The Force Field Analysis was developed by an American Social Psychologist ____ in 1951 *Kurt Lewin* War brings about termination of ____ relations and recognition of some treaties between the belligerent states. *Diplomatic* It is evident that in a situation where peaceful resolution to a conflict or hostilities is unachievable war or violent confrontation becomes ____ *Inevitable* The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of ____ in 1948 *Genocide* The expression ______ imply the legitimacy of the killing of an attacker where this is absolutely necessary for self-defense. *Amynes nomon* The phrase parta sunt servanda implies ______. *Promises must be kept* What missile did the United States of America deployed in Israel during the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq to neutralize the potency or destroy the Iraqi scud missiles fired against Israel? *Patriot missile* What organization did the United Nations replaced? The *League of Nations* In which year did the International Law Commission established by the United Nations General Assembly? *1947* Which former president of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia was handed over to International Criminal Court (ICC) for trial over multiple counts of murder, detention, deportation and other atrocities? *Slobadan Milosevic* The Hague Conference of 1899 on the pacific settlement of International disputes led to the creation of an institution known as ____ *Permanent Court of Arbitration* Who propounded that war is not attributed to the behaviour of states but to the structure of society? *Karl Marx* Military rule is usually facilitated or came into existence via _____ *Coup de-tat* The people that are affected directly by the outcome of the conflict but who do not themselves feel to be directly involved are referred to as _______ stakeholders *Secondary* Among the Romans, the concept reprisal was known as ______ *Represaglia* The period during which the basic causes of conflict remain in place, but the conflict behaviour and attitude has been significantly changed with reduced or less violence but with more political mobilization and negotiation is called ------ Mitigated stage The people that are affected directly by the outcome of the conflict but who do not themselves feel to be directly involved are ------ Secondary stakeholders What is the process which involves monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process called? Conflict tracking A graphical representation of the conflict in which the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is known as ------ Conflict Mapping ______ is one of the best known theorists and practitioners in the field of conflict transformation that posits that "social conflict emerges and develops on the basis of the meaning and interpretation people involved attach to the actions and events John Paul Lederach Which of the following options is not part of the contradicting value systems responsible for social conflict among the interacting parties? Fulfilment progression Military rule is usually facilitated or came into existence via _____ Coup de – tat Karl Marx attributed war not to the behaviour of states but to the ______ of society Structure Between 1950 – 1996 period, ______ conflict was believed to have constituted between 33 and 47 percent of all global conflicts Religious The concept reprisal was known as ______ among the Roman Represaglia The Hague Conference of 1899 on the pacific settlement of International disputes led to the creation of an institution known as ____ Permanent Court of Arbitration _______ was the former president of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trial over multiple counts of murder, detention, deportation and other atrocities Slobadan Milosevic Libya cities of Tripoli and Benghazi were attacked by the United States of America bombers Air Craft) on _____ April 15,1986 The International Law Commission was established by the United Nations General Assembly in the year _____ 1947 The acronym USSR stands for ________ Union of States Socialist Republic The legitimacy of the killing of an attacker where this is absolutely necessary for self-defence is also known in another expression as ____ Amynes nomon The United Nations Organization replaced the former ____ League of Nations During the Gulf war in 1991, United States of America deployed ______ missile to Israel to neutralize the potency or destroy the Iraqi scud missiles fired against Israel. Patriot missile The phrase parta sunt servanda implies ______. Promises or agreement must be kept Which of the following options is not part of sources of international law? Limited liability The ability to influence or control other events which could be in form of physical strength, states, control of resources, persuasive ability, support of allies, and so on is referred to as ______ Power relation ______ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organization, which include potential behaviours in that position and not only those of the incumbent in question Role All human existence which comprises norms, values, traditions, beliefs, patterns of behaviours and so on is simply described as______ Culture The theory that deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought, which can either be theoretical or historical in nature is known as ______. Just War ______ is the belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable and pragmatically not worth the cost. Pacifism Cold War era can also be referred to as the period of ideological differences __ and __ between U.S.A. and former U.S.S.R. Capitalism and Communism The introduction of western ______ and foreign _____ have eroded the African rich cultural heritage and made a caricature of it. Education and Religions Dropping of leaflets, periodic broadcast hours on radio and television and several propaganda during hostility or violent conflict are typical examples of ______. Psychological warfare Identify among the below options, the one that is not part of the causes of conflict in any society National/International conflicts The structural functional theory was championed by ______ after the World War II. Talcott Person Which of the following is not among the physiological needs identified by Abraham Maslow? Affection The decoded message that helps the sender to know if the message had been received and how it has been understood is known as _____ Feedback The two key propelling variables in conflict (escalation) cycle are _____ and _____. Opportunity and Willingness Identify the option not part of criteria for determining primary ____ stake holders. History of the conflict Which of the following is not among the types of intervention discussed in this course? Intervention by consent The "Spymania Scandal" between Russia and the United States of America in 2001 and Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 are typical examples of ______. Retorsion ______ of the United Nations Charter says that states reserved the right to use force when there is periculum in mora. Article 51 The conflict between Britain and Argentina in the early eighties of nineteenth century was over the ______. Falkland or Malvines Island ______ is an examination of issues in order to establish facts that may be in dispute. Enquiry Saddam Hussein was convicted of crime against humanity by a Baghdad court and sentenced to death by hanging on ______. 05/11/2006 The word genocide is a compound word or a hybrid consisting of ______ and ______ origin. Greek and Latin words ______ is defined as violations by a country, her citizens or military personnel of the international laws of war. War crime The body of laws which greater part is composed of the principles and rules of conduct bounding states to observe, and do commonly observe in their relationship with each other or one another is referred to as _______. International Law The word conflict is derived from the ______ word "confligere" meaning to "strike together". Latin The phrase ‘‘it is the end that justifies the means’’ was propounded by ----- Nicollo Machiavelli The Nigerian first military coup took place in the year _______. 1966 The term “United Nations” was first introduced into the vocabulary of international litics by who? President Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ is a war action undertaken by a party or a group of parties to contain the activities of an aggression or a group of aggressors Just war Peace building plays all the following roles except ___ Acquisition of arms and ammunitions To ensure the rights and freedom of citizens, the power of the arms of government must be________ Separated The period during which the basic causes of conflict remain in place, but the conflict behaviour and attitude has been significantly changed with reduced or less violence but with more political mobilization and negotiation is called ------ Mitigated stage The people that are affected directly by the outcome of the conflict but who do not themselves feel to be directly involved are ------ Secondary stakeholders What is the process which involves monitoring, observing and recording the trend of change and continuity in the conflict process called? Conflict tracking A graphical representation of the conflict in which the conflicting parties are placed in relation to the situation on ground is known as ------ Conflict Mapping ______ is one of the best known theorists and practitioners in the field of conflict transformation that posits that "social conflict emerges and develops on the basis of the meaning and interpretation people involved attach to the actions and events John Paul Lederach Which of the following options is not part of the contradicting value systems responsible for social conflict among the interacting parties? Fulfilment progression Military rule is usually facilitated or came into existence via _____ Coup de – tat Karl Marx attributed war not to the behaviour of states but to the ______ of society Structure Between 1950 – 1996 period, ______ conflict was believed to have constituted between 33 and 47 percent of all global conflicts Religious The concept reprisal was known as ______ among the Roman Represaglia The Hague Conference of 1899 on the pacific settlement of International disputes led to the creation of an institution known as ____ Permanent Court of Arbitration _______ was the former president of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for trial over multiple counts of murder, detention, deportation and other atrocities Slobadan Milosevic Libya cities of Tripoli and Benghazi were attacked by the United States of America bombers Air Craft) on _____ April 15,1986 The International Law Commission was established by the United Nations General Assembly in the year _____ 1947 The acronym USSR stands for ________ Union of States Socialist Republic The legitimacy of the killing of an attacker where this is absolutely necessary for self-defence is also known in another expression as ____ Amynes nomon The United Nations Organization replaced the former ____ League of Nations During the Gulf war in 1991, United States of America deployed ______ missile to Israel to neutralize the potency or destroy the Iraqi scud missiles fired against Israel. Patriot missile The phrase parta sunt servanda implies ______. Promises or agreement must be kept Which of the following options is not part of sources of international law? Limited liability The ability to influence or control other events which could be in form of physical strength, states, control of resources, persuasive ability, support of allies, and so on is referred to as ______ Power relation ______ is defined as that set of activities associated with any given position in an organization, which include potential behaviours in that position and not only those of the incumbent in question Role All human existence which comprises norms, values, traditions, beliefs, patterns of behaviours and so on is simply described as______ Culture The theory that deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought, which can either be theoretical or historical in nature is known as ______. Just War ______ is the belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable and pragmatically not worth the cost. Pacifism Cold War era can also be referred to as the period of ideological differences __ and __ between U.S.A. and former U.S.S.R. Capitalism and Communism The introduction of western ______ and foreign _____ have eroded the African rich cultural heritage and made a caricature of it. Education and Religions Dropping of leaflets, periodic broadcast hours on radio and television and several propaganda during hostility or violent conflict are typical examples of ______. Psychological warfare Identify among the below options, the one that is not part of the causes of conflict in any society National/International conflicts The structural functional theory was championed by ______ after the World War II. Talcott Person Which of the following is not among the physiological needs identified by Abraham Maslow? Affection The decoded message that helps the sender to know if the message had been received and how it has been understood is known as _____ Feedback The two key propelling variables in conflict (escalation) cycle are _____ and _____. Opportunity and Willingness Identify the option not part of criteria for determining primary ____ stake holders. History of the conflict Which of the following is not among the types of intervention discussed in this course? Intervention by consent The "Spymania Scandal" between Russia and the United States of America in 2001 and Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 are typical examples of ______. Retorsion ______ of the United Nations Charter says that states reserved the right to use force when there is periculum in mora. Article 51 The conflict between Britain and Argentina in the early eighties of nineteenth century was over the ______. Falkland or Malvines Island ______ is an examination of issues in order to establish facts that may be in dispute. Enquiry Saddam Hussein was convicted of crime against humanity by a Baghdad court and sentenced to death by hanging on ______. 05/11/2006 The word genocide is a compound word or a hybrid consisting of ______ and ______ origin. Greek and Latin words ______ is defined as violations by a country, her citizens or military personnel of the international laws of war. War crime The body of laws which greater part is composed of the principles and rules of conduct bounding states to observe, and do commonly observe in their relationship with each other or one another is referred to as _______. International Law The word conflict is derived from the ______ word "confligere" meaning to "strike together". Latin The phrase ‘‘it is the end that justifies the means’’ was propounded by ----- Nicollo Machiavelli The Nigerian first military coup took place in the year _______. 1966 The term “United Nations” was first introduced into the vocabulary of international politics by who? President Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ is a war action undertaken by a party or a group of parties to contain the activities of an aggression or a group of aggressors Just war Peace building plays all the following roles except ___ Acquisition of arms and ammunitions To ensure the rights and freedom of citizens, the power of the arms of government must be________ Separated