PCR113 ____is a general condition of stability, equity and order in a specific environment. *Peace* ____is a process whereby changes are effected in individual’s behaviour attitude and perception of life. *Education* The culture of ------- propagates intergroup harmony. *Peace* With the beginning of___ and the rise of militarism, peace educators were stigmatised, attacked for their anti- militaristic and non-patriotic stance. *World War I* ----- begins in the minds of men; it is in the minds of men that the defence of peace must be constructed. *War* The Gulf ___ brought a new impetus to peace education. *Wars* Conflict over misappropriation of public utility in a given political setting is an example of -------- conflict. *Resource-based* Conflict___ is always more productive at the latent stage. *Prevention* ____ is a long-term peace and development process that has pre-conflict and post-conflict dimensions. *Peace-building* The diplomatic effort towards suppressing violence between the conflicting parties is called _____. *Peace making* __ has to do with what the individual learns about the proper way for the sexes to behave. *Gender* A school of thought contends that the physical composition of boys and not the society that perpetuates gender gap is ___ *Biology* ______ give people a false sense of security and superiority. *Prejudice and racism* Studies show that in some cases___ directly instruct their children concerning racism and other forms of discrimination. *Parents* ___can give children a sense of role models to emulate in society. *History* ___ means struggle over values or resources between two parties. *Conflict* The two dimensions of conflict are negative and _____ conflict *Positive* ___ is a major determinant of development in any given society. *Leadership* ___Education has been created to provide language teachers with content resources that might otherwise be difficult to obtain. *Civic* In a ____ society, credible election is a crucial factor of political legitimacy. *Democratic* ___societies could be very difficult to nurture in a dictatorial political system. *Civil* ___ refers to people that fail to differentiate among individuals, peoples, and societies *Stereotype* ____implies placing the common good of society before private and personal interests *Citizenship* ____responsibilities include taking care of oneself and fulfilling responsibilities to one’s family, friends, and neighbours. *Personal* ____responsibility include the obligation to be honest, compassionate, tolerant and open-minded to negotiation. *Civic* The idea of equality among people, as a natural right to which all people are entitled developed in Ancient ---- philosophy. *Greek* John Locke considered life, freedom and property as being the unchanging natural ---- of people. *Rights* Habeas Corpus Act in 1679 represented the last decisive breakthrough in the firm embodiment of the idea of -----in national law *human rights* The implementation of the human rights’ idea in continental Europe began from ___ *France* Racial discrimination is a threat to the prevalence of _____ *Human rights* The right to___ forms the basis of all other rights *Life* Disarmament is a form of ----- peace-building. *Post-conflict* Human rights violation refers to euphemism for the worst kind of crime that ___ can commit against its citizens. *State* War and___ have come to dominate the experience of man over the ages. *Peace* Government is Track ----- diplomacy in peace-building process. *False* _______ has the tendency to escalate into open confrontation among conflicting parties if not constructively addressed at the latent stage. *Conflict* Identity conflict is a form of ____ conflict *Value-based* Since the end of the___ War, the world has witnessed a few conflicts between nations. *Cold* A____ approach in managing conflict is predicated on the belief that power may counter power. *balance of power* ____is a process in which parties in conflict make a series of proposals in order to reach an amicable agreement. *Negotiation* The idea of managing conflict through third party intervention could be traced to ancient ____ *Greece* ____ are the most regular peacemaking agent for the children in the home. *Parents* Someone who breaks the law and customs of the society could be tried by the ____ *customary law courts* ____can be considered to be the state of general agreement and focus for a common good. *Unity* Peace culture can be promoted and transmitted through peace ---- *Education* Conflict within an individual is called ---- conflict. *Intra-personal* ____education propagates non-violence and inter-group harmony. *Peace* Corporate business organisations are an aspect of ---- diplomacy. *Track-two* Conflict between Nigeria and Cameroon over Bakassi Peninsula is an example of ____ conflict. *International* ------- is a Continuum, which if interrupted can result in confusion and conflict. *Peace* Peacekeeping operation is a form _______ Third-party intervention strategy ____ is an expert in peace-building and conflict transformation expert John Paul Lederach Which of the following is not an admirable element of peace? Avoidance The earliest education reformers who participated in peace education programmes in the 21st century were chiefly philosophers, ------ and teachers. Clergyman A wider implementation of peace education programmes in Europe began shortly after ------------. World War II ___ is the key concept that promotes tolerance, inter-group harmony and collective development actions in a non-violent terrain. Culture of peace The integration of peace education and development became popular through the UN decade for____ Development Peace enforcement is a _____ initiative. Trouble shooting _______ can manifest in schools through teachers’ responses to students and other circumstances. Gender bias During the 1990s, ------ deliberately emphasised on the promotion of synergy among intercultural education, human rights protection and education for tolerance peace education Vriens posits that Peace education is confronted with the following challenges except__ Accountability of human progress The _______ approved a law on equal right to education for boys and girls in the year 1972. US Congress One of these is not among the elements identified by Michael Lund in conflict prevention. Technical withdrawal ------- is characterized by the absence of physical and structural violence. Positive peace Pollack’s analysis on gender holds that nurture and environment have considerable effect on the formation of----- differences. Gender Honey, Moeller, Brunner, Bennett, Clements, and Hawkins in their findings in 1998 established differences in the way the female child and male child view -----------. Technological innovation Racism, xenophobia and prejudice can instigate ____. Identity conflict Research shows that children as young as___ can identify people by whether they are black or white. Two In any organised human society, ______ is antithesis to inter-group harmony? Nepotism ___is a specific area of study that inspires dreams and stimulates pride about peoples past. History ______ has great influence on a child inclination towards racism and prejudice Socialisation The role that the particular society allocates to the school and the specific form of teacher training determine the teacher’s ___. Pedagogical orientation One of these is not among the five types of skills that represent criteria for good teachers. Aggressive skills Peace education programmes can be divided into the following broad groups except Racial-oriented programmes Freedom scholars posit that ----- are fought for, and not earned freely from the oppressed. Human rights A catalogue of human rights that was first formulated in human history in 1976 was the _____. Virginia Bill of Rights Human Rights can be categorized into the following dimensions except ------- Ethnic discrimination rights The primary responsibility of the United Nations organization is ___ Prevention of global chaos and preservation of world peace One of the following is not an instrument for managing peace Vengeance One of the main tasks of______ is to ensure equity in people’s access to essentials that guarantee survival. Social and economic rights ____ is a major threat to peace-building. Hate speech Which among the following is NOT a pre-conflict peace-building activity? Disarmament ____ does not promote peace culture in a heterogeneous society. Parochial worldview Track-two diplomacy involves both individuals and ______. Non-governmental organisations ___is the bedrock of national progress, peace and development. Unity ___ has become a necessary element of societal development. Education Which of the following is not an element of inter-group unity? Dominance _____ is not a component of track-two diplomacy in peace-building. The police sector Which of the following elements does not promote a peaceful religious culture? Fundamentalism One of these is not among the components of peace education Group hatred Gender tolerance can be ensured through the following except ___ Discrimination ___is golden and germane for development, stability and progress. Peace The revolution in information technology has promoted ------ and peace-building. Peace education ______ targets all aspects of the state structure and requires a wide range of agents for proper implementation. Peace-building ____ is the core agent of peace-building within the spectrum of multi-track diplomacy. Government The United Nations plays strategic role in peace-building process at the ____ level. International Many___ agreements in peace-building collapse because the ground below has not been prepared. Top-down Former UN Secretary General___ introduced peace-building into the security and development framework of the UN, Boutros Boutros-Ghali ____ contend that civil society and civic culture tend to frustrate change and progress toward a more just and equitable society. Marxists Civil society and social capital are important for ------ Peace-building