FBQ1: The ___________ theories focus on the beliefs about what traits or characteristics tend to go together. Answer: Implicit Personality FBQ2: Self-presentation is also known as _______________________ Answer: Impression Management FBQ3: ___________ monitor their behaviours in relation to what they need and what they are interested in. Answer: Low Self- Monitors FBQ4: The tendency to direct attention away from information that has the potential to change existing attitudes is referred to as _______________________ Answer: Selective avoidance FBQ5: _________ refers to the evaluation of the various aspects of the social world Answer: Attitude FBQ6: Shortcuts to problem solving that do not always lead to the right answers are referred to as____________________ Answer: Heuristics FBQ7: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________ described Stereotypes as selective, self-fulfilling and ethno centric Answer: Lippman (1992) FBQ8: The advantaged knowledge we have that the persuasive message is targeted to change our attitudes towards certain issues is referred to as _________________   Answer: Forewarning FBQ9: A pre-judgment usually based on limited knowledge and little contact is referred to as ____________________ Answer: Prejudice FBQ10: When one of the intentions for being aggressive could be to satisfy some needs it is known as ______________ Answer: Instrumental aggression FBQ11: _______________ involves the Expression of arrogance or disdain by others Answer: Condescension FBQ12: There is an association between the viewing of _________or ______and several forms of anti-social behaviour that includes sexual relation to violent crimes has been established. Answer: pornographic Films FBQ13: __________ refers to the tendency to perceive hostile intentions or motives in the actions of others when these actions are ambiguous Answer: Hostile attributional bias FBQ14: Excessive self-love and holding an over inflated or exaggerated view of one’s own qualities or achievements is referred to as _______________ Answer: Narcissism FBQ15: __________ is a mild unpleasant smelling pollutant common in the urban areas that has been associated with aggression Answer: Ethyl Mercaplan FBQ16: The pre frontal area of the cortex responsible for the metabolism of glucose does so more____ in murderers Answer: Slowly FBQ17: _______ theories suggest that aggression comes from external conditions that arouse the motive to harm or injure others Answer: Drive FBQ18: Learning that takes place through our seeing others being rewarded by aggressive behaviours is referred to as _________________ Answer: Vicarious Reinforcement FBQ19: ____________ is the delivery of aversive consequences in order to reduce aggression Answer: Punishment FBQ20: In most cases of aggressive behaviour towards us, _____ seems to be the appropriate response Answer: Revenge FBQ21: Some personal traits like ____________ and __________ have been used to explain why some people are able to forgive more easily than others. Answer: Agreeableness FBQ22: Trying to understand the feelings, emotions and circumstances that warranted an offender to harm you is referred to as _________ Answer: Empathy FBQ23: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________focuses on behaviours that are intended to be of benefit to others Answer: Prosocial behaviour FBQ24: The presence of others has been found to affect individual’s willingness to help due to what is referred to as _____________ Answer: pluralistic ignorance FBQ25: The intermediate step between initial attraction and establishing an interpersonal relationship is referred to as __________________ Answer: Mutual liking FBQ26: Accepting personal responsibility by any individual will be _____ in the presence of many bystanders Answer: less likely FBQ27: The diffusion of responsibility is referred to as _____________ Answer: Bystander effect FBQ28: _________is the automatic tendency to imitate the behaviour of those we come in contact with Answer: Mimicry FBQ29: Pleasant fragrance, such as _______ or ___________ have been found to increase the willingness to help Answer: Lemon / Floral odour FBQ30: A situation where an altruistic behaviour could result in the individualfeeling bad after perceiving a person in need and will want to help just to relief this bad feeling is referred to as _______________ Answer: Negative – State Relief Model FBQ31: Laughter strengthens social bonds and serves as a social ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________ softens interpersonal Answer: Lubricant FBQ32: _______ or __________ exposes individuals to repeated contact and the possibility of developing mutualattraction Answer: Physical distance / proximity FBQ33: The need for affiliation, positive affect and Physical proximity all help in forming ___________________ Answer: interpersonal relationships FBQ34: _______ reflects a person’s emotional state, either positive or negative feelings or moods. Answer: Affect FBQ35: The main reason for people in need of affiliation is that affiliation provides them with the opportunity for _______________ Answer: social comparison FBQ36: The basic motive to seek and maintain interpersonal relationship is referred to as _________________? Answer: Need for Affiliation FBQ37: Damage to the Amygdala, hypothalamus and related areas could result in _________ aggression Answer: defensive FBQ38: The view that suggests that an individual is likely to help because the reward of accomplishing something is expected is referred to as____________ Hypothesis. Answer: Empathic joy FBQ39: The view that proposes that some prosocial behaviour are motivated mainly by the desire to help someone in need and by the fact that it feels good to help is referred to as__________ hypothesis Answer: Empathy Altruism FBQ40: Implementing the decision to intervene, the _________ engages in a helping act. Answer: bystander FBQ41: ____________ is a way of expressing stored up frustrations or provocations that has the usual goal of harming the victim Answer: Aggression FBQ42: Bringing past problems to bear on present issues or persons after dealing with them refers to as ______________ Answer: Ruminating FBQ43: Efforts made at reducing aggression by both aggressors and victims are generally referred to as_________________? Answer: Cognitive Intervention FBQ44: _____________is the delivery of aversive consequences in order to reduce aggression Answer: Punishment FBQ45: The view that proposes that cues present during aggressive events may become associated in memory with thoughts and emotions experienced during the event is referred to as _____________ theory Answer: Cognitive Nero-association FBQ46: The ________ Hypothesis theory claims that “aggression is always a consequence of frustration Answer: Frustration – Aggression FBQ47: With regards to living arrangement, behaviour problems among juvenile delinquents is associated with __________________ Answer: Crowding FBQ48: __________ and _________ are likely to go together for one who likes taking risks and looking for excitement Answer: Sensation seeking / impulsivity FBQ49: People high in hostile attributional bias mostly do not give people the ________ as they tend to assume that any provocative behaviour by others are intentional. Answer: benefit of the doubt FBQ50: People who are extremely competitive, always in a hurry and especially irritable and aggressive exhibit _______ behaviour pattern Answer: Type A MCQ1: Which of these factors does not help in forming interpersonal relationships? Answer: Need for recognition MCQ2: Which of these views suggests that an individual is likely to help because the reward of accomplishing something is expected? Answer: Empathic Joy Hypothesis MCQ3: Which of these is not one of the basic motivations in helping behaviour? Answer: Associated effect of emotions on attraction MCQ4: Altruistic people tend not to be self-absorbed and competitive. This simply means that Altruistic people………………….. Answer: Are Low in egocentrism MCQ5: Which of these is not one of the basic motivations in helping behaviour? Answer: Cognitive cost reward MCQ6: Which of these is not one of the reasons why we tend to help? Answer: Because of confidence and assertiveness MCQ7: Empathy involves …………….. Answer: Putting self in other person’s place MCQ8: Which of these is not an ingratiation technique? Answer: Positive verbal cues MCQ9: The functions of attitude includes all of these except: Answer: Elevation Function MCQ10: Self-enhancement requires the use of some strategies that might include all of these except……….. Answer: Exemplification MCQ11: Which of these are very powerful in influencing behaviour? Answer: Group norms MCQ12: Which of these is not an ingratiation technique? Answer: Positive verbal cues MCQ13: Persuasion is affected by ………………… Answer: Adoption of a two –sided approach by the communicator MCQ14: These theories focus on the detailed processing of the message content by the recipient…. Answer: Systematic Processing Theories MCQ15: Which of these statements is not correct? Answer: primacy effect might weaken because of decrease attention MCQ16: Which of these theories suggests that when we focus on how people behave (actors), we make attributions? Answer: Kelley’s Co-variation model. MCQ17: Which of these are more likely to conform to social norms and adjust to them making room for flexibility? Answer: High self-monitors MCQ18: In impression management, exemplification is referred to as a case of ………………………….. Answer: case of presenting self as worthy, moral and saintly MCQ19: For Impression Management to Succeed, we need to …………………… Answer: Take the role of others MCQ20: Which of these theories is of the view that when people possess certain traits, they are likely to possess others too? Answer: Implicit Personality Theories MCQ21: Which of these theories states that '' we see others through the lens of our own traits, motives and desires”? Answer: Cognitive Theory MCQ22: A degree of positive or negative feelings toward another is referred to as ---- Answer: Interpersonal attraction MCQ23: Some of the areas in Social Psychology include all of these except: Answer: dynamics MCQ24: Which of these is not included in the sequence of processes that make messages persuasive? Answer: Composition of the message MCQ25: Shortcuts to problem solving that do not always lead to the right answers are referred to as ………… Answer: Heuristics MCQ26: Which of these theories focus on the detailed processing of the message content by the recipient? Answer: Systematic Processing Theories MCQ27: This theory is of the view that prejudice comes from competition for scarce resources that results in conflict Answer: Realistic Conflict Theory MCQ28: Which of these theories focuses on the minimal group effect in developing Prejudice? Answer: Social Identity Theory (SIT). MCQ29: Stereotypes which come from the word “Stereos” means ……………….. Answer: Solid or hard MCQ30: Which of these authors described Stereotypes as selective, self-fulfilling and ethno centric? Answer: Lippman (1992) MCQ31: Persuasion is affected by ………………… Answer: Adoption of a two –sided approach by the communicator MCQ32: Which of these theories focus on the detailed processing of the message content by the recipient? Answer: Systematic Processing Theories MCQ33: Some of the explanations on how attitudes are formed includes; Answer: All of the options MCQ34: The functions of attitude includes all of these except: Answer: Elevation Function MCQ35: Which of these is not an ingratiation technique? Answer: Positive verbal cues MCQ36: Which of these is very powerful in influencing behaviour? Answer: Group norms MCQ37: Self-enhancement requires the use of some strategies that might include all of these except……….. Answer: Exemplification MCQ38: Which of these statements is not correct? Answer: primacy effect might weaken because of decrease attention MCQ39: The advantaged knowledge we have that the persuasive message is targeted to change our attitudes towards certain issues is referred to as ……………... Answer: Forewarning MCQ40: A degree of positive or negative feelings toward another is referred to as ---- Answer: Interpersonal attraction MCQ41: First impressions are usually lasting impressions because…………….. Answer: All of the options MCQ42: Which of these theories states that ''we see others through the lens of our own traits, motives and desires" ? Answer: Cognitive Theory MCQ43: Which of these theories is of the view that when people possess certain traits, they are likely to possess others too? Answer: Implicit Personality Theories MCQ44: The choice of what to disclose and what not to disclose is influenced by many factors like……………….. Answer: All of the options MCQ45: Which of these statements is correct about conformity? Answer: All of the options MCQ46: The way we treat people because they belong to certain groups and have become targets of prejudice is termed …………………. Answer: Discrimination MCQ47: Which of these is not a component of prejudice? Answer: Exemplification MCQ48: Which of these theories states that “the motivation to enhance self-esteem, sense of security and meet certain personal needs has encouraged and exposed people to Prejudice”? Answer: Authoritarian Personality Theory. MCQ49: Strategies for reducing prejudice does not include; Answer: Explanation technique MCQ50: Which of these is a strategy that results in a shift in the boundaries between the individual’s in-group “us” and some out-group “them"? Answer: Re-categorization