Question MCQ1 : Which is incorrect about the extracellular fluid? Answer: The primary electrolyte are potassium and potassium Question MCQ2 : Total body water is measured by …………….. Answer: Dilution technique Question MCQ3 : Interstitial fluids can be ----- Answer: Calculated as difference between extracellular fluid and plasma volume Question MCQ4 : The exchange of water, electrolytes and hydrogen ions between the various body compartments is achieved by the ---- Answer: Blood Question MCQ5 : Normal erythrocytes have ------ Answer: Diameter of 7.2 microns Question MCQ6 : In the adult red blood cell production occurs in the all the following except----- Answer: Yolk sac Question MCQ7 : A committed stem cell that produces erythrocytes is called ___ Answer: CFU-E Question MCQ8 : At what stage of red blood cell development is basophil erythroblast? Answer: 2nd stage Question MCQ9 : The total number of red blood cells remains relatively constant due to ___ Answer: Negative feedback Question MCQ10 : Which is incorrect about neutrophils? Answer: Relatively motile Question MCQ11 : All are correct about platelets except ___ Answer: They are nucleated Question MCQ12 : Plasma is composed of ___ Answer: All of the options Question MCQ13 : The plasma of each blood group contains ___ Answer: Antibody Question MCQ14 : The blood group of an individual negative Anti-A and positive Anti B will be ___ Answer: B Question MCQ15 : The main dominant antigen is ___ Answer: D Question MCQ16 : Which blood group can receive from every other group? Answer: AB Question MCQ17 : The final sealing of the cut in the blood vessel is ___ Answer: Formation of dense fibrous tissue Question MCQ18 : Innate immunity involves ___ Answer: Processes already present in the body Question MCQ19 : The most numerous T- lymphocytes are the ___  Answer: Helper T cells Question MCQ20 : The direct action of antibodies during immunity is carried out in which of the following ways? Answer: All of the options Question MCQ21 : T-lymphocyte function may be suppressed by ___ Answer: Steroid hormones Question MCQ22 : The important interleukin secreted by the Helper T cell include the following except ___ Answer: Interferon Question MCQ23 : Which lymphocytes are capable of directly killing microorganism? Answer: Cytotoxic Question MCQ24 : The following are mechanisms of direct action of antibodies except ___ Answer: Deamination Question MCQ25 : The principle actors of the complement system of immune response include ___ Answer: C9 Question MCQ26 : The pathway of enzyme activation that requires antigen-antibody complexes is called ___ Answer: Classical Question MCQ27 : The human circulation is divided into ___ Answer: Pulmonary and systemic Question MCQ28 : Most arteries carry oxygenated blood except ___ Answer: Pulmonary Question MCQ29 : Exchange of nutrients between blood and tissues occurs in ___ Answer: Capillaries Question MCQ30 : Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs enters heart through ___ Answer: Left atrium Question MCQ31 : Gaseous exchange in the lungs occur in the ___ Answer: Alveoli Question MCQ32 : The valve at the entrance of right atrium into right ventricle is ___ Answer: Tricuspid Question MCQ33 : Concerning cardiac muscle cells, which of these statements is incorrect? Answer: Highly susceptible to fatigue Question MCQ34 : Types of membrane junctions in intercalated discs of cardiac muscles cells are ___ Answer: Gap and desmosomes Question MCQ35 : Membrane permeability to calcium is increased at what phase of action potential of cardiac muscle cells? Answer: Phase 2 Question MCQ36 : The resting membrane potential in sinoatrial node is ___ Answer: 55 to -60 mV Question MCQ37 : The cardiac cycle is divided into two main phases - Answer: Ventricular systole and diastole Question MCQ38 : About 75 percent of blood entering the ventricles does so by Answer: Rapid passive filling Question MCQ39 : Events occurring during the diastole part of cardiac cycle include all except --- Answer: isovolumetric (isovolumic) contraction Question MCQ40 : Waves and complexes in normal sinus rhythm seen on electrocardiogram include which of the following? Answer: All of the options Question MCQ41 : The P wave is caused by ------ Answer: Atrial depolarization Question MCQ42 : The sinoatrial (SA) node of the heart is innervated by the ___ Answer: Autonomic nervous system Question MCQ43 : Variations in cardiac output can be produced by changes in the ___  Answer: All of the options Question MCQ44 : Peripheral factors in the maintenance of blood pressure include all except Answer: Cardiac output Question MCQ45 : Clinically, arterial blood pressure is measured indirectly by using a ___ Answer: Sphygmomanometer Question MCQ46 : One of these is not a type of circulatory shock: Answer: Progressive Question MCQ47 : Which cellular organelles are formed by breaking off from the Golgi apparatus? Answer: Lysosome Question MCQ48 : Which of these systems is most involved in the body’s immune response? Answer: Lymphatic Question MCQ49 : Cartilages are part of which system? Answer: Skeletal Question MCQ50 : The components of action potential include all the following except ___ Answer: Hyper-depolarization Question FBQ1 : Organs are made up of aggregation of …………… Answer: Different cells Question FBQ52 : Cells are held together by……………….. supporting structures Answer: Intercellular   Question FBQ53 : Aside water, the most abundant substances in most cells is …………… Answer: Protein Question FBQ54 : The nucleus is the repository of ………… information for the whole body Answer: Genetic Question FBQ55 : …………….. is a jelly-like fluid between the nuclear membrane and the cell membrane Answer: Cytoplasm Question FBQ56 : Mitochondria contain …………… similar to that found in the nucleus Answer: deoxyribonucleic acid Question FBQ57 : Peroxisome contain ………….. which causes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide Answer: catalase Question FBQ58 : The accepted model concept of the structure of the cell membrane is that of a ……………..model Answer: fluid mosaic Question FBQ59 : Energy that is utilized for active transport is obtained from …………………. hydrolysis Answer: adenosine triphosphate Question FBQ60 : Secondary active transport is also known as ……………….. co- transport Answer: Na Question FBQ61 : The pressure necessary to prevent solvent migration is the ………….. of the solution Answer: osmotic pressure Question FBQ62 : Process of ingestion of substances by the cell is termed ………………. Answer: endocytosis Question FBQ63 : Phagocytosis literally means --------------- Answer: cell eating Question FBQ64 : The only means by which most large macromolecules enter cells is by ……………. Answer: pinocytosis   Question FBQ65 : Carbohydrates are made of ……………… linked together Answer: monosaccharide Question FBQ66 : …………………… is responsible for blood clotting Answer: fibrinogen Question FBQ67 : The most abundant protein in invertebrates is ……………… Answer: collagen Question FBQ68 : ……………..serve the purpose of providing the organism with its genetic blueprint and coding Answer: Nucleic acids Question FBQ69 : The endocrine system consists of organs that secret …………. to the bloodstreams Answer: Hormones Question FBQ70 : The liver makes nutrients available to the tissues both for their growth, repair and for the production of …………………. Answer: energy Question FBQ71 : The mechanism by which the body maintains conditions within particular limits is ………………. Answer: Negative feedback Question FBQ72 : The overall childbirth process is ………………..loop Answer: negative feedback Question FBQ73 : The moment-to-moment operation of the feed forward controller is …………….. Answer: open loop Question FBQ74 : Electrochemical impulses pass to the cell body through …………………… Answer: dendrites Question FBQ75 : The myelin sheath envelops the axon except at the terminal endings and at the ………………….. Answer: nodes of Ranvier Question FBQ76 : K+ ions diffuse out of the cell with greater ease than ………………………….. Answer: Na+ Question FBQ77 : Action potential is defined as the potential generated when ………………. tissues are stimulated resulting in the propagation of an impulse Answer: excitable Question FBQ78 : During the absolute refractory period there is no ………………of the nerve Answer: excitation Question FBQ79 : Myelin is an effective ………………. and current flow through it is negligible Answer: insulator Question FBQ80 : Another small compartment of extracellular fluid is referred to as………… fluid Answer: transcellular Question FBQ81 : Substance frequently used to label the red blood cells is radioactive…………….. Answer: chromium   Question FBQ82 : Heme is decomposed into iron and ………………………. Answer: biliverdin Question FBQ83 : Growth and reproduction of the blood stem cell is controlled by multiple proteins called ………………… Answer: growth inducers Question FBQ84 : The three cellular component of the blood originates from same primitive or …………………. haemopoietic stem cells Answer: pluripotential Question FBQ85 : The main stimulus for the production of erythropoietin is ……………. deficiency to the tissue. Answer: oxygen Question FBQ86 : Macrophages have a powerful lysosomal ………….. which breaks down the lipid-rich cell membranes of many bacteria Answer: Lipase Question FBQ87 : The A.B.O system is based on the presence of A, B, or A and B ………….. Answer: agglutinogens Question FBQ88 : Injury to the blood vessel wall creates a chemical called ………………. Answer: prothrombin activator Question FBQ89 : The ability of the human body to resist almost all type of organisms or toxic substances that tend to damage the tissue or organs is termed …………………. Answer: immunity Question FBQ90 : The resistance of the skin to invasion of organism is an example of …………….. immunity Answer: innate Question FBQ91 : ………………. immunity can also be transferred from a mother to a new-born via colostrum Answer: passive Question FBQ92 : The ---------- circulation supplies blood to all the tissues of the body except the lungs Answer: systemic Question FBQ93 : Cardiac muscle cells are electrically coupled to one another, which allow the heart to contract as a unit (a functional …………………….) Answer: syncytium Question FBQ94 : Pacemaker cells are found in the sinoatrial (SA) and --------------- nodes Answer: atrioventricular Question FBQ95 : The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next are called the ……………………… Answer: Cardiac cycle Question FBQ96 : ………. diagram is a standard diagram in cardiovascular physiology to illustrate the haemodynamic consequences of cardiac cycle Answer: Wiggers Question FBQ97 : …………… a trans thoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time, as detected by electrodes attached to the outer surface of the skin and recorded by a device external to the body Answer: electrocardiography Question FBQ98 : Electrical impulses of the heart are in form of waves of depolarization and ……….. Answer: Repolarization Question FBQ99 : On an ECG, the …………… begins at the onset of the QRS complex and ends at the end of the T wave Answer: QT interval Question FBQ100 : …………….. is defined as the volume of blood ejected by each ventricle per minute Answer: cardiac output