FBQ1: A growing proportion of people who move for largely economic reasons are now classified as____________________ Answer: Highly skilled migrant FBQ2: During the first wave of Globalization, in Latin America, the main destination country for migration from Europe was ______________ Answer: Argentina FBQ3: In the 19th century, most of migrants to the United States were __________ Answer: Europeans FBQ4: _____________is a process in which formerly distinct and separate groups come to share a common culture and merge together socially Answer: Assimilation FBQ5: There are_________ main ways that international migrants are distinguished Answer: Three FBQ6: The most vulnerable migrant groups are__________ and_________ Answer: women and children FBQ7: Interaction between the migrants and the local inhabitants naturally bring about various types of__________ Answer: social change FBQ8: South- North international migration means _________________ Answer: from least developed states to developed states FBQ9: Environmentally induced migration is rampant in _____________ Answer: Europe FBQ10: The Process Theory was developed by___________ Answer: Chicago School FBQ11: _____________migration is the movement within one country’s political boundary Answer: Internal FBQ12: External migration is also known as _______________ migration Answer: International FBQ13: The ECHR is _____________ Answer: European Convention on Human Rights FBQ14: The United Nations defines an international migrant as a person who stays outside their usual country of residence for at least ______year Answer: One FBQ15: According to the office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there are about _____________ refugees Answer: 9 millions FBQ16: Asylum seeker is …………………….. Answer: a person fleeing persecutionor conflict FBQ17: The League Of Nations Declaration of the Rights of the child was acknowledged in__________ Answer: 1924 FBQ18: _________________is the illegal movement of persons across international borders for profit Answer: Smuggling FBQ19: An instance where migrants cannot communicate with the people of their host country is a problem of_____________ Answer: language barrier FBQ20: Multiculturalism celebrates___________ Answer: Differences FBQ21: The theory of Assimilation was popularized by__________ Answer: Israel Zangwill FBQ22: _____________and pluralism are not opposites but can occur in a variety of combinations Answer: Assimilation FBQ23: The Amish is also called_______________ Answer: Pennsylvania Dutch FBQ24: ________________exists when groups have not acculturated and each maintains its own identity Answer: Cultural pluralism FBQ25: ICESCR means_______________ Answer: International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights FBQ26: Ravenstein’s Law of Migration dates back to______________ Answer: 1880s FBQ27: Temporary labour migrants are also known as_____________ Answer: guest workers or overseas contract workers FBQ28: A legal migrant who has overstayed his/her stay has become an_________ Answer: irregular immigrant FBQ29: In early 1990s, ethnic Germans migrated from _________to Germany Answer: Transsylvania FBQ30: Immigration policies in the countries of the New World during the first wave of globalization were the ______________ Answer: Liberal FBQ31: Immigration flow into Argentina lasted until the ____________ Answer: Mid-to-late 1940s FBQ32: For 179 years, Mexico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic were the main _______________source countries of immigrants to the United States Answer: Latin American FBQ33: ________________is a process in which formerly distinct and separate groups come to share a common culture and merge together socially Answer: Assimilation FBQ34: Under Anglo-Conformity, immigrants and minority groups are expected to adapt to _____________culture as a precondition to acceptance and access to better means of livelihood Answer: Anglo-American FBQ35: __________________ theory expresses the process in which different groups come together and contribute in roughly equal amounts to create a common culture and a new unique society Answer: Melting Pot MCQ1: The Movement of animal, human being including goods and services within a national political territory and across the national political boundary either by land, air or water is___________  Answer: Migration MCQ2: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________ is an example of internal Migration.   Answer: Nigeria south west to south East MCQ3: ­­­­­­­­­­­__________ identified common categorization of international migrants.  Answer: Castle (2000) MCQ4: A growing proportion of people who move for largely economic reasons are now classified as _____________  Answer: Highly skilled migrant MCQ5: According to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) there are _______ refuges worldwide  Answer: 9 million refugees MCQ6: According to Government estimates, in 2005 there were almost ________ visa out stayers in Australia alone. Answer: 50,000 MCQ7: The United Nations (UN) defines an international migrant a person who stays outside their usual country of residence at least ________  Answer: one year MCQ8: Which organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) migration expert identified several new types of flow in Europe? Answer: John Salt MCQ9: It has been established by the World Bank that migrant labour around the world earns ____________  Answer: US$20 trillion MCQ10: The first wave of Globalization was period between ________and ________ Answer: 1870 and 1913 MCQ11: During the first wave of Globalization in Latin America, the main destination country for migration from Europe was _________  Answer: Argentina MCQ12: ___________ inaugurated nearly 30 years of Economic instability and political turbulence , characterized by the first world war, high inflation in Europe in the 1920s.  Answer: 1914 MCQ13: According to Solimano (2002) reverse Migration from _______to _______ has become norm since the 1970s. Answer: Argentina to Italy MCQ14: In the 19th century, most of migrants to the United States were _______ Answer: Europeans MCQ15: ________ is a process in which formerly distinct and separate groups come to share a common culture and merge together socially. Answer: Assimilation MCQ16: ________ dominated much of the second half of the nineteenth century when the majority of the immigrant stock were from North Western Europe.  Answer: Anglo-conformity MCQ17: The Assimilation Theory developed by Chicago School is known as _____ Answer: Process theory MCQ18: There are _____ types of Assimilation Theory.  Answer: 5 MCQ19: ________ is a metaphor for describing the assimilation of immigrants into America culture. Answer: Melting pot theory MCQ20: ___________ theory suggests that there is unequal access to opportunities for immigrants and therefore retardation of immigrants incorporators into the mainstream. Answer: Segmented Labour Market MCQ21: _______ theory highlights cultural diversity as enrichment to the mainstream. Answer: Multiculturalism theory MCQ22: _______ and _______ are the two major traditional perspectives on assimilation. Answer: Robert park and Milton Gordon perspective MCQ23: ____________ argued that assimilation is inevitable in a democratic and industrial society. Answer: Robert Park MCQ24: According to one of the perspectives, intergroup relations go through a predictable set of phase called ___________ Answer: Race relation circle MCQ25: ____________, in his book Assimilation in American Life (1964) broke down the process of assimilation.  Answer: Gordon MCQ26: ___________ encompasses all aspects of the way of life associated with a group of people Answer: Culture MCQ27: It is common in sociology to separate the social structure into ____ and ________ sector. Answer: Primary and secondary MCQ28: Milton Gordon broke down the overall processes of assimilation into _____ sub processes.  Answer: 7 MCQ29: In Gordon theory, movement from ________ to _______ is the crucial step in the assimilation process. Answer: Acculturation of integration MCQ30: _________ exists when groups have not acculturated and each maintains its ability. Answer: Cultural pluralism MCQ31: A situation where cultural differences are minimal but the groups occupy different locations in the social structure is called _________ Answer: Structural pluralism MCQ32: The melting pot theory of assimilation was popularized by __________ Answer: Israel Zangwill MCQ33: _______ divides the waves of immigration primarily into several groups. Answer: Massey (1995) MCQ34: ________ is defined as a person fleeing prosecution or conflict and therefore seeking international protection under the 1951 refugee convention on the status of refugee. Answer: Asylum seeker MCQ35: ________ is an asylum seeker whose claim has been approved. Answer: Refugee