FBQ1: The introduction of contaminant into the natural environment is called ___ Answer: Pollution FBQ2: Man can survive for weeks without food and days without water but man cannot survive without ________ Answer: Air FBQ3: ________ is a colourless, odorless, tasteless and gasseous mixture Answer: Air FBQ4: ________ is the most common and abundant compound on earth Answer: Water FBQ5: Point and ________ are the two sources of water pollution Answer: Diffuse sources FBQ6: Water is driven in the hydrologic cycle by the energy of the ________ Answer: Sun FBQ7: The microbul lives that access environmental media to cause pollution is known as ________ Answer: Biological pollutant FBQ8: ________ is the most powerful factor that influence the evolution of soil Answer: Water FBQ9: ________ is the predominant form of pollution inside the home Answer: Air pollution FBQ10: ________ occurs when many nutrients are deposited into a body of water Answer: Eutrophication FBQ11: ________ is a gas that is form in trace amount in the bedrock and topsoil of the earth Answer: Radon FBQ12: ________ is a waste material that pollutes air, water or soil Answer: Pollutant FBQ13: The determinant of quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to a situation is ________ Answer: Risk assessment FBQ14: The full meaning of NHAPS is National ----- Activity Pattern Survey Answer: Human FBQ15: The ________ is the top and smallest zone in the ocean Answer: Sunlight FBQ16: ________ is the major kind of pollution in the Euphotic zone of the ocean Answer: Oil pollution FBQ17: Global warming result from the release of ________ into the atmosphere Answer: Greenhouse gases FBQ18: ________ is the unit used to measure noise pollution Answer: Decibel FBQ19: ________ is the technology applied or measure taken to reduce pollution on the environment Answer: Pollution abatment FBQ20: The situation whereby toxins pass through trophic levels and becomes more exponentially concentrated is ________ Answer: Biomagnification FBQ21: ________ remove nitrogen oxide from the air Answer: Rain FBQ22: Air pollution control strategies can be divided into Control of ------ emission Answer: Gaseous FBQ23: ________ is a disposal method in which solid organic wastes are subjected to combustion in order to reduce them to gaseous product Answer: Incineration FBQ24: The presence of pollutants in the air in dwelling places is ________ Answer: Indoor air pollution FBQ25: ________ is the pollutant that have little or no absorption capacity Answer: Stock pollutant FBQ26: The gas produced naturally during thunderstorms by electrical discharge is ________ Answer: Nitrogen oxide FBQ27: ________ groups of pollutants are not emitted directly but through the reaction of over pollutent Answer: Secondary pollutants FBQ28: ________ are the microorganisms and life forms that affect food stuff, water, air and soil Answer: Contaminants FBQ29: Primary pollutant and ________ are the major classification of pollutants Answer: Secondary pollutant FBQ30: ________ layer of the atmosphere contain 75% of the total gaseous mass of the atmosphere Answer: Troposphere FBQ31: ________ is described as the earth's' global sunscreen Answer: Stratosphere FBQ32: Water is made up of hydrogen and ________ element Answer: Oxygen FBQ33: 96% of the planets water can be found in the ________ Answer: Ocean FBQ34: ________ is described as the sojourn of man Answer: Soil FBQ35: The amount of exchangeable cations per unit weight of dry soil is ________ Answer: Cation exchange capacity MCQ1: The atmosphere is made up of ________ layers Answer: 5 MCQ2: Air pollution is classified into ________ based on origin Answer: 2 MCQ3: The layer of the atmosphere nearest to the earth is ________ Answer: Troposphere MCQ4: Which of the following is not a type of water pollution? Answer: Soil MCQ5: Nutrients are received by the root of plant through all the following except Answer: Transpitation MCQ6: The following are different trophic state except Answer: Themotrophic MCQ7: Eutrophication can take place in the following places except Answer: Land MCQ8: One of the following is not a source of indoor noise pollution Answer: Aeroplane MCQ9: Noise pollution can be reduced through the following except Answer: use of mass transport MCQ10: ________ is refers to the hearing level at which individuals begin to experience difficulty understanding speech Answer: Hearing impairment MCQ11: For a good nigth sleep, sound level should not exceed Answer: 30db MCQ12: In monitoring pollutant in water the followiing are used except Answer: Machine MCQ13: Heavy materials are given special consideration in monitoring activity due to Answer: Acute toxicity and destruction to ecosystem MCQ14: One of the following is the primary goal of moonitoring pollutant in food Answer: Pathoson MCQ15: The following are indicators of pollutants in food except Answer: Sweetness MCQ16: One of the following is not the steps in estimation of risk Answer: Mapping MCQ17: The following are contained in the time budget except Answer: Period MCQ18: One of the following is the effect of air pollution Answer: Cardic condition MCQ19: Another name for Euphotic zone of the ocean is Answer: Sunlight zone MCQ20: Very few creatures live in the midnight zone of the ocean because of Answer: Extreme pressure MCQ21: The following are greenhouse gases that cause global warming except Answer: Lead oxide MCQ22: The major source of groundwater and surface water pollution in the developing countries is Answer: Untreated sewage MCQ23: The following are water-borne disease of the tropical regions except Answer: Fever MCQ24: Noise pollution affects the following except Answer: Dance MCQ25: One of the following is a way organism in the community interact Answer: Food chain MCQ26: The following were the first American cities to enact law relating to clean air Answer: Chicago and Cincinnati MCQ27: The followng are forms of pollution except Answer: Engine pollution MCQ28: According to IPCC (2007) the primary cause of flobal warming since 1950 is Answer: Humans MCQ29: The process of reducing the release of pollutants into the environment is ________ Answer: Pollution control MCQ30: The collection, transport, disposal, processing and monitoring of waste materaials is ________ Answer: Waste management MCQ31: The following are sources of solid waste except Answer: Sewage wastes MCQ32: The reduce, re-use and recycle of waste in terms of waste minimisaton is ________ Answer: Waste hierarchy MCQ33: The following are the concept of waste management Answer: Waste heirarchy and polluter pays principles MCQ34: The following are method of waste disposal except ________ Answer: Waste management MCQ35: One of the following is a source of ozone pollutant Answer: Photocopying machine