MCQ1: According to functionalists, society is a self-contained system made of interconnected and _______________ parts Answer: interrelated MCQ2: ___________ theories proceed from the assumption that consensus exists in society Answer: Consensus MCQ3: In sociology, the two dominant views of law are the consensus/functionalist and the ______________ perspectives. Answer: Conflict MCQ4:  Generally, the sociology of law is concerned with the nature of law, its sources and _____________ Answer: Functions MCQ5: Sociology as an academic course of study emerged in the ____________ century Answer: Mid-twentieth MCQ6: In any successful military coup in Nigeria the first casualty is the ___________ which is immediately suspended  Answer: Constitution MCQ7: The military struck on 15th January ____________ in a coup d’état Answer: 1966 MCQ8: The 1960 independence constitution of Nigeria marked the beginning of-------------- rule Answer: Civil MCQ9: In colonial Nigeria the major sources of procedural laws were the ___________ for criminal procedure Answer: Criminal Procedure Act MCQ10: During the colonial period, the major source of law was the ------------ English law  Answer: received MCQ11: The Northern and Southern Protectorates of Nigeria were amalgamated ------------------ into one political unit called Nigeria   Answer: 1914 MCQ12: In 1861 King Dosunmu of Lagos signed a document called the __________ thereby formally ceding Lagos to the British Answer: Treaty of Cession MCQ13: The personnel of the Shariah legal system in the North were learned ______scholars Answer: Islamic MCQ14:  In pre-colonial Nigeria, the basic source of law in the Islamic part of the North was the Holy________ Answer: Koran(Qur’an) MCQ15: British colonial adventure began in Nigeria in _________ Answer: 1861 MCQ16:  The first and most seminal definition of law was given by __________ in 1915   Answer: A.V. Dicey MCQ17: The assertion , “your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins” was made popular by ______________ Answer: Lord Dennings MCQ18: If everyone is allowed to do anything in the name of freedom, society may slide into the _________ state of nature where life is short, nasty and brutish. Answer: Hobessian MCQ19: ______________ freedom is liberty to do what one wants to do within the limits imposed by law Answer: legal MCQ20: The ability to do what one wishes to do without restraint is called ____________ Answer: Freedom MCQ21: The requirements that one must hear the other side in a dispute and must not be a judge in his own case are fundamental principles of ________ justice Answer: Natural MCQ22: The element of force is absent in ___________ law Answer: International MCQ23: The idea that the state or the government is a product of an agreement between the governor and the governed best qualifies the _________ contract idea Answer: Social MCQ24: The force that is associated with law is that which is characterized by legitimacy and ____________ Answer: Authority MCQ25:  Dishonesty, living in sin, etc, are examples of ________________ Answer: immorality MCQ26: The notion of what is right or wrong is known as ____________ Answer: Morality MCQ27: The most dominant figure in the gafting of the sociological school is ___________ Answer: Roscoe Pound MCQ28: The argument that law is not unique but only one method of social control is credited to the ____________school of jurisprudence Answer: Sociological MCQ29: _________________ is the founding father of the historical school of jurisprudence Answer: Frederich Savigny MCQ30: The assertion that law is not just an abstract set of rules but an integral part of society ws espoused by the ______________ school of jurisprudence Answer: Historical MCQ31: According to Jeremy Bentham, a critical understanding of law that investigation s are carried into _____________ areas of law Answer: Eight MCQ32: The school of jurisprudence which asserts that natural law was unscientific, and dominated by untested and untestable philosophical speculation is the ______________________ school. Answer: Positivist MCQ33: The postulation that what is natural is that which is common to all mankind was made by _____________ Answer: Aristotle MCQ34: The major postulation of natural law theorists is that the good society is one in which laws____________ are harmonized with natural laws. Answer: Man-made MCQ35: In law, man-made laws are called ___________ laws Answer: Positive MCQ36: Another name for natural laws is ______________________ Answer: Higher or divine laws MCQ37: Marxist theorist argue that the manner of ownership of production divides society into two antagonistic classes called the capitalists and the _______________ Answer: Working class MCQ38: Another argument about law that what is needed in society is not law but education is credited to _________________ Answer: Plato MCQ39: The title of Hobbes’s book published in 1961 is ______________ Answer: The Leviathan MCQ40: According to ____________________ society without law is a very inevitable recipe for disaster Answer: Thomas Hobbes MCQ41: The assertion that man by nature is evil and the law is needed to keep his evil inclination in check was made by the _______________school of philosophy in China Answer: “Legist” MCQ42: Law performs ______________ functions Answer: Six MCQ43: ___________ laws prescribe procedures that must be followed in prosecuting offenders through the criminal justice system Answer: Procedural MCQ44: The staff strength of OSL company is Answer: 3000 guards MCQ45: The law governing conduct which is not punishable by the state is known as __________________ law Answer: Civil MCQ46: In law, those aspects of law dealing with offences that are punishable by the state fall under _____________ law Answer: criminal MCQ47: Law is classified into three major divisions: criminal and civil law; public and private law and ____________ and ______________ Answer: Substantive/procedural MCQ48: The definition of law as a rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him is credited to _________ Answer: John Austin MCQ49: The word sociology is a hybrid one coined by the acclaimed father of sociology called_____________ Answer: Auguste Comte MCQ50: The etymological meaning of sociology is derived from two words of Latin and Greek roots – Socius and _______________ Answer: Logus MCQ1: According to functionalists, society is a self-contained system made of interconnected and _______________ parts Answer: interrelated MCQ2: ___________ theories proceed from the assumption that consensus exists in society Answer: Consensus MCQ3: In sociology, the two dominant views of law are the consensus/functionalist and the ______________ perspectives. Answer: Conflict MCQ4:  Generally, the sociology of law is concerned with the nature of law, its sources and _____________ Answer: Functions MCQ5: Sociology as an academic course of study emerged in the ____________ century Answer: Mid-twentieth MCQ6: In any successful military coup in Nigeria the first casualty is the ___________ which is immediately suspended  Answer: Constitution MCQ7: The military struck on 15th January ____________ in a coup d’état Answer: 1966 MCQ8: The 1960 independence constitution of Nigeria marked the beginning of-------------- rule Answer: Civil MCQ9: In colonial Nigeria the major sources of procedural laws were the ___________ for criminal procedure Answer: Criminal Procedure Act MCQ10: During the colonial period, the major source of law was the ------------ English law  Answer: received MCQ11: The Northern and Southern Protectorates of Nigeria were amalgamated ------------------ into one political unit called Nigeria   Answer: 1914 MCQ12: In 1861 King Dosunmu of Lagos signed a document called the __________ thereby formally ceding Lagos to the British Answer: Treaty of Cession MCQ13: The personnel of the Shariah legal system in the North were learned ______scholars Answer: Islamic MCQ14:  In pre-colonial Nigeria, the basic source of law in the Islamic part of the North was the Holy________ Answer: Koran(Qur’an) MCQ15: British colonial adventure began in Nigeria in _________ Answer: 1861 MCQ16:  The first and most seminal definition of law was given by __________ in 1915   Answer: A.V. Dicey MCQ17: The assertion , “your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins” was made popular by ______________ Answer: Lord Dennings MCQ18: If everyone is allowed to do anything in the name of freedom, society may slide into the _________ state of nature where life is short, nasty and brutish. Answer: Hobessian MCQ19: ______________ freedom is liberty to do what one wants to do within the limits imposed by law Answer: legal MCQ20: The ability to do what one wishes to do without restraint is called ____________ Answer: Freedom MCQ21: The requirements that one must hear the other side in a dispute and must not be a judge in his own case are fundamental principles of ________ justice Answer: Natural MCQ22: The element of force is absent in ___________ law Answer: International MCQ23: The idea that the state or the government is a product of an agreement between the governor and the governed best qualifies the _________ contract idea Answer: Social MCQ24: The force that is associated with law is that which is characterized by legitimacy and ____________ Answer: Authority MCQ25:  Dishonesty, living in sin, etc, are examples of ________________ Answer: immorality MCQ26: The notion of what is right or wrong is known as ____________ Answer: Morality MCQ27: The most dominant figure in the gafting of the sociological school is ___________ Answer: Roscoe Pound MCQ28: The argument that law is not unique but only one method of social control is credited to the ____________school of jurisprudence Answer: Sociological MCQ29: _________________ is the founding father of the historical school of jurisprudence Answer: Frederich Savigny MCQ30: The assertion that law is not just an abstract set of rules but an integral part of society ws espoused by the ______________ school of jurisprudence Answer: Historical MCQ31: According to Jeremy Bentham, a critical understanding of law that investigation s are carried into _____________ areas of law Answer: Eight MCQ32: The school of jurisprudence which asserts that natural law was unscientific, and dominated by untested and untestable philosophical speculation is the ______________________ school. Answer: Positivist MCQ33: The postulation that what is natural is that which is common to all mankind was made by _____________ Answer: Aristotle MCQ34: The major postulation of natural law theorists is that the good society is one in which laws____________ are harmonized with natural laws. Answer: Man-made MCQ35: In law, man-made laws are called ___________ laws Answer: Positive MCQ36: Another name for natural laws is ______________________ Answer: Higher or divine laws MCQ37: Marxist theorist argue that the manner of ownership of production divides society into two antagonistic classes called the capitalists and the _______________ Answer: Working class MCQ38: Another argument about law that what is needed in society is not law but education is credited to _________________ Answer: Plato MCQ39: The title of Hobbes’s book published in 1961 is ______________ Answer: The Leviathan MCQ40: According to ____________________ society without law is a very inevitable recipe for disaster Answer: Thomas Hobbes MCQ41: The assertion that man by nature is evil and the law is needed to keep his evil inclination in check was made by the _______________school of philosophy in China Answer: “Legist” MCQ42: Law performs ______________ functions Answer: Six MCQ43: ___________ laws prescribe procedures that must be followed in prosecuting offenders through the criminal justice system Answer: Procedural MCQ44: The staff strength of OSL company is Answer: 3000 guards MCQ45: The law governing conduct which is not punishable by the state is known as __________________ law Answer: Civil MCQ46: In law, those aspects of law dealing with offences that are punishable by the state fall under _____________ law Answer: criminal MCQ47: Law is classified into three major divisions: criminal and civil law; public and private law and ____________ and ______________ Answer: Substantive/procedural MCQ48: The definition of law as a rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him is credited to _________ Answer: John Austin MCQ49: The word sociology is a hybrid one coined by the acclaimed father of sociology called_____________ Answer: Auguste Comte MCQ50: The etymological meaning of sociology is derived from two words of Latin and Greek roots – Socius and _______________ Answer: Logus FBQ1: The etymological meaning of sociology as the study of society is derived from two words of Latin and Greek origins – Socius and _______________ Answer: Logus FBQ2: Sociology is a hybrid word coined by the father of sociology, --------------- Answer: Auguste Comte FBQ3: The definition of law as a rule laid down for the guidance of an intelligent being by an intelligent being having power over him is credited to _________  Answer: John Austin FBQ4: Law is classified into three major divisions: criminal and civil law, public and private law and Substantive and _________ law Answer: procedural FBQ5: In law, those aspects of law dealing with offences or crimes that are punishable by the state fall under ___________ law. Answer: criminal FBQ6: The law governing conduct which is not punishable by the state is known as _______ law Answer: civil FBQ7: ________________ law refers to the bodies of law which define offences and prescribes penalties for violation Answer: Substantive FBQ8: ___________ laws prescribe procedures that must be followed in prosecuting offenders and other persons through the justice system Answer: Procedural FBQ9: Law performs _____ major functions Answer: Six FBQ10: The argument that man is by nature evil and the law is needed to keep his evil inclination in check is traceable to the _______ school of philosophy in China Answer: Legist FBQ11: According to _________ society without law is a veritable recipe for disaster Answer: Thomas Hobbes FBQ12: The view was contained in Hobbes book the _________ published in 1961 Answer: Leviathan FBQ13: The other aspect of the argument that what is needed in society is not law but education is credited to__________ Answer: Plato FBQ14: Marxist theorists argue that the manner of ownership of the means of production divides society into two antagonistic classes called the the capitalist (bourgeois) and the ________ Answer: Working class FBQ15: Another name for natural law is ________________ Answer: Higher law FBQ16: In law, man-made laws are called ____________ Answer: Positive laws FBQ17: The major postulation of natural law theorists is that the good society is one in which _____________ laws are harmonized with natural  Answer: Man-made FBQ18: The assertion that what is natural is that which is common to all mankind was coined by____________  Answer: Aristotle FBQ19: The school of jurisprudence which argued that natural law was unscientific and dominated by untested and untestable philosophical speculations is known as the ____________________ school Answer: Positivist school FBQ20: For Jeremy Bentham, a critical understanding of law requires that investigations are carried into ______________ areas of law. Answer: eight FBQ21: The argument that law is not just an abstract set of rules but an integral part of society is espoused by the _________ school of jurisprudence. Answer: historical FBQ22: ____________________ is the founding father of the historical school of jurisprudence. Answer: Frederich Savigny FBQ23: The argument that law is not unique but only one method of social control among others is linked to ____________school of jurisprudence Answer: Sociological FBQ24: The most dominant figure in the grafting of the sociological school is the American legal philosopher and law teacher called________________ Answer: Roscoe Pound FBQ25: The notion of what is right or wrong is called -------------- Answer: Morality FBQ26: Dishonesty, living in sin, etc, are examples of __________________ Answer: Immorality FBQ27: The force that is associated with law is characterized by legitimacy and __________ Answer: Authority FBQ28: The idea that the state or the government is a product of an agreement between the governor and the governed best describes ___________ contract idea. Answer: Social FBQ29: The element of force is absent in _____________ law Answer: International FBQ30: The requirements that one must hear the other side in a dispute and must not be a judge in his own case are fundamental principles in _______________ justice Answer: natural FBQ31: The ability to what one wishes to do without restraint is called_______________ Answer: freedom FBQ32: ________________________ freedom is liberty to what one wants to do within the limits of the law imposed by law. Answer: Legal FBQ33: If everyone is allowed to do anything in the name of freedom, society may degenerate into the ___________ state of nature where everyone is at war with everyone. Answer: Hobessian FBQ34: The assertion, “your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins” was made by the English law Lord_____________________ Answer: Lord Dennings FBQ35: The first and most seminal definition of rule of law was propounded by ________________ 1915. Answer: A.V. Dicey FBQ36: British colonial rule began in Nigeria in __________________ Answer: 1861 FBQ37: In pre-colonial Nigeria, the basic source of law in the Islamic part of the north was the Holy ________________ Answer: Koran FBQ38: The personnel of the Shariah legal system in the north were learned _______________scholars Answer: Islamic FBQ39: In 1861, King Dosunmu of Lagos signed a document called the __________ thereby formally ceding Lagos to the British. Answer: Treaty of Cession FBQ40: The Northern and Southern Protectorates of Nigeria were amalgamated in ___________ into one political unit called Nigeria Answer: 1914 FBQ41: The major source of law during the colonial period was the ___________ English law Answer: received FBQ42: The major sources of procedural laws in the colonial era were the _________________ for criminal procedure. Answer: Criminal Procedure Act FBQ43: The 1960 independence constitution of Nigeria marked the beginning of _____________ rule Answer: self FBQ44: On the 15th of January ____________ the military struck in a coup d’état Answer: 1966 FBQ45: One of the first casualties of a any successful military coup in Nigeria is the _________________ which is often suspended. Answer: constitution FBQ46: As an academic course of study, the emergence of law is put at __________________ century Answer: Mid-twentieth FBQ47: The sociology of law is concerned with the nature of law, its sources and ________________ Answer: functions FBQ48: The two dominant views of law in sociology are the consensus /functionalist and __________________ perspectives Answer: Conflict FBQ49: ________________ theories proceed from a fundamental assumption that consensus exists in society Answer: Consensus FBQ50: To functionalists, society is a self-contained system made up fo interconnected and ____________ Answer: Interrelated