Question FBQ1 : The system of man’s understanding of nature, society and thought is called ______
Answer: Science

Question FBQ2 : The English meaning of the Greek word theos is _______
Answer: God

Question FBQ3 : The problem of language in philosophy of religion stem from the fact that religious language is not _____
Answer: Factual

Question FBQ4 : Another name for theodicy is _____
Answer: Natural theology

Question FBQ5 : In Plato’s division of the soul, _____ represents the class of workers in the society
Answer: Appetite

Question FBQ6 : In the battle for supremacy between religion and science about the origin of the world, our best attitude is to assume that both of them are complementary. True or False­­­­­­­­­­?
Answer: True

Question FBQ7 : Karl Barth defined evil as ______
Answer: Nothingness

Question FBQ8 : _____ is the origin of the world theory that emphasises that the world was created ex-nihilo.
Answer: Creationism

Question FBQ9 : Our preoccupation with God is as a result of problem of man. True or False?
Answer: True

Question FBQ10 : Divine sufficiency is Leibnitz's problem that implicates God as the cause of evil in the world. True or False?
Answer: False

Question FBQ11 : ______ founded the Utilitarianism movement.
Answer: Jeremy Bentham

Question FBQ12 : The idea of Utilitarianism is different from the idea of consequentialism. True or False?
Answer: False

Question FBQ13 : In the big bang theory of the world’s origin _______ realities did not emerge as a direct consequence of the big bang.
Answer: Magnesium

Question FBQ14 : ___________ ushered in the modern period.
Answer: Enlightment

Question FBQ15 : To write an apology in defence of God is called ______.
Answer: Theodicy

Question FBQ16 : The acknowledged ancestral father of the Arabs is _______________
Answer: Abraham

Question FBQ17 : ______ is known for proposing the moral argument about the existence of God
Answer: Immanuel Kant

Question FBQ18 : The scientific evolution theory, which explains the creation of the world without a creature but an explosion is known as _________ theory.
Answer: Big bang

Question FBQ19 : God's invisibility means his none-existence is a position of the _____
Answer: Physicalist

Question FBQ20 : Whenever we describe God in human terms we are simply expressing His _________ nature
Answer: Anthropomorphic

Question FBQ21 : Marx and Feuerbach sees God as nothing but the projection of the best qualities in __
Answer: Man

Question FBQ22 : _____ considered the economic exploitation of man as the origin of religion.
Answer: Karl Marx

Question FBQ23 : Human beings desire for immortality is a way of showing their desire to become _____
Answer: God

Question FBQ24 : The idea of Anthropomorphism in the conception of God calls His Omnipresence into question. True or False?
Answer: True

Question FBQ25 : The idea of trinity implies “Three Gods. True or False?
Answer: False

Question FBQ26 : Kant's critique of the existence of God based on his idea of Causality can be regarded as a critique of the cosmological argument. True or False?
Answer: True

Question FBQ27 : The existence of mosquitoes, disasters and other evils questions God's _____ to human kind.
Answer: Love

Question FBQ28 : In some philosophers’ point of view, God does not need our worship because He Himself is ______.
Answer: Self-sufficient

Question FBQ29 : Someone who argues that God does not exist, one is regarded as _____________
Answer: An atheist

Question FBQ30 : ______ argues that God as that being to which nothing greater can be conceived.
Answer: Anslem

Question FBQ31 : ________ is the proponent of the idea that God is not bound by time and space.
Answer: Augustine

Question FBQ32 : ___________ conceived God as the Unmoved Mover
Answer: Aquinas

Question FBQ33 : According to Metaphysical atheism reality is homogeneous and cannot be divided. True or False _______
Answer: True

Question FBQ34 : According to ___ God does not know the world nor does he think of it.
Answer: Aristotle

Question FBQ35 : Agnosticism is a form of strong atheism. True or False?
Answer: False

Question MCQ1 : What is the point of agreement between the scientific and biblical account of origin of the world?
Answer: Temporality of origin of the world

Question MCQ2 : Whose theology derived from Platonism and Neo-Platonism?
Answer: Augustine

Question MCQ3 : What does the term “Ex-nihilo” depicts?
Answer: Nothing

Question MCQ4 : Whose philosophical method is described as everything is real when it tends to truthful activity and results?
Answer: Pragmatists

Question MCQ5 : Which of the following philosophers was looking for knowledge that can be certain and distinct as mathematical truths are?
Answer: Rene Descartes

Question MCQ6 : The discourse about God is known as
Answer: Theism

Question MCQ7 : How did Aristotle define philosophy?
Answer: Knowledge of truth

Question MCQ8 : Who first raised the questions about reality, cosmos and other fundamental matters that surrounds human existence?
Answer: Greeks

Question MCQ9 : In what is Man's thirst for God rooted?
Answer: Immortality

Question MCQ10 : Philosophy of religion is mainly concerned about belief in God, humans, language and ________.
Answer: Universe

Question MCQ11 : We need a rational proof of God's existence because his existence is not ________.
Answer: Self-evident

Question MCQ12 : In theodicy, what did theologians rely on to arrive at their conclusion?
Answer: Light of reason

Question MCQ13 : Who held that something can only be destroyed or perished by its inherence internal evil?
Answer: Plato

Question MCQ14 : A lover of knowledge and wisdom is known as
Answer: Philosopher

Question MCQ15 : How many parts is the Greek philosophy is divided into?
Answer: 2

Question MCQ16 : Who defended religion as an instrument that brings about positive change in the society?
Answer: Marx Webber

Question MCQ17 : The questions of how people ought to act is the concern of __________.
Answer: Ethics

Question MCQ18 : Which of these periods covers the industrial revolution of London?
Answer: 1750-1850

Question MCQ19 : Who first used the ontological arguments to prove the existence of God?
Answer: St Anslem

Question MCQ20 : The two philosophers that share similar view on the concept of man are
Answer: Plato and Descartes

Question MCQ21 : Who among the following asserts that the immortality of the soul cannot be proved with speculative or metaphysical argument?
Answer: Aristotle

Question MCQ22 : Which philosopher denies the immortality of the soul by his concept of man?
Answer: Aristotle

Question MCQ23 : Which of the following countries is regarded as the original home of philosophy?
Answer: Greece

Question MCQ24 : Which among the following is responsible for the industrial revolution in Western Europe?
Answer: Calvinism

Question MCQ25 : Which of the following theologians held that evil is something that has been vanquished or destroyed by God?
Answer: Karl Rainer

Question MCQ26 : Who among the following theologians claimed that “religion without science is blind, science without religion is lame”?
Answer: Albert Einstein

Question MCQ27 : Which of the following philosophers was a product of Socratic period?
Answer: Plato

Question MCQ28 : Which of the following is true about the beginning of philosophy as a discipline? 
Answer:   5th century BC - 4th century AD

Question MCQ29 : What is the creation account which held that God merely spoke and the creation came to be called?
Answer: Biblical account

Question MCQ30 : Who gave an illustration on the limited role of science in Aesthetics and metaphysics?
Answer: George Elias

Question MCQ31 : The description of philosophy as the oldest academic discipline or “the mother of all science” was given by
Answer: Omoregbe

Question MCQ32 : In which of the following city was Plato born?
Answer: Athens

Question MCQ33 : Who among the following gave a sociological interpretation of religion as a creation of the society?
Answer: Emil Dukhein

Question MCQ34 : Which of the followings is not an approach to the study of philosophy?
Answer: Feudalism

Question MCQ35 : Who is the Greek philosopher that gave meaning to the study of philosophy as a discipline?
Answer: Socrates