FBQ1:  According to Ozumba ethics is equivalent to _____ Answer: Moral FBQ2: The word ‘Nation’ refers to_____ Answer: People and state FBQ3: _____ is the message that characterised the writings of Amos, Hosea, Isaiah and Micah Answer: Social righteousness FBQ4: No nation can be a state unless it can exercise ____ over its own people Answer: Authority FBQ5: _____ is the appeal to the pursuit of virtue for virtue sake Answer: Stoicism FBQ6: The principle of ‘Duty ethics’ was propounded by_____ Answer: Kant FBQ7: The moral standard of Christendom is called _______ Answer: Christian ethics FBQ8: The quest for the highest values and self-fulfilment through seeking the good is called ___ Answer: Eros FBQ9: To the Hedonist human beings are _______ seeking pain avoidance Answer: Pleasure FBQ10: _____ ethics is among the great classical ethical system that it is regarded as the best but not part of the ethics of Jesus and New Testament Answer: Self-realization Ethics FBQ11: ________ is the philosophical thinking about morality. Answer: Ethics FBQ12: The word ‘Nation’ refers to_____ Answer: People and state FBQ13: ____ offers protection to its people and in turn demands obedience to its laws Answer: State FBQ14: The three aspect of Jesus’s culture that can stabilize and enhance progress in any other culture are ______, ___, and ____ Answer: Faith, Hope and Love FBQ15: That which tells human being how to avoid what Christians ought not to do is called ____. Answer: Christian ethics FBQ16: ____observed Jesus Christ as transcending culture but with some element of synthesis. Answer: Schleiermacher FBQ17: Culture is synonymous with____ Answer: Civilization FBQ18: ____ is an order of creation. Answer: Culture FBQ19: In the Bible ____ describes perfectly Christian virtues Answer: Beatitudes FBQ20: When a man love himself more than others, it holds a great implication for _____ rule Answer: Golden FBQ21: Brotherly love is nothing than ________. Answer: Obligation to everybody FBQ22: According to ______ sound body should house sound mind. Answer: Socrates FBQ23: The most basic and distinctive idea that regulated and served as a guide for the total religious and moral outlook of the Israelites in the Old Testament is_____ Answer: Covenant FBQ24: The key note in the life and teaching of Jesus with regard to man’s moral duty is found in ___ Answer: Obedient and love FBQ25: ______gave ethics its philosophical texture. Answer: Socrates FBQ26: _____ centres on the ethical insight of Jesus. Answer: Christian ethics FBQ27: ______ is an ethical principle that is consequentialist in its outlook. Answer: Utilitarianism FBQ28: Democracy attempt to secure for every man basic ______ Answer: Human rights FBQ29: Sinful and selfish defiance of rights of others leads to _____. Answer: Crime FBQ30: _____ is necessitated by sin. Answer: Coercion FBQ31: _______ is Christians SUPREME duty. Answer: To serve the Lord and provides for one’s house hold FBQ32: ___ kind of love is the basic and covering category of Christian ethics. Answer: Agape FBQ33: _____ sin, is a compounded of attitudes and acts contrary to the will of God. Answer: Social FBQ34: ‘Hate the sin but love the sinner’ is a way by which ____ sin can be combated. Answer: Social FBQ35: Philia, Eros and Agape are the three types of love that must be present in ____ Answer: Christian marriage. MCQ1: When did the struggle to coordinate Christian faith lasted? Answer: 20th century MCQ2: Jesus’ introduction of ascetic life nullifies Answer: Human culture MCQ3: Jesus introduced an ascetic and other worldly elements when He charged that human attention should be shifted away from the world to Answer: God MCQ4: Culture can be modified through human effort under the impact of Answer: Ideology MCQ5: What is the perennial problem of the Christians in the world? Answer: How to be a Christian MCQ6: “Eat, drink and be merry; for tomorrow we die” is the slogan of Answer: Epicurus MCQ7: The overbearing influence of sin over man can only be dealt with only through Answer: Christ’s redemptive work MCQ8: Every culture presupposes in some sense a Answer: Kingdom end MCQ9: Culture has the concern for Answer: Values MCQ10: Every culture is a product of Answer: Human Spirit MCQ11: Culture is distinctly a Answer: Social phenomenon MCQ12: Who rose from a very lowly and uncultured background to a very great height? Answer: Abraham Lincoln MCQ13: Man’s idea of right and wrong are greatly influenced by Answer: Group standard MCQ14: Which of the following is seen as an unusually slippery and ambiguous term? Answer: Culture MCQ15: In the Old Testament, whenever the King disobeyed, God usually command the prophet to Answer: Rebuke them MCQ16: The messages of the prophets in the Old Testament reckoned more with what problems in the New Testament? Answer: Social problem MCQ17: The existence of the law and the prophets in the Old Testament was the sign that Israelites leadership had both Answer: Civil and Religious authority MCQ18: Justice that is not derived from love of a person becomes Answer: Vindictive retribution MCQ19: The Christian ethics derived primarily from Jesus is directed at the preservation and growth of a right Answer: Social attitude MCQ20: Provision of social education is an example of one’s Answer: Social duty MCQ21: Jesus’ position on Christian faith with culture shows that Jesus is a transformer of Answer: Culture MCQ22: Man’s capacity for justice makes what possible? Answer: Democracy MCQ23: Which of the following can be regarded as both an ethical ideal and a form of political government? Answer: Democracy MCQ24: Relief of hunger and want as well as providing support for charitable homes, settlement houses are examples of Answer: Social services MCQ25: For the society to experience ordered structure, justice must precede Answer: Love MCQ26: What is just can only be determined through Answer: Social context MCQ27: What does justice in the family required? Answer: Adaptation to individual need MCQ28: On the idea of justice as ‘for every man his due’, the Christian still follows which philosopher’s assumption? Answer: Aristocratic assumption MCQ29: Who regarded women as an inferior group existing only for the earing of children? Answer: Aristotle MCQ30: The Christian history shows progress towards what conception of justice? Answer: Equalitarian justice MCQ31: Who defined justice as ‘giving every man his due’? Answer: Aristotle MCQ32: When a person has what he ought to have then, such situation can be described as Answer: Just MCQ33: Economic exploitation, political tyranny and racial discrimination are examples of Answer: Social sin MCQ34: Who are the custodians of the law in the Old Testament? Answer: Prophets MCQ35: What idea permeates the relationship between the Israelites and her God? Answer: Covenant