CHM102 In covalent bonding the formation of the bonds is usually accompanied by? Release of energy Bond dissociation energy and bond energy are the same only if? The molecule is diatomic What are the two factors that determine the shape of a molecule in covalent bonding? Bond length and bond angle The measure of angle between the atoms forming the bond to the same atom is called? Bond angle Bond length decreases with increase in _____of bond. Multiplicity Bond length decreases with increase in size of bonded_______ Atoms The chemical reactivity of an organic compound totally depends on ____. Bond length The structure which shows how various atoms are connected to each other is called? Lewis structure The formula CH3CH3 represents the ________for ethane. Condense structure Give the name of this compound. CH3(CH2)6CH3. Octane The condense formula for ethane is CH3CH3 while that of ethylene is? H2C=CH2 Who proposed the model of orbital hybridization? Pauline When molecules are formed it can be deduced that? All of the options. The number of hybrid orbitals generated is equal to the number of____ orbitals combined. True or false? Atomic The new orbitals formed in carbon and later interact with the orbitals of hydrogen to form? Hybrid orbitals The symbol SP3 hybrid simply means One S and three P orbitals interaction What type of hybridization is peculiar to ethylene? SP2 hybridization What is the bond angle between two SP3 hybrid orbitals? 109.5o What is the name of the bond formed between carbon and hydrogen (C─H)? Sigma bond What is the measure of the length of C─C bond? 154 pm The bond energy C─C is equivalent to? 348 Kjmo-1 Indicate the corresponding bond resulting from SP3, SP2 and SP hybridization Single bond, double bond and triple bond. Choose the correct option that best indicate the hybrid orbitals type, bond length and bond angle for methane. SP2, 134 pm and 120o Choose the correct option that best indicate the hybrid orbitals type, bond length and bond angle for acetylene? SP, 120 pm and 180o Grouping organic compounds base on their functional groups makes it easier to understand their_______? Chemical properties only -OH is a functional group for which organic compound? Alcohol What is the functional group of aldehyde? ─CHO What is the functional group of esters? RCOOR’ The hydrocarbons are broadly classified into___? Aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic Benzene is an example of which type of hydrocarbon? Aromatic hydrocarbon When a compound has a carbon-nitrogen single bond it is called? Amine When a compound has carbon-nitrogen double bond it is called? Imine When a compound has carbon-nitrogen triple bond it is called? Nitrile Depending on the number of alkyl group attached to the nitrogen atom, the amines are classified as? Primary, secondary and tertiary amines An alcohol in which the oxygen atom is replaced by a sulphur atom is called? Thiol Alkanes are also known as_________ *Paraffins* It is observed that under ordinary conditions alkanes are _________towards reagents such as acids, alkanes etc. *inert* __________is the major source of acyclic and cyclic alkanes *Petroleum* _______is thick, inflammable and usually dark viscous liquid *Petroleum* The _____of petroleum varies with its locality of its occurrence. *composition* __________ is found along with petroleum whose major components are methane and ethane. *natural gas* Separating the crude petroleum into useful components is called _______ *refining* Fractional distillation of petroleum separates the feed stoke into different fractions according to their differences in___________ *Boiling point* Crude petroleum is heated in the furnace at __________ *650 K* Each tray is provided with a ______ covered with a loose cap called bell cap *chimney* The _______boiling fractions condense in the lower portion of the tower *higher* The approximate carbon atoms contained in light petrol_________ *C5-C7* In Bergius process, the carbon rings in coal undergo _____ to give smaller fragments which are then hydrogenated to open chain and cyclic hydrocarbons. *fission* Water gas is a mixture of___________ *carbon monoxide and hydrogen* One of the catalyst mixture used in fischer-tropsch process is________ *cobalt* This water gas when hydrogenated and passed over a catalyst at ________ under 1-10 atm pressure yields crude oil *470-870 K* nCO + MH2 → _________ +H2O *Mixture of hydrocarbons* Another parameter for knowing good gasoline is through ____ *ocatane number* _______ is given an octane number of 100 *2,2,4-trimethylpentane* ______ is assign octane number 0 *n-heptane* Good quality motor fuels used in modern automobiles have octane number in the range of _________ *87-95* The use of ____________ as octane number enhancer is being curtailed for environmental reasons. *Tetraethyllead* In _______, fuel having a lower octane number is much more useful than those having a higher octane number. *diesel engine* Quality of diesel fuel is expressed in terms of a parameter called__________. *Cetane number* _______is given a cetane number 100 *Hexadecane* Good quality diesel fuel required for modern diesel engine has cetane number greater than __________ *45* Boiling point of a covalent substance depends upon the__________ forces. *intermolecular* The ___________ in a carbon chain with an odd number of carbon atoms lies on the same side whereas those in a carbon chain with an even number lie on the opposite side. *Terminal carbon atoms* The joining of the two alkyl groups from two molecules of alkyl halide with the lost of halogen occur in which method of preparation of alkanes. ___________ *wurtz* Preparation of alkanes from carboxylic acid is achieved by __________ method. *Kolbe’s electrolytic* Alkanes or cycloalkanes can be prepared by ____using platinum and palladium as a catalyst. *hydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons* In Sabatier senderen’s reaction method, the hydrogenation of alkanes takes place in the presence of ________catalyst. *Nikel* Alkylmagnesium halide is also called_______ *grignard reagent* Cyclopentanone is prepared from which salt_________. *barium adipate* When an alkene reacts with borane, addition to the carbon-carbon double bond takes place to yield an ___________ *organoborane*